Nightmare Attack

Chapter 827 Come on

"Mr. Jiang is right. This is our task. Xia Qiang turned to look at Zhou Tong and continued: "Zhou Tong, prepare yourself and draw lots, 9 people. "

"Brother Qiang, Mr. Lin and Miss Lin have never experienced anything like this. They"

Before Zhou Tong could finish his words, he was interrupted by Xia Qiang, "If Mr. Lin or Miss Lin really gets the draw, then one of us will take their place."

"Is this okay, Mr. Jiang?" Xia Qiang asked Jiang Cheng.

"Of course, you are free to choose." Jiang Cheng had no reason to object on this issue. All he wanted was fairness.

In other words, if the fat man gets the draw, he will choose to go instead of the fat man.

Otherwise, if you see this fat man again, he will really be a dead fat man.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng subconsciously glanced in the direction of the fat man. When his eyes swept over, he happened to catch Huai Yi's eyes.

Huaiyi looked at himself with a sad face, as if he had a lot to say to himself.

"Don't worry." Jiang Cheng said to Huaiyi.

Hearing this, Huaiyi's shoulders trembled, and he suddenly felt confident. It seemed that even if he got the fateful lottery, Brother Cheng would protect him and even face unknown dangers on his behalf.

His eyes were slightly red. Thinking of Jiang Cheng's care for him during this period, Huaiyi had mixed feelings for a moment. Before he could continue to touch himself, Jiang Cheng came over, patted his shoulder encouragingly, and pressed it hard again. Press, "I believe you can do it alone. After a pause, Jiang Cheng said, "Come on! "

Huaiyi: "???"

"Brother Huaiyi, you have to believe in yourself." Fatty was also encouraging him, "You are stronger than you think!"

"Captain Xia," a deep male voice sounded. Lin Muyun's face was full of seriousness and he looked at Xia Qiang, "If I get the lottery, I will definitely go. If Mu Wan gets the lottery, I will go for her." , I hope you won't stop me." A look of determination appeared in Lin Muyun's eyes, "Everyone's life is theirs, there is no distinction between them, you have already paid a huge price for us brothers and sisters."

"And I'm not as weak as you think. The Lin family's business is related to the Xia family and the night watchman, so I also know some of those weird things." Lin Muyun said this with a firm look in his eyes, as if he had been there very early. I made up my mind.

A blue notebook was lifted up, it was Lin Muwan, with the words "My brother and I are together" written on it, and a pair of beautiful eyes revealed stubbornness.

People like the Lin brothers and sisters, Xia Qiang, always have a headache.

"Time is tight, let's draw lots first." Jiang Cheng said. He looked at the office building in front of him and pursed his lips slightly.

He felt something was wrong, but he couldn't express it. This feeling made him a little irritable.

He tried to extract some useful information from Sister Wen, but failed. The other party was like a programmed robot, playing her role exactly as she was. She was a plump woman who was greedy for her own body, and she was also from Jiangcheng. Landlord, and funding to support your own company.

"Could it be that the opening method is wrong?" Jiang Cheng thought calmly, "Do I need to do something excessive before I can activate Sister Wen's new plot and get useful clues?"

Reluctant to let his child catch the wolf, Jiang Cheng felt cruel and recalled Sister Wen's figure in his mind. He felt that he needed to stand up and help his teammates open up the situation when necessary.

"Doctor." Seeing Jiang Cheng's eyes shining like a hungry wolf, the fat man didn't know why and asked in a low voice, "What are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing." Jiang Cheng said, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

The fat man really obeyed and kept silent, but based on his understanding of Jiangcheng, he already knew that he was probably going to cause trouble.

Zhou Tong pulled off a piece of paper from Lin Muchan's notebook, then folded it several times and tore it open to make 9 pieces of paper of the same size.

Then mark one of the slips of paper with a pen.

After simply rolling up the note, shake it a few times, spread it out and put it in the palm of your hand.

"Smoke it." Zhou Tong said.

There are 9 rolled-up pieces of paper. Just looking at them with your eyes, you can't tell which one has a mark on it.

When the fat man saw this, he eagerly wanted to be the first to lash out. At the same time, he also hinted with his eyes to Jiang Cheng to lash out too.

"Why are you anxious?" Jiang Cheng didn't quite understand.

"Doctor." The fat man lowered his voice and urged, "Hurry up and pump. This is called striking first. There is a high chance that you won't be able to get the first stroke."

"Really?" Huaiyi said with doubt on his face: "Brother Fugui, I haven't read a book, so don't lie to me."

"Don't listen to him." Jiang Cheng glanced at the two of them and said, "I study a lot, just listen to me."


Xia Qiang was the first to draw, followed by Jiang Cheng, Feng Jie, Fatty, and Yuan Xiaotian

After everyone had finished smoking and opened them together, Zhou Tong's face suddenly changed.

The marked piece of paper was in her hand.

Although he could feel her fear, there was not much panic. After about a few seconds, Zhou Tong raised his head, took a deep breath, and said, "It's in my hands, I'll go this time."

"Zhou Tong" Feng Jie couldn't help but speak, his brows knitted together.

"I'll go for you!" Yuan Xiaotian said quickly, reaching out to grab the note in Zhou Tong's hand, "Give me the note. I must go and see what the hell is that killed Mengyao. I To avenge her!"

"Calm down!" Xia Qiang said: "Xiaotian, this matter is not suitable for you to go. Fengjie, you go."

"I got it, Brother Qiang." Feng Jie didn't show any surprise, as if it was natural for him to do this kind of thing.

Jiang Cheng is not involved in the matter between them. His first priority is to ensure that the three people on his side can survive, and then he will provide some help to his teammates within his ability.

Judging from Feng Jie's performance, he must have played a role as a pathfinder in this team. The last time he was in Yourun Building, he was the first to go up and was responsible for contacting Team Leader Wu Bin, Zhang and others.

"Go up." With the result already in hand, Jiang Cheng turned around and walked towards the office building.

Sister Wen is still waiting for him.

Sure enough, not long after they entered the office building, they saw Sister Wen hurriedly coming down from the elevator. After seeing Jiang Cheng, she complained again like a coquettish person.

"Okay." Jiang Cheng walked up, put his arms around Sister Wen's waist, glanced meaningfully at the turbulence in front of Sister Wen, raised his eyebrows and said, "I will make it up to you."

Wen Yanwen sister immediately stopped complaining, "I have no one at home tonight."

"It's better that you come to my place." Jiang Cheng exhaled a breath of hot breath, which made Sister Wen's earlobes turn red. "After completing this order, I will close the company and stay with you. Do you think that's okay, Sister Wen?"

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