Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1398 Sinking

The fat man was stunned when he heard this, and then a chill surged under his feet. Yes, the doctor was right, the Marquis of Zhennan who could kill such monsters in one battle was the truly terrifying guy!

In such an era without precision and heavy firepower, all Fatty could think of was that the disciples could deal with the disciples. Could it be that... Could it be that the Marquis of Zhennan also had an army composed entirely of disciples, or that the Marquis of Zhennan himself was a super strong man? Disciple, whose strength is superior to everyone in General Guo?

The questions he could think of were naturally thought of by several people in Jiangcheng, but Li Bai shook his head, "It's not like that. The book does not record any decent achievements of Zhennan Marquis. Apart from defeating General Guo, this is more like Occasionally, and to take a step back, if Zhennan Hou was really a top disciple with extraordinary strength, then he wouldn't be huddled in the Hou's mansion all day long, panicking all day long.

Li Bai and others still remembered that the Marquis of Zhennan had a strange illness that recurred shortly after entering the Marquis Mansion. Combined with the layout of the mansion, it is not difficult to guess that the Marquis of Zhennan had suffered a murderous ghost, fearing that it was the resentful spirit of General Guo and others. .

Although the cases are complicated and confusing, they all revolve around one center, that is, what happened on Spring God Lake that night many years ago?

From the dreams they encountered, as well as the water ghosts in the lotus pond described by the fat man Yao and Shun Yu, it is basically certain that General Guo and others were indeed buried in Spring God Lake. What they left here are all graves, and the real corpses should still be there. The stories told by old fishermen at the bottom of Spring God Lake can also confirm this point.

In the experience of the old fisherman, he heard the sound of hands tapping the bottom of the boat under the water. That should be the water ghost at the bottom of Spring God Lake, the wronged souls of General Guo and others.

It seems that they will have to visit Spring God Lake sooner or later.

Unfortunately, without finding the bodies, they could not determine the cause of death of General Guo and others. Whether they died of stab wounds, poisoning, or more directly, drowning.

With sharp eyes, the fat man discovered that there was a red cloth bag inside the coffin. The red color on the cloth bag was not very uniform, as if it was painted on later, and the background color should be white.

The fat man picked up the cloth bag. The bag was not very big. He shook it with his hand. There was a clattering sound from the collision of bamboo sticks inside. When he opened it, the fat man's eyes widened. There were wood chips inside, and the wood chips were also red. They were all made in the shape of command arrows. The more Fatty looked at them, the more familiar they became. Isn't this the death card inserted on the grave? But it has been shrunk many times.

Li Bai seemed to be used to the strange thing, and nodded to the fat man as if to reassure him, "Don't worry, this thing is harmless to us. It is similar to the lightning strike wooden death card outside. It only has an effect on the person in the coffin."

"What is this?" Hearing that it was harmless, the fat man didn't throw it out in a hurry. He looked curious.

"This is called the Soul Warning Order. It was created by some evil Taoist priests. It is a spell that harms the moral character. The outer bag is a white cloth bag, and then the blood from the tongue tip of the hanged person is smeared on the bag. It is said that this can make the thoughts go away. The spell to be told is given to Yin Zai. There are 18 command arrows in this bag, which correspond to the 18 types of death penalty in ancient times. "

"Lingchi, car-breaking, beheading, beheading, skinning, burning, cooking, disembowelment, disembowelment, shooting, drowning, strangulation, poisoning, burning, nailing the skull, burying alive, human consumption, and others."

After listening to Li Bai introduce 18 kinds of torture like a treasure trove, Fatty felt uncomfortable all over his body. Thanks to his magical ability of brainstorming, it seemed that he had experienced all these tortures in the time he spoke.

The fat man shrank his neck, "Then...then what is the use of this soul order?"

"When the ghosts who come to lure souls see this bag, they will read the article inside and regard this person as a heinous person. He will let this person's soul enter the underworld and be punished. The punishment method is extremely cruel. These 18 people must be punished. After experiencing all the tortures, it is said that most ghosts cannot endure it." Li Bai sighed slightly when he said this.

"What should I do if I can't bear it?" Fatty continued to ask.

"The soul is destroyed." Jiang Cheng took the words and directly closed the topic. Now is not the time for small talk.

The fat man fiddled with a command arrow in the bag. Who would have thought that these exquisitely crafted little things could be such sinister wrinkles. Sure enough, in this world, the most cruel thing is human beings.

Just as he was about to throw the Soul Order far away, the fat man suddenly discovered that the arrows inside did not seem to be the 18 that Li Bai said. He counted them carefully again. Yes, they were 17. They were missing. One.

Hearing the fat man calling her again, Li Bai took the bag and counted it carefully. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Yes, there are really 17 pieces. One soul-warning order is missing!"

Li Bai, who is well versed in this art, understands that although those evil Taoist priests who specialize in this art are sinister, their methods are very clever and they will never make such low-level mistakes.

Yao, Shun, and Yu from Jiangcheng also gathered here, but neither of them knew anything about the so-called soul-warning order. This thing was already unpopular, and Li Bai was only able to find it through a very senior senior. The senior taught it orally and face-to-face, so she memorized it.

But at this time, everyone clearly felt something unusual. Jiang Cheng walked back to General Guo's coffin. After rummaging around for a while, he also found a bag of Soul Orders from General Guo's armor. He poured it out and counted it. Sure enough, , also 17 pieces!

"Since there are 18 types of torture, there are only 17 left. What is the missing one?" Jiang Cheng looked at Li Bai and asked.

Li Bai was holding a command arrow and inspecting it carefully. Yao, Shun, and Yu took it and found that there were several talismans engraved at the end of the command arrow. Naturally, he couldn't understand it, but judging from Li Bai's appearance, she seemed to be able to read it. I understand a little bit, although it’s also very reluctant.

The fat man squatted next to Li Bai. He looked at Li Bai's rigorous look and couldn't help but feel envious in his heart. He had little knowledge and understood little, so he always suffered from being uneducated.

Soon, after careful checking, Li Bai finally found the missing command arrow, "It's... it's Shen Shui, the Shen Shui Token is missing!"

"What does the disappearance of the drowning order mean?" The fat man asked: "The soul of this corpse no longer needs to suffer the punishment of drowning?"

The fat man asked carefully. He didn't think those evil Taoist priests, especially the people from the Zhennan Hou Mansion who had hired those evil Taoist priests, would have such good intentions.

"I know, I know where the last command arrow is!" Li Bai excitedly threw away the rest of the command arrows in his hand, jumped into the coffin, and under everyone's gaze, dug his fingers into the wooden man's mouth, and then groped for a while. Soon, he took out an exquisite command arrow.

Needless to say, it is the last sinking order!

"These people all died in the flood!" Li Bai held the sinking order and said firmly: "It can't be wrong!"


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