Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1528 Participating in the War

The fat man heard a buzzing sound in his head. Although he could not remember the face of No. 1, the pain of losing a loved one could not be faked. He was convinced that this person occupied a very important position in his lost memory. .

Jiang Cheng was silent. Nowadays, Crimson is almost in name only. No. 1, No. 4, and No. 5 died in battle one after another. No. 3 was stripped of his powers by the president and became a useless person. Almost everyone left was injured. , their combat effectiveness was reduced to ten percent. In the war with the Night Watchmen, they sacrificed everything and lost everything.

But the next second, No. 13 seemed to suddenly think of something, turned around, and carefully took out a hat.

The hat is not big, it is in the style of a cowboy, it looks casual and cheap, the kind that only children like.

When he saw the hat, the fat man's heart twitched violently. He remembered that this hat belonged to No. 2 and he never left it.

But now there was a big hole in the hat, and the hole was stained with blood.

"He is also dead on the 2nd, right?" Fatty was already desperate. He lost two relatives in such a short period of time. Such a blow was fatal to him, and the night watchman owed him two more blood debts.

No. 13 paused for a moment, then immediately grabbed the fat man who was about to faint, and quickly explained: "No. 10, No. 10, you misunderstood! Don't faint yet. This hat was left by No. 2. He was injured, but he is still alive." Still alive, No. 2 saw the hat was broken and became furious. Finally, he caught the blind guy and cut the man in two with the saw borrowed from him by No. 8.

Hearing that No. 2 was still alive, the fat man finally managed not to swallow his last breath. He waved his hands tremblingly, and was not in the mood to blame the child No. 13 for half-talking. In short, it's good that everything is fine.

Seeing that the situation had stabilized, Jiang Cheng looked at Lin Wan'er and said, "There is something I need you to check. This time we met a teammate. He claimed to be Lin Muwan's grandfather. He used the alias Zhang Qizheng during the mission and helped us a lot. It's a pity that I didn't make it out alive in the end. I need you to confirm whether there is such a person in the Lin family. If the situation is completely true, inform them of the news, and try your best to help the Lin family in this mess. "

Lin Wan'er nodded her chin, with no unnecessary expression on her face, "I will send someone to verify."

No. 13 glanced at Jiang Cheng with a stern look, and after a moment he pulled the fat man's sleeves and muttered in a low voice: "No. 10, go talk to Zero. It's not appropriate to come empty-handed now, right? There are people everywhere now, right? We're short of people. See if you can get Wu to come out and help. After all, we all have a good relationship.

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng corrected him seriously, "If I remembered correctly just now, you said that if you want to die, zero people will die."

No. 13 touched his head, his expression becoming more innocent, "Huh? Did I say such a thing? It's impossible. You must have remembered it wrong."

Having said that, help is still needed. Jiang Cheng's shadow slowly stood up from the ground. As Wu appeared, the temperature in the tent dropped, and No. 13, who was fighting with Jiang Cheng just now, did not dare to be too cautious. Too presumptuous.

Wu walked straight to the map. After looking at it for a few seconds, he turned to look at Lin Wan'er. He knew that this hidden woman was the supreme commander here.

Lin Wan'er came over and used a metal rod to point out the unindicated target on the map. "We have surrounded them all now, but the terrain in the mountain is complex, there are swamps and poisonous miasma. We tried sending people to hunt, but the After being ambushed by the opponent, a team of more than 30 disciples was dispersed. In the end, only four people came out alive, and No. 2 was injured by them. "

Those who can injure No. 2 are obviously not ordinary people. "Are all the people trapped in the mountain high-level disciples?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Not all, but the proportion is very high, and a few of them are very troublesome." No. 3, who had always remained silent, finally spoke, with a serious and cautious tone, "Similar to the candle bearer and the old scavenger, these are all veteran figures in the night watch. The strength is unfathomable. I fought against No. 8 and the Chief Judge Bingzhuren. We were no match for them, and the strength of Bingzhuren was especially superior to that of the Chief Judge. "

The presiding judge, Jiang Cheng, knew that he was responsible for the original ghost movie incident. Unfortunately, in the end, together with Spider-Woman and Weird, they were no match for Wu, and the door in his body was also accepted by Wu Xiao.

After a pause, No. 3 spoke again: "The Candle Bearer is a very special existence among the Night Watchmen. His ability is related to the will-o'-the-wisp in his hand. Pay special attention to the will-o'-the-wisp in his hand. It is said that that thing can open the door to the sky. Through the passage of the old president’s domain, many strange things were brought over.”

"There is also the old scavenger. This man is not famous among the night watchmen and is extremely low-key. No one has seen him take action in the past few decades. However, there is definite information that this man killed one against four many years ago. 4 other high-level disciples.”

"Judging from the information brought back by No. 2, this person's ability is related to picking up. He can copy the moves of those who have fought against him. Although he cannot bring out 100% of the opponent's strength, he has many moves that are difficult to guard against. ”

"In addition to the two of them, there are other high-level disciples. The knowledge accumulated by the Night Watchmen over the years is more terrifying than we imagined. However, because there is no information about these people at all, we know very little about the abilities they control. limited."

No. 3 couldn't help but sigh when he said this. The battle three days ago almost exhausted their blood and bones. The 30-odd disciples team that was put together was almost the strongest lineup they could bring out. Except for No. 2 and No. 8 who led the team, the rest were members of the Dark Army, or masters recruited by other families. But in the end, only No. 2, No. 8, and two others escaped alive.

Now the Crimson is in a miserable mess. Several people who are the face of the team are either dead or injured. Now, only No. 6 is left who is still strong, but No. 6 is not here. He and No. 7 were arranged by the master to go to another battlefield.

No. 13 noticed that Wu had not spoken, and he advised nervously: "Well... you don't have to worry too much, these people are very strong, but you will be fine if you are careful, and... and we will also support you from the periphery, you can slowly move in, we are not in a hurry, we have discussed it, we will send No. 8 to lead people to feint from another direction to help you attract firepower, and then you can quietly..." But the next second, No. 13 shut up, because he saw Wu slowly draw his sword, and then draw a line from top to bottom on the map, and then draw another line from left to right, forming a big cross.


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