Nightmare Attack

Chapter 838 Breathing (Happy New Year’s Eve!)

"After hanging up the phone, I was completely confused. The boss licked his white lips and said, "According to what they said, the person who sent the script had a car accident on the road. The script was not delivered at all, but the DM said that it had been received. The script, what happened, who gave it to her? "

"After I calmed down, I called DM. I already realized that something was wrong, so I didn't ask her about it immediately for fear of scaring her."

"After we had just chatted for a few words, the DM complained softly, saying that this script was so special, why didn't he inform her first so that she could be mentally prepared and so on."

"I suppressed my fear and asked her in a joking tone what the name of this script was, and she said she said." At this point, the boss's face turned livid, and his eyes seemed to bulge out.

"Rainy Night Murderer." Jiang Cheng said softly.

Hearing this, the boss's body trembled, and then he nodded sharply, "Yes, that's the name, but the script I originally ordered was not this, it was called Summer Heat, I remember it very clearly!"

"Who sent the script?" Xia Qiang sat next to the boss, looking at him with a pair of calm eyes, and his special temperament dispelled some of his fear.

The boss swallowed carefully and recalled in a low voice: "I also asked my DM, and she said she didn't see the person who sent the script, but she just received a message saying that the person who sent the script was here. Room 19."

"This room is No. 19. The boss looked at the closed door and whispered.

"There was a buzz in my head. Because the door of Room 19 was locked, how could I get in? I had told my employees before to tell them not to come around here, but" the boss seemed to have thought of something. Reminiscing painfully, he sighed and stopped talking.

"It seems that your DM also came in, and the same thing happened to her." Jiang Cheng said calmly on the side.

The boss nodded, "Absolutely. DM followed the information and came to room 19. According to her, the door was ajar at that time and the lock was missing. It was darker inside, but there wasn't any light at all. There is no such thing.”

"She opened the door and there was a large table inside, with longer sides so players could sit together."

"There is a desk lamp placed on the table. The desk lamp is covered with a green lampshade. The lamp is dimly lit, emitting a miserable green light."

"The scene in the whole room was very atmospheric, and it was obviously staged. My DM was very curious at the time and thought it was me who asked for it."

"The script was placed in a box on the long table. She walked over and opened the box curiously."

Before the boss finished speaking, Jiang Cheng suddenly interrupted: "What kind of box?"

In Jiang Cheng's impression, not long ago, he also received a box, which was given to him for safekeeping by a boy who looked like a junior high school student on that weird bus.

The tone and attitude of Jiang Cheng's question were quite abrupt. The boss was startled, but after he came to his senses, he recalled honestly: "It's probably about this big, a boxy box, and the workmanship is relatively exquisite. It’s just that the color scheme is not very nice, the black is grayish, and the dark red looks like blood, which makes it feel depressing after looking at it for a long time.”

"The box has the words "Rainy Night Murderer" written on it." He added.

His thoughts seemed to come together in an instant, and Jiang Cheng immediately realized that this box was the one the boy on the bus handed to him!

It turns out that the box contains a scenario game called Rainy Night Murderer!

The memories gradually extended, and Jiang Cheng remembered what the boy said on the bus: "I have a friend. She made a bet with me, saying that she could beat me in the game, but she lost. She was very scared."

There is nothing to be afraid of if you lose an ordinary game, but if you lose the game and you will be killed, that is a different matter.

And Jiang Cheng was almost certain that the friend the boy mentioned was "Wang Jie".

What's even more terrifying is that each of them may become Wang Jie if certain conditions are met!

When he got out of the car, he stepped on the air and opened the box in his hand. The next second, a blinding white light exploded in front of his eyes, swallowing him up instantly.

It must have been from that time that the Midnight Murder script was officially launched.

They are now in a world in a huge and strange script, and their current identities were all set in the script early in the morning.

After thinking about this, the strange feeling that always lingers around them, and the dullness in the eyes of passers-by, who are trapped in a fixed day and endure the reincarnation of time again and again, can all be explained.

Jiang Cheng still clearly remembered that before he was "forced" to pass out at night, there was an alarm sound, followed by a burst of dazzling white light!

If you think about it carefully, it's exactly the same as leaving the bus with an empty script box open.

Every time at a fixed time in the night, the script will restart, clearing and restoring everything in the world of the script, except for the memories of outsiders like them.

What a terrifying ability. This also gave Jiang Cheng a clearer understanding of the high-level disciples led by Xia Tan.

Feeling the gaze lingering on his face for a while, Jiang Cheng looked over and found that Xia Qiang was staring at him with an inexplicable look.

"Keep talking." Jiang Cheng ignored him and turned his head to look at his boss.

The boss took a long time this time before staring at them and asking hesitantly: "Who are you?"

In the boss's mind, these people are not like police officers. The police officers would not be so bored as to listen to his horror novel-like stories.

And from the faces of these people, the boss can be sure that they are serious.

"We can help you solve the matter in this room." Xia Qiang said in a very sure tone: "But the premise is that you cooperate with us, and you don't have to worry about anything. After the matter is resolved, we will help you deal with the aftermath. "

Xia Qiang looked pointedly at the other side of the corridor. They came from this way before, and there were police officers waiting for them outside.

The boss had no other option at the moment, but it seemed that he didn't have much trust in people like Jiangcheng Xia Qiang, and he was completely treating a dead horse as a live doctor.

After all, no matter how bad the situation is, it can't get much worse.

The boss clarified his thoughts and continued to recall: "DM told me at the time that she was reading the script alone in Room 19. The story setting in the script was very scary."

"She is not timid and has brought many horror books, but this time, she was really frightened. She even felt that the temperature around her had dropped a lot."

"She also specifically mentioned that when she was reading Ben, there was wind in the room, very cold wind, blowing along the back of her neck, as if someone was standing behind her, breathing !”

"Later she couldn't bear it anymore and ran out in a hurry before she finished reading."

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