Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1286 Women carry the coffin

An elegant and upright voice came, "Young friend Jiang is absolutely right, so tonight we need to dress up and cover our faces with paper to hide our identities.

Yuan Shanyuan looked here with a smile. This old guy looked quite old, but he didn't expect that he could hear their conversation clearly from such a distance because of his sharp ears and eyes.

"Also, this coffin is not ordinary. If I am not mistaken, it is also something that came out of the tomb of the bloody corpse, and it is of higher quality than the coffin that accompanied the burial of the eldest young master."

"Although this coffin is of evil origin, in a sense, it is also a rare treasure."

After listening to Yuan Shanyuan's words, Li Bai, who was standing next to the coffin, seemed to realize the seriousness of the problem. She leaned down and stared at the edge of the coffin inch by inch. Sure enough, she found some inconspicuous scratches on it, like ropes. Residual from repeated friction.

Luo Tianhe squinted his eyes and couldn't help but nod in praise, "Miss Li Bai is indeed amazing. I haven't seen many young people with such insight. You are right, this is indeed a life-long coffin."

As soon as the words "hanging a longevity coffin" came out of his mouth, the fat man suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart. He clearly felt that something had changed nearby, but he couldn't find it.

"A hanging coffin..."

I don’t know whether he was showing off intentionally or whether he had already dug a hole and was waiting for Jiang Cheng and the others to jump in. Luo Tianhe was so kind as to explain the origin of this coffin to everyone.

"The method of making a longevity coffin has long been lost. I have only heard about it. It is said that this kind of coffin cannot touch the ground since it is completed. It needs to be hung high with ropes, or some special things must be used to place it on the ground. The four corners of the coffin are raised to isolate the air. This process is also called raising the coffin."

"This is a long process. Only a coffin that has been cultivated can be called a true longevity coffin, and its ability is also very strange."

After a pause, Luo Tianhe's voice became cautious, "It can hold the last breath of a dying person. If the opportunity allows, it can even eliminate disasters, cure diseases, and bring the dead back to life."

"It is precisely because of this that it has another name..."

"Life-locking coffin."

Luo Tianhe looked at Li Bai, who was turning blue, and didn't care about the other person interrupting him. He just nodded. Judging from their attitudes, both of them were quite taboo about this so-called hanging coffin.

"It is said that the old man who has reached his deathbed will take out the coffin that night, and then his relatives will put the old man into the coffin. The lid of the coffin will be closed but not sealed. The eight immortals who have dressed up will be waiting aside to carry the coffin to the funeral ceremony in the morning. The old man chose the good cemetery.”

"As long as we can carry the old man to the cemetery smoothly, stay there for two hours, and carry him back before dawn, this calamity will be considered safe and sound.

"The moment the coffin returns to the home, it also means that the old man is reborn."

"It is said that all this trouble is to use the yin energy cultivated by the hanging coffin for many years to cover up the remaining half of the yang energy of the old man, so as to conceal the truth and create the illusion that the old man is dead."

"But this kind of thing has been parked in the Wu Mansion for more than a day or two. Doesn't Mr. Wu know about it? Or...or this was simply prepared by Mr. Wu. He prepared it for himself!"

The more the fat man spoke, the more certain he became. A man of Mr. Wu's temperament would not leave a way out for him. Once the deadline was approaching, this coffin would come in handy.

Yuan Shanyuan motioned the fat man to look at the coffin in front of him with his eyes, and said with a deep meaning: "Young friend Wang, look, we have followed Master Wu's wishes and put him in this coffin."

Suddenly, a chill shot up from the ground, instantly penetrated the fat man's feet, and then went all the way up his legs, reaching Tianling Gai, as if his blood vessels were filled with ice, and he felt like he was trapped in a huge whirlpool. , despite going through countless hardships, it is still getting deeper and deeper, and at the center of the whirlpool is Master Wu, who has been dead for a long time.

The other party seems to have predicted his death a long time ago. Now everything in the Wu family seems to be a trap. Mr. Wu deliberately did it in order to wait until today and use outsiders like them to resurrect him.

Even...even prepared this coffin for them in advance.

The more the fat man thought about it, the more frightened he became. This feeling of being played by a dead man in the palm of his hand was the most despairing. Compared with Mr. Wu, their so-called calculations were like a child's game.

Until a hand was placed on his shoulder, the doctor's voice sounded, "Don't think so wildly. Mr. Yuan was just joking with you. Mr. Wu is not that cool."

"Even if this coffin can really bring people back to life, the person who comes to life cannot be Master Wu, he is just a ghost who borrowed Master Wu's body."

"Am I right, Mr. Yuan?"

Yuan Shanyuan smiled and said nothing. He originally said it casually, with the purpose of leading everyone into inexplicable panic, and then facilitating his next actions, even if he asked him to provide evidence, he could not produce it.

Mr. Wu’s methods are true, but Potian is just a wealthy businessman in the town. He has some knowledge of the art of yin and yang, and he got some funerary objects from the blood corpse tomb through some unknown channels. Various conditions Together, he cobbled together a technique to breed babies, and managed to survive for 20 years. But if he could single-handedly direct himself to fake his own death and plan for his own rebirth after death, he could still count on "visitors from outside" like them. When he came here and accidentally helped him, he was really looking down on him.

Here, Jiang Cheng and Yuan Shanyuan are fighting. On the other side, Luo Tianhe, Li Bai and Laifu have finalized what they need to prepare tonight. "We have paper masks in the Wu Mansion. They are in the warehouse. They are the same people who prayed, sang and danced before." I’ll leave it for you, masters, to see if you can use it.”

After saying that, Laifu ran away, and not long after, he ran back again. At this time, he was followed by several panting young people, each holding a large box in his hand.

There are a total of 7 boxes. After opening them one by one, they are full of messy things, all related to rituals. Not only are there masks, there are also all kinds of strange clothes that cannot be named, and there are also a few boxes with feathers and women tied on them. The stick in the hair looks not only un dignified, but also a little weird.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the box, everyone immediately started looking for the mask. Although the mask was painted strangely, you could still tell the difference between male and female from the eyebrows. Naturally, you had to wear a male mask when you were pretending to be the Eight Immortals carrying the coffin tonight.

Worried that there were not enough masks, the fat man moved quickly. He first snatched a male mask from the doctor, and then grabbed one for himself, not forgetting Yao, Shunyu and Li Bai.

But when the fat man rummaged through the boxes and grabbed enough masks for four people, before he could take a breath, a suppressed voice came from behind him.

"Tonight we pretend to be women and carry the coffin upside down."

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