Nightmare Attack

Vol 3 Chapter 224: Conceited (thanks to the leader of Munomette)

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Slightly stunned, Chen Ran raised his left arm, facing Jiang Cheng with a pair of eyes, and gestured with an exaggerated expression: "Brother Hao wouldn't say this, right?"

There was a neat wound on the lower forearm of Chen Ran's left arm.

It's not serious, it's about 4 to 5 centimeters long, with blood leaking from time to time. The bright and bright blood ran across the dusty and white skin, the contrast was very strong, and finally gathered on the fingertips and dripped to the ground.

But... the man in front of him has obviously lost the ability to resist and has become a lamb to be slaughtered.

Why... he won?

Suddenly, Chen Ran's pupils shrank suddenly, and then immediately looked at the flames in the middle of the room.

The flame was burning fiercely, and a faint smell filled the air.

"Heh," Chen Ran slowly lowered his arm. He squinted his eyes and looked at Jiang Cheng, who was baring his white teeth and the strange smile on his face was written on his face. He couldn't help sighing, "On the dagger. .....poisonous."

"Huh huh," Jiang Cheng looked at Chenran, who was still able to maintain his saneness, and soon he should let him do whatever he wanted, and smiled more and more abnormally, "The dagger is poisonous, but it was not made by me."

"It's Su Xiaoxiao."

"Yes," Jiang Cheng shrugged and continued: "She is not as stupid as you think. She can also see the mystery in this flame. The fuel contains a certain hallucinogenic ingredient."

"The only mistake she made was that she was too weak and she had to take care of her brother. If she could hurt you with a dagger, you would be the one who was thrown on the stone plate," Jiang Cheng said with a smile: "Good risk. Ah, Brother Dust."

There must be something to say about the flames in the lighthouse, otherwise the "things" in Blackstone Town would not be repeatedly emphasized.

After Liang Long disappeared, Jiang Cheng wanted to understand the mystery.

At the scene of Liang Long's disappearance, Jiang Cheng smelled a familiar smell.

That's right, it's the aroma produced by burning something like milky white grease in the lighthouse flame vessel.

They have already understood that this fragrance greatly slows down people's reactions and suppresses emotions.

If you guessed it correctly, Diplodocus secretly dug some out of the utensils. The purpose may be to take advantage of no one to study it. As a result, because she waited alone in the hall on the first floor at night and needed to start a fire, she took out some grease and used it as fuel.

Grease is extremely flame-resistant and can provide a lot of heat.

As a result, it was such a move, which, by chance, awakened the monster sleeping in the stone wall.

Thus leading to himself being killed.

In this way, the purpose of those guys in Blackstone Town who urged them to light the lighthouse is clear at a glance, to awaken the "kind" who have turned into stone sculptures.

Jiang Cheng guessed that Diplodocus just unblocked some monsters ahead of time by accidentally hitting it by mistake, and when they really waited until they lighted the lighthouse for a few days or even longer, then all the stone sculptures sleeping in the hall would recover.

In that case... they must be finished.

His body began to be paralyzed, and Chen Ran felt dizzy now even though his physical fitness was far superior to that of ordinary people.

The weird thing in the nightmare is really...

Chen Ran staggered back until he hit the wall behind him, then leaned back against the wall, slowly drew his body down, and fell to the ground.

He seems to want to struggle twice, but his body no longer allows him to do so.


A weird, sour sound came from his ears, and he tried his best to turn his head, dimly, he saw an unusually distorted, but extremely excited face.

The old woman stuck her head out of the gap, staring greedily at Chen Ran, who couldn't move.

It's like accumulating energy, more like waiting.

It's like a moth struggling desperately as a spider looks at it and crashes into the web.

The moment it stops struggling, it is its death date.


The old woman opened her mouth, her snake-like slender and scarlet tongue twirled around her blue-purple lips, and the weird and weird sound came from her throat.

It was like a dying old man with phlegm in his throat.

This sound is matched with the old woman's current expression, and it is undoubtedly a horror movie.

Jiang Cheng agrees with Chen Ran's guess. This person is very clever and clever. He is too conceited. If he comes up and directly picks out his own stabs, there will be no so many things.

As he said, this old woman is not one of the players, but a very special NPC.

The crisis in this mission comes from two sources.

On the one hand, it is external, it is the ghosts in Blackstone Town, but according to Jiangcheng's speculation, those ghosts cannot enter this building, and even... as long as they step into this building, they will petrify.

That's how the stone carvings in the hall on the first floor came from.

On the other hand, it is internal.

That is, the old woman who appeared as a "teammate".

According to the fat man, they were old women "picked up" at the beach.

If you think of the building as a safe house against the guys in Blackstone Town, then the old woman is a threat to hide in the safe house, otherwise once the matched player is courageous and will not stay behind closed doors.

Then the task duration will be lengthened.

If the nightmare is really being manipulated by someone or something, the sale is unreasonable.


The sudden sound of Chen Ran attracted Jiang Cheng's attention again.

"Brother Hao," his voice was weak, but the feeling of frivolousness remained the same, and his death was still in the light of calmness.

Chen Ran squinted his eyes, his chin could only be lifted a little because of his loss of strength, he chuckled and said, "Are you do you plan to use me?"


To other people, this may be just a madman's babbling, but Jiang Cheng doesn't think so. He thinks this Chenran is quite unusual, and he is a rare guy with a mode of thinking that is somewhat the same as his own.

In the case of Diplodocus and others, it is estimated that he will not beg for mercy at this moment, but he will definitely emphasize repeatedly that hurting his teammates in a nightmare is retribution. and Chen Xiaomeng.

"Will... borrow my hand to kill this **** old woman?" Chen Ran asked.

Jiang Cheng stroked his chin. Although the injury on his body was not fatal, as long as he moved, it hurt a lot.

"No, I won't bother you for such a cheap thing as murder, in case this is really the way to leave here." Jiang Cheng said: "Why don't you let Brother Chen escape?"

"I'm going to keep you here," after thinking about it, he added: "I want to keep yourself here. I need to verify some things."

Jiang Cheng had been observing the old woman. She seemed to be very interested in Chen Ran who had lost the ability to resist. The tongue that came out almost touched the latter's face.

But she never started, instead she kept glancing at herself with impatient eyes.

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