Nightmare Attack

Chapter 808 Rescue

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

On time, Jiang Cheng took Fatty to the teahouse, followed the stairs on one side to the second floor of the teahouse, opened the door of the innermost private room, and Huaiyi was sitting inside.

Jiang Cheng turned around and closed the room door.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Fugui, you are here." Huaiyi stood up immediately, his expression revealing nervousness.

Jiang Cheng pulled out a chair, sat down, and nodded to Huai Yi, "Don't panic, tell me if you have anything to do."

Huaiyi quickly took out his laptop from the backpack behind him and entered a series of passwords skillfully.

"Come and see." He turned the computer so that the screen faced Fatty Jiangcheng.

The fat man blinked. This was the website that Huaiyi had taken on before. Last time, he remembered that Huaiyi said there was a problem with the website and all the contents had been cleared. But now

"Is the website back to normal?" Fatty asked, staring at the screen. He suddenly remembered that he had not received the reward from the last mission.

Feeling that the two of them had not realized the seriousness of the problem, Huaiyi said in a hurry: "The website has been restored, but the tasks inside have more than doubled than before, and new tasks are being released continuously."

As if to verify what he said, Huaiyi clicked the mouse twice, and the task interface refreshed. Sure enough, several new tasks popped up.

Jiang Cheng's brows slowly furrowed. Each task on the website represented a supernatural event that needed to be dealt with.

And with missions being released at this frequency, the biggest possibility Jiang Cheng could think of was that the situation was starting to get out of control and a large number of supernatural incidents broke out.

Thinking of the news that Lin Wan'er revealed to him, Jiang Cheng probably had some speculation in his mind.

The night watchman was aware of the plan of Lin Wan'er and her group, and was using this method to put pressure on the power behind Lin Wan'er.

In other words, it is to distract them and buy time for their own plans.

After all, currently, the most experienced and confident force in dealing with supernatural events and out-of-control disciples is the Night Watch.

At this juncture, if the country does not first think about how to quell the outbreak of supernatural incidents, but instead attacks the night watchmen, the criticism it will suffer is unimaginable.

"It was the night watchmen who did it." Jiang Cheng said: "They are allowing supernatural events to break out to buy time. It is not even ruled out that some of them were caused intentionally. They also released the news just to muddy the water."

Huaiyi didn't understand much of this, but he didn't care. He pursed his lips and said, "The most terrifying thing now is that many supernatural incidents occur in concentrated areas, and there are not so many people to solve them for the time being. If this continues, sooner or later, There's going to be big trouble."

"At present, the official channels can still suppress it, but the gossip outside is already flying all over the sky, and some people are spreading apocalyptic remarks in private, causing people to panic. After all, many people have actually seen it this time, not just hearsay.

"What's the news from the night watchman?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Is there any other news? Active rescue efforts, but it is said that the number and quality of the rescue forces dispatched are not as high as before, and the efficiency is also very low. Many of them are newcomers who have just joined the job." At this point, Huai Yi sighed and said, "I heard that the losses during the mission were quite heavy."

"In some big cities, several or even a dozen supernatural incidents broke out at the same time. The police canceled the vacation of all police officers and ordered them to be on standby at any time."

"I also saw someone posting a video on social networking sites, saying that the armed forces stationed nearby were also mobilized on a large scale and seemed to be involved in the rescue."

“But posts like this are quickly deleted,” Huaiyi said.

"By the way, there were also supernatural incidents in our Rongcheng city. There were more than one. Fortunately, the control was timely, so it didn't have a greater impact." Huaiyi introduced.

Jiang Cheng heard this and asked, "When did it happen?"

"Just last night." Huaiyi said, "It's on the website. I'll look for it for you."

Jiang Cheng thought for a moment, and it seemed that Rongcheng had indeed controlled this aspect very well. At least until now, he had not received any news about this, and people's lives were still peaceful.

"Found it." Huaiyi turned the computer horizontally, and several less eye-catching titles appeared on it.

"Code name: Early morning movie theater incident."

"Supernatural incident level: D level."

"Threat level: ☆☆☆"

"Codename: Morgue Singing Incident."

"Supernatural incident level: C level."

"Threat level: ☆☆☆"

"Codename: Julong Shopping Mall Window Model Incident."

"Supernatural incident level: D level."

"Threat level: ☆☆☆☆"

Jiang Cheng's vision changed when he saw the words "Julong Shopping Mall". This shopping mall is not far from here. In the morning, he heard Fatty say that the mall had posted notices that it was going to be renovated. There were police on duty nearby, and there was a breakfast street in the alley behind. Also closed.

He was still confused at that time, but he didn't expect that something happened there!

After the fat man saw it, he was stunned. It took him a long time to realize that he was passing by the mall this morning to buy breakfast.

Judging from the mission level alone, there is nothing particularly difficult. There is one C-level and two D-level. However, looking at the threat level, it is not so optimistic.

Huaiyi introduced before that the task level represents the difficulty of solving it, while the threat level represents the urgency of the supernatural event, or the degree of harm to the entire world.

It can also be seen from the code names of several tasks that they all broke out in places where the number of people was relatively concentrated.

The first one was in a movie theater, the second one was in a hospital, and the last one was in a shopping mall. I am afraid that so far, the three supernatural incidents have caused a lot of casualties.

"Open this mission." Jiang Cheng directed Huaiyi to open the shopping mall mission. He had already smelled the danger signal.

"Okay." Huaiyi exited the interface and re-entered the task. This time he finally opened it. The first thing that caught his eye was the photos inside Julong Shopping Mall.

Jiang Cheng took over the computer and scrolled down the page. There were about a dozen photos, all taken inside Julong Mall.

Looking at it, the fat man couldn't help but gasped.

Blood, blood everywhere, and broken corpses.

The necks of some corpses were twisted and deformed, as if their heads were turned 360 degrees by an irresistible force, and their eyes were wide open, as if they had seen an extremely horrific scene before they died.

Some people lost their legs, and the muscles at the break were twisted, as if they had been torn off.

The mall was completely like a scene of purgatory on earth. Fatty even doubted whether this was a mission or a real mall.

Window mannequins that should have been standing in clothing stores can be seen everywhere. Near these models, corpses are lying in various directions. Watch the movements. These people are frantically trying to escape from the models before they die.

Bright red blood splattered all over the model's body, like a demon crawling out of a pool of blood in hell.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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