Nightmare Attack

Chapter 816 Gift Box

The car was filled with fog, and except for a few nearby rows of seats, only some vague outlines were left in some places.

Because of their previous experience, they found a seat directly this time and sat down.

Just as Fatty was looking around nervously, the car door closed and the vehicle started moving.

The sound this old-fashioned bus makes when it starts is very strange. In addition to the hum of the engine and the friction of mechanical parts, it is also mixed with the helpless sobbing of a woman and the sound of an old man being stuck in his throat. Whimpering.

The sounds came from all directions, and it was impossible to pinpoint the location. Jiang Cheng even heard a burst of laughter from children.

Judging from the expressions of Fatty and Huaiyi, it was obvious that everyone had heard it.

This is a ghost car.

There are countless evil ghosts hiding in the car, and the ultimate goal of this car is to kill them all and stay in this car forever.




The three of them turned their heads almost at the same time and looked behind them. There was a hint of fear in Huai Yi's eyes. Something in the mist was coming towards them.

Slowly, a figure parted the fog like breaking through the water and walked out from inside.

He is a boy who looks like a junior high school student. He is wearing blue and white striped clothes, which are baggy and look like pajamas, but Jiang Cheng prefers hospital gowns.

The boy has a clean appearance, fair skin, and a slightly weak aura. There is nothing weird or threatening about him, which makes people feel relaxed.

But what was a little uncomfortable was that the boy's eyes were covered by thick bangs, and Jiang Cheng and the other three couldn't see the boy's eyes at all.

He held a square box in his hand that caught everyone's attention.

Slightly larger than a shoe box and very delicate, Huaiyi's first impression was that it was a gift for a girl.

Although they couldn't see the boy's eyes, the three of them were sure that the boy was looking at them through his bangs because they could feel the gaze.

Very strange feeling.

"Sir." The boy's lips opened slightly, "You are about to get off the car."

The fat man frowned. What kind of problem was this? If he didn't get off, would he have to stay on this bus for the rest of his life?

"Yes." Jiang Cheng stared at his bangs and nodded calmly, "It should be soon."

"Can you do me a favor?" the boy asked, his voice was very clean and in perfect harmony with his overall temperament.

If it were normal times, I would be able to help with such a favor, but on this bus

"Tell me what you are busy with first. Jiang Cheng's voice was simpler than his at the moment, "Our abilities are limited, and I'm afraid we might miss your business. "

"It's like this, I have a friend, she made a bet with me, saying that she can beat me in the game, but she lost, she was very scared, I wanted to comfort her, but I didn't know how to express it, so I thought Let you help me give this gift to her." The boy shook the box in his hand, and there was a "clattering" sound from inside.

Jiang Cheng pretended to think, and after a moment, he guided the boy with a tone of experience, "I think it's better for you to hand over the gift to her with your own hands. It can also better express your apology to her, and leave it to outsiders like us. It’s still a bit disrespectful to convey it, don’t you think?”

"You're right." The boy nodded slightly.

Hearing that Jiang Cheng had convinced the boy, Fatty and Huaiyi couldn't help but get excited. Now it seems that the boy is the same thing as the old woman last time. He came to deliver the task. If the task can't be carried out from the source, maybe it can really be done. avoid.

But the next second, the boy's face suddenly changed. Veins began to appear on his fair skin, and the hand holding the gift box began to tremble. With this hospital gown, the scene suddenly became extremely scary. people.

"Keke, I forgot her name." The boy's eyes hidden under his bangs shed tears of blood, and he suddenly growled in a low voice: "Damn it! Damn it all!"

Just a second before the situation was about to get out of control, Jiang Cheng immediately stood up and said loudly to the boy: "What a loving and righteous man, I helped you!"

Immediately afterwards, Fatty and Huaiyi's eyes widened. They saw that the boy stopped shaking immediately. After just a few seconds, the veins faded away and he turned back into the handsome boy with a delicate temperament. His speaking voice also became gentle, "Really. Yes? Thank you, sir, you are such a good man.”

Fatty Huaiyi: ""

Without taking the gift box rashly, Jiang Cheng asked, "But you don't know the name, how can we help you deliver the gift?"

This is a very real problem.

Unexpectedly, the boy raised the corner of his mouth and smiled faintly, "So you are worried about this, sir. What a coincidence, the stop where you got off the bus happened to be in the direction of her home, and don't worry, as long as you are enough Lucky for you, you will find her."

"That's right." Jiang Cheng took a deep breath.

Taking the time to glance at Fatty Huaiyi, I found that both of them had very bad expressions, as if they had foreseen terrible consequences.

Just when Jiang Cheng was wondering if he could get some more clues out of the boy's mouth, he suddenly felt that the car was obviously slowing down.

The car is slowing down, which means they are about to arrive at the stop.

Jiang Cheng reached out to take the gift box in the boy's hand, but the gift box seemed to have grown in the boy's hand and remained motionless, which made Jiang Cheng confused.

"Sir, you get off the car first." The boy said lightly: "The gift box is very important. I want to play with it for a while. When one of you finally gets off the car, I will give it to him."

The boy grinned a little, revealing his sharp teeth, "I'm worried about something unexpected happening."

Seeing this side of the boy, Jiang Cheng immediately retracted his hand and acted very cooperatively, "Okay, I'll do as you say."

After the car stopped and the door opened, Jiang Cheng let Fatty and Huaiyi get out of the car first, while he stayed at the end.

The boy held the gift box flat and handed it forward. Jiang Cheng followed the same posture as the boy and held the gift box flat.

The gift box was heavier than he thought. There seemed to be some pattern painted on it, but it was very blurry, as if there was something behind it and he couldn't see it clearly.

But he could distinguish the colors. Apart from the conspicuous red, most of them were gray to black. The overall tone was weird. Jiang Cheng couldn't imagine anything that needed to be packaged in such a box.

Just when Jiang Cheng was wondering if he could get some more clues out of the boy's mouth, he suddenly felt that the car was obviously slowing down.

The car is slowing down, which means they are about to arrive at the stop.

Jiang Cheng reached out to grab the gift box from the boy's hand, but the gift box seemed to have grown in the boy's hand and remained motionless, which made Jiang Cheng confused.

"Sir, you get off the car first." The boy said lightly: "The gift box is very important. I want to play with it for a while. When one of you finally gets off the car, I will give it to him."

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