Nightmare Attack

Chapter 822 Breastplate

"Really those things?" Wu Bin didn't have much surprise on his face. It seemed that he had also thought of this, but he couldn't confirm it.

Xia Qiang raised his head and looked at Wu Bin and Team Leader Zhang, "Captain Wu, Team Leader Zhang, if necessary, I can cooperate with you in investigating this case."

Hearing this, Wu Bin's face turned from worry to joy, and he stretched out his hand to hold Xia Qiang's hand, "This is really great. With the help of you night watchmen, I feel more confident. To be honest with you, it's okay that the murderer is a human." , If those things are really the case, we really are"

Jiang Cheng didn't pay much attention to what Wu Bin said later, because the word "night watchman" was too harsh.

Fatty and Huaiyi's expressions changed instantly. If it weren't for the large number of people here and the complicated situation, they would probably have to take action first to control Xia Qiang and the man named Feng Jie.

Fatty and Huaiyi looked at Jiang Cheng, obviously asking what he meant.

Jiang Cheng gave them a calm look, and then looked at Feng Jie. Feng Jie was also looking at him. His left hand, which he had never taken out before, stretched out from his pocket. He held something like an ID in his hand and shook it. For a moment, he put it back in his pocket.

The certificate is small, completely black, and has a very eye-catching golden logo printed on it.

It's the night watchman's ID.

Jiang Cheng has seen it before.

Compared to the nervousness of Fatty and Huaiyi, Jiang Cheng relaxed after seeing the ID. He probably guessed what Feng Jie did.

As a member of the Xia family, it shouldn't be a big problem to get a few night watchman's certificates.

Moreover, people like Xia Qiang are performing an escort mission. At certain critical moments, it is also a good choice to disguise themselves as night watchmen.

For now, he doesn't think Xia Qiang and his group want to harm him.


A short exclamation interrupted Jiang Cheng's thoughts, and this exclamation actually came from the mature and steady Xia Qiang.

He suddenly took a step back, as if he had witnessed an unbelievable scene.

The head of the corpse was slightly tilted to one side. It was obviously Xia Qiang's doing. But even though the corpse's face was spattered with blood, Jiang Cheng could tell at a glance that it was not Wang Jie!


"Li Mengyao!" Feng Jie's face was uglier than death. The body lying on the ground was actually Li Mengyao, who had disappeared not long ago.

"Why is this happening?" Huai Yi also stared at Li Mengyao's face. At this time, Li Mengyao's eyes widened, as if she had seen an extremely terrifying scene before she died.

But Li Mengyao had just disappeared, no more than 2 hours at most, and this body had obviously been dead for a while. It must have been last night. What exactly was going on?

Seeing everyone's performance, Wu Bin and Team Leader Zhang looked strange, "Why, do you know this corpse? But her name is Wang Jie. We have checked her identity, so there should be no problem."

Xia Qiang's expression was well controlled. In just a few seconds, he changed back to the steady man. He raised his head and said in a solemn voice: "She is involved in a case we investigated before. It seems that using a false name.”

"Previous case" Team Leader Zhang frowned, but before he could continue to ask, Wu Bin patted his shoulder and gave him a look.

Team Leader Zhang immediately reacted that the night watchman had similar responsibilities to them, but the division of labor was different, and they had no right to intervene in the cases in which the night watchman was involved.

Wu Bin was obviously much more experienced than Team Leader Zhang and knew what to pay attention to when dealing with the night watchmen, so he didn't ask any more questions and just expressed his gratitude to Xia Qiang for his willingness to help.

Staring at the corpse on the ground, Jiang Cheng felt something strange in his heart. The corpse was that of the missing Li Mengyao. It was true. If you look closely, you could see that the figure matched. However, the clothes had been changed and replaced by Wang Jie's outfit. .

Wang Jie's outfit is relatively neutral, which is in line with the temperament of a white-collar worker in the workplace.

While Xia Qiang was communicating with the two police officers, Jiang Cheng noticed a bulge on the arm of the corpse, which could not be seen clearly because it was covered in blood.

He pretended to squat down, inspect the body, and quietly touched the bump.

With a gentle touch with his hand, Jiang Cheng immediately realized what it was.

Name badge.

It was the badge they had on every table before!

Moreover, Jiang Cheng clearly remembered that before Sister Wen left, she specifically asked them to remember to wear name badges before receiving customers, because this seemed more formal.

But this reason is obviously untenable, because the workmanship of the badge itself is extremely cheap.

Another point, why was Li Mengyao's entire body of clothes changed, but only her name tag remained?

Isn't this strange?

Putting these together, Jiang Cheng was certain that this humble badge was something like a prop in the mission.

As for its function, he didn't know yet.

During the process of removing the badge, there was an incident. Jiang Cheng's movements were a little too big, which attracted the attention of Team Leader Zhang.

But before Team Leader Zhang could take a closer look, Xia Qiang suddenly came over, said something to him, and at the same time blocked Team Leader Zhang's sight with his body.

By the time Team Leader Zhang reacted, Jiang Cheng had already stood up and listened to them as if nothing happened.

According to Wu Bin, the body was discovered in the early morning by a security guard who was patrolling the night. At that time, everyone was nearly scared to death.

It took a long time before I thought of calling the police.

The police arrived quickly and immediately cordoned off the scene. Because the crime occurred in the early hours of last night, there were no witnesses. The surveillance camera in the corridor on the 10th floor of the building was broken not long ago and had not had time to be repaired, so they could not provide much help.

But this reason is obviously untenable, because the workmanship of the badge itself is extremely cheap.

Another point, why was Li Mengyao's entire body of clothes changed, but only her name tag remained?

Isn't this strange?

Putting these together, Jiang Cheng was certain that this humble badge was something like a prop in the mission.

As for its function, he didn't know yet.

During the process of removing the name tag, there was an incident. Jiang Cheng's movements were a little too big, which attracted the attention of Team Leader Zhang.

But before Team Leader Zhang could take a closer look, Xia Qiang suddenly came over, said something to him, and at the same time blocked Team Leader Zhang's sight with his body.

By the time Team Leader Zhang reacted, Jiang Cheng had already stood up and listened to them as if nothing happened.

According to Wu Bin, the body was discovered in the early morning by a security guard who was patrolling the night. At that time, everyone was nearly scared to death.

It took a long time before I thought of calling the police.

The police arrived quickly and immediately cordoned off the scene. Because the crime occurred in the early hours of last night, there were no witnesses. The surveillance camera in the corridor on the 10th floor of the building was broken not long ago and had not had time to be repaired, so they could not provide much help.

The surveillance system in the corridor on the 10th floor of the building broke down not long ago and hasn't been repaired yet, so I can't provide much help.

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