Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1379 Clap your hands


This word stabbed the old fisherman hard like an awl. The gray-haired old man reacted faster than the old fisherman. After a few steps, he walked to the cabin door and examined it carefully by the light of the lantern. After a while, he couldn't help but take a breath.

When the old man turned back, his eyes were fixed on the body facing forward. The fear on his face could no longer be described in words. The thin man's pupils narrowed and he screamed, "The door... he opened the door! This body is alive!"

As soon as these words came out, the fear in everyone's hearts was instantly triggered, but the ship was so big, where could they escape to, guarding this strange corpse, and people were panicked for a while.

In the end, the old fisherman made a prompt decision, pulled a rope, and worked with the old man to tie the body and the wooden board under the body tightly together. During the process, the two of them were extremely nervous, fearing that the body would suddenly explode, or that His tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, but fortunately everything was fine.

From beginning to end, the corpse lay there calmly, just like an ordinary corpse. However, the uneasiness deep in the old fisherman's heart not only did not subside, but on the contrary became more intense. He had a premonition that something was going to happen.

After confirming that the body had been tied up, everyone exited the cabin and closed the door. The body was no longer visible, and everyone's emotions gradually calmed down.

"Everyone has seen the current situation. If you want to survive, you must figure out what is going on here."

As the backbone of everyone, the old man calms everyone's emotions. Whether they can leave here alive depends entirely on how they deal with it next.

The current situation is not optimistic. After all, none of the people before them came back alive. In other words, all those people's missions failed.

The bald man held the rope in one hand and suddenly asked: "Look, what is this?"

The rope is very long, twenty meters long, and a big stone is tied to the other end. This kind of thing is not uncommon for fishermen who often make a living by the water. It is used to measure the net when fishing in relatively unfamiliar waters. The water is deep, and if it is too shallow to the bottom of the lake, there is a risk that the fishing net will get hung up on rocks or broken trees at the bottom of the lake. They are all poor fishermen, and the fishing net is what they need to support their families.

But what was strange was not the rope, but the big stone tied to the rope. The bald man picked up the stone and showed everyone the other side of the stone.

The old fisherman who was nearest suddenly shrank his eyes. He saw that the stone was covered with a layer of black mud, and under the black mud, something red, like blood, was faintly exposed.

After wiping off the black mud, a strange red pattern appeared on the stone. The pattern was embedded in the cracks. After digging hard with his fingernails, some red things could be pulled off. The old man came closer and smelled it, and said with certainty: "It's cinnabar. "

Hearing this, everyone felt a little calm but felt uneasy. It is well known that cinnabar can ward off evil spirits. The more the old fisherman looked at the red patterns on the stones, the more mysterious they became, like the charms painted by Taoist priests in Taoist temples.

Suddenly, he suddenly recalled that when he first came out of the cave, he heard the conversation between the scar-faced man and another man. The seemingly fierce scar-faced man respected that man very much and called him the Celestial Master. .

This talisman was most likely drawn by the heavenly master.

The stone had obviously been thrown underwater, and the body in the cabin had just been recovered. He wouldn't believe it if there was no connection between them.

Staring at the red charm, the bald man tentatively said: "This stone looks like an object to ward off evil spirits, so... So there is something strange under the water, right?"

No one answered, this is an obvious question, and Spring God Lake is large and deep. There are countless legends handed down since ancient times. Even the most experienced fishermen are not willing to fish deep in the middle of the lake. It is said that there are water people living there. Master, if you disturb Master Shui's peace, you will be left behind by Master Shui and become a human being or a ghost.

Of course, the rumors are evil, but after all, no one has seen what Mr. Shui looks like. Some rumors change their taste as they are passed around, but it is true that no one dares to go fishing in the depths of the lake. It is not entirely true. Because of the fear of the mysterious and mysterious Master Shui, the water condition of Chunshen Lake is complicated. There are many undercurrents near the center of the lake, and the weather is even more changeable. The sky was clear just now, but in an instant, large dark clouds drifted over, and winds blew on the lake. The terrifying wind and waves were enough to overturn the fishing boats before they had time to return to the shore to take shelter.

Looking at the mist floating around them, the old fisherman had no idea for a moment, but he felt an invisible hand pulling them deeper into the mist.

In a daze, the old fisherman shuddered. He finally realized what the problem was. He lay on the edge of the boat and looked down. He saw the dark lake below. But that was not the most important thing. The boat was moving. And they walked very steadily, but no one had held the oar for a long time. After discovering the body, all their attention was attracted by the body.

The people present were all fishermen. After a while, everyone realized something was wrong. The boat was too stable. Under normal circumstances, the direction of the lake would not be so stable. It seemed like something was dragging them along.

"No, there's something under the water!" the old man exclaimed. He could drag their ship forward silently. The thing underwater wouldn't be small, it was definitely a big one. "Quick, put the water test stone." Throw it down!"

The timid man who was the least timid had his teeth chattering in fear, and his nervous voice changed, "Throw the stone down, aren't you afraid of disturbing the things below?"

The old fisherman reacted quickly and ignored him. He grabbed the water-testing stone and threw it away. With a "pop" sound, the water-testing stone fell into the water. The rope left on the boat was quickly pulled down, but everyone was shocked. Unexpectedly, after sinking for a short period of time, the rope suddenly stopped moving.

There was still a long rope left on the boat at this moment. The old fisherman estimated in his mind that the rope that fell down was only 7 or 8 meters at most. According to their current position, the depth from the bottom of the lake was obviously much more than that. In other words, The test stone hit something else.

Before everyone could recover, suddenly, a strange sound came from underwater, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" The sound was very muffled, suffocatingly muffled, as if someone was tapping the wooden board with their palms. .

No, that's not right, it's underwater... Something is hitting the boat underwater!

At this moment, several people on the boat turned pale with fear. Even the usually calm old fishermen and the old man had their feet weak. At this juncture, they did not dare to think about taking pictures of things on the boat underwater.

But the next second, everyone on the boat was stunned, because there was another slap, this time, coming from the cabin.

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