Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1339 Fire

In an instant, the entire village was lit up with fire, which was extremely eye-catching in the dark mountains. Jiang Cheng instantly thought of the previous story, where the group of bandits mysteriously disappeared into the village, only to suddenly appear in flames at night.


I don't know who's lips trembled and uttered these two words.

Indeed, the firelight in the cottage moved, slowly squirming like a living creature, first gathering together, and then forming two uneven rows, stiffly moving in one direction in a column.

Jiang Cheng didn't know what words to use to describe the current feeling. Eerie, strange, and stiff, each word seemed to have almost the same meaning. In short, these things in front of him were definitely not human beings, but more like monsters crawling out of some evil place.

But now, Jiang Cheng wants to know where these ghosts are going.

The other party didn't seem to notice them, but everyone knew that they were led here. Next, the other party would continue to attract them to their real destination tonight.

The fire light wavered, like a group of walking zombies without the ability to think, moving farther and farther away.

No. 13 saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. He lowered his voice and squeezed out from between his teeth, "What should we do? Let's talk about whether we should follow or not.

Before several people could answer, a rough man from behind came up and reminded in a trembling voice: "Mr. Luo, our communication with the previous team has been interrupted, and there is also a problem with the communication outside the mountain. The communication lines are full of unexplained noises.”

"Activate the backup line." Luo Yunshan's face was gloomy and he didn't look back.

The rough man swallowed his mouth and said with a hint of helplessness in his wary voice, "I tried it and changed three lines in succession, but they are all the same. The correspondent said that something should have interfered with it, and he was confirming the source of the interference. "

Jiang Cheng frowned and thought to himself that this investigation was futile. It must be related to these strange fires. These things were unwilling to let them leave, so they would naturally cut off their communication with the outside of the mountain.

"I'm afraid we can't leave now. I suggest we follow up and see what's going on." Jiang Cheng suggested.

Hearing this, the rough man's expression became more and more nervous, "Follow me."

"Yes, we have only one way to go. These things can attract us back to the mountain village without anyone noticing this time. Then it will be the same next time. We will not be able to get out of the mountain at all. No. 2 analyzed calmly.

"Yes, I agree. They must have experienced the situation we are facing. I want to see what these ghosts are doing." No. 13 had Lin Wan'er Luohe in mind, and his concern was beyond words, "And I I have recovered a lot now. If I encounter a serious crisis, I can use my abilities and I will do my best to ensure everyone’s safety. Please trust me.”

Although No. 13 looked like a child, his tone and attitude when he said these words were extremely serious, and the determination in his eyes impressed everyone even more.

As the apparent leader of the team, Luo Yunshan turned his head and looked at the man, "Just do as they say, notify them, everyone pack their equipment and set off lightly."

It could be seen that although the man was scared, he still carried out the order resolutely. Everyone did not dare to turn on the flashlight and could only use a little starlight to sneak carefully.

Fortunately, the firelight in front was very eye-catching in the dark night, so they didn't have to worry about losing their target. They left various marks as they walked. If they were wiped out, these would be the last clues.

The distance between the two teams before and after them is not very far. Apart from the sound of wind and other sounds, there is no breath of living things in the mountain. Under the cover of night, the whole mountain is completely different from the vitality during the day.

Darkness is like a line of life and death, separating day and night. After nightfall, there is another completely unspeakable world in the mountains.

Following that team, Jiang Cheng and others slowly noticed something was wrong. The opponent's speed didn't seem to be very fast, but it was actually moving slowly away from them, and as time went by, The opponent's progress is getting faster and faster, and the distance between the two is gradually getting wider.

"It's no longer possible. If we keep going like this, we will be thrown away sooner or later." No. 2's eyes brightened slightly, "Notify the people behind you to speed up. Don't use any useless weight in your backpack. Pack lightly and travel lightly."

The fat man looked at the embarrassed figures behind him and couldn't help but say: "No, we can do it faster, but their physical strength can no longer keep up. If this continues, someone will be left behind."

The rough man following behind was so tired that smoke was rising from his throat. This was a mountain road, and the road conditions were complicated. Counting the afternoon, they had been trekking in the mountains for 6 or 7 hours. Even their iron-clad bodies couldn't bear it anymore. , after hearing the fat man's words, he immediately said: "Why don't we do this? The action cannot be delayed. You go first. I will lead the team to take in the brothers who can't walk. I guarantee that no one will be left behind."

"How can that be done? Where is this place? Once we are separated, what will happen to you?"

The fat man stopped talking here and did not continue, but everyone understood that this separation would probably be a farewell forever. Without them, these people would be nothing but lambs to be slaughtered when encountering a crisis in the mountains. Even if these people There are also disciples among people.

"That's right, we can't separate." Jiang Cheng seemed to realize something at this moment, and his expression changed accordingly, "Have you ever thought about what the other party's purpose is?"

"Aren't you going to lead us somewhere?" Fatty asked casually.

"Yes, but have you ever thought about it? If they just want to lure us over, why are these guys walking so fast? Aren't they worried that we can't keep up?" Jiang Cheng asked back.

Luo Yunshan nodded, seemingly understanding Jiang Cheng's meaning, "These guys want to drag us down, let us disperse, and then defeat them one by one."

"Yes, that's the reason."

After thinking about this clearly, Jiang Cheng and others slowed down. In their imagination, these guys in front were just baits, and it seemed that they were about to throw them away, but in fact it was just a deliberate illusion, so the other party was reluctant to give up their big fish.

But to everyone's surprise, they were slapped in the face soon. The team in front walked faster and faster, and didn't indulge them at all, until they completely disappeared from sight.

Now everyone was confused. The situation was completely different from what they thought. Now all the equipment in their hands failed. The compass needle kept spinning. They were not sure where this place was. Looking around, the mountains were high and the forests were dense. Jiang Cheng suddenly felt a sense of fear that he and his people had been completely forgotten by people outside the mountain.

The next second, his peripheral vision seemed to discover something, and Tong Kong began to shake violently.

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