Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1252 Fetus Corpse

Naturally, everyone knew the rules. After a brief visit to the tomb of Old Man Wei's daughter-in-law, Luo Tianhe took out a few silver coins and threw them into the sky. After the silver coins fell to the ground, a surprising scene appeared. Several silver coins actually stood up. ɱ

Luo Tianhe threw the tools he carried to everyone, and warned at the same time, "Be careful, avoid the spots where the silver coins are erected, dig slowly from the outside in, and don't move until you reach the coffin. I will open the museum."

As soon as he finished speaking, he swung a hatchet and chopped off the wooden sign standing in front of the tomb.

Jiang Cheng has heard about this before. It is said that when opening some rather evil tombs, in order to prevent accidents, one must first find someone to restrain the owner of the tomb. The usual method is to smash the tombstone of the other party with a hammer, or to kill the tombstone with a knife. Breaking, this process is also called breaking the tomb, and what is broken is the evil spirit of the tomb owner.

If it is suppressed, naturally everything will go smoothly next. On the contrary, if it is not suppressed, not to mention the things in the tomb cannot be taken away, the person who comes to break the tomb will be in bad luck, and the end will usually be very bad. Ugly.

Therefore, those who dare to take on this kind of work are either masters in the Feng Shui industry or butchers who pride themselves on having strong horoscopes. It is easy to distinguish between broken and unbroken. They can break other people's stone monuments with a hammer, or break wooden signs. Even if it is done, the evil spirit of the tomb owner has been suppressed, but if it is the other way around, and the stone tablet or wooden sign is safe, then go home in advance to clean up and prepare for the funeral. Within three to five days, disaster will naturally come to your door.

And Luo Tianhe's Taoism was fully revealed at this moment. He raised the knife in his hand and cut the wooden sign with one knife, cleanly and neatly. Seeing this scene, everyone felt confident.

Under the command of Luo Tianhe, everyone started digging with the tools they brought. The coffin was buried much deeper than everyone imagined. In addition, the soil in the mountain was wet, and several people were in a miserable condition.

As the fat man raised the hoe and dug downwards, the tip of the hoe hit the hard object, making a loud "winter" sound, which sounded a little hollow.

"Dig it!" Li Bai cleaned up the soil as quickly as possible. A dark coffin appeared in front of everyone, and in the middle of the coffin lid, a hoe was inserted.

The fat man panicked and wanted to pull out the hoe, but he inserted it too tightly. He tried twice without success. He did not dare to use too much force for fear of prying the coffin lid open.

Feeling the complicated gazes of everyone, the fat man swallowed, took two steps back, and then pointed at the hoe carefully, "This... this is nothing serious, I didn't mean it."

Luo Tianhe took a deep breath and waved his hand, "Don't worry about it. Everyone, please move away. Mr. Yuan and Bai Yu, please stay."

After everyone exited the pit and cleared the surrounding space, Luo Tianhe and Yuan Shanyuan used tools to find the right position and pulled out the deeply wedged coffin nails one by one.

Now everyone saw that something was wrong. Each of these coffin nails was several inches long, and they seemed to have been soaked in blood before being driven into the coffin. A bright red color that was definitely not rust appeared on them, which looked very eye-catching.

After pulling out the coffin nails, all that was left was to open the coffin. Luotianhe Bai, Yuan Shanyuan each stood in a position. The three of them grabbed the coffin board with their hands and exerted force almost at the same time, causing the coffin board to flip to one side.

As the scene inside the coffin came into view, everyone's expressions changed, and Lin Qianqian even gasped.

I saw an extremely twisted corpse in the coffin. The corpse had already rotted, and a thick stench penetrated everyone's nostrils like crazy.

What's even more terrifying is that the corpse's hand was hooked into a claw-like shape, and the ten fingers were broken off in an indescribable way. The remaining flesh could only barely cover the palm, and the white bones were exposed at the fingertips.

The face of the corpse was rotten to the point of revealing pale white bones. The mouth was opened wide, as if it was roaring. The long hair was randomly covering the face and head, mixed with the rotten meat. There were many scratches inside the coffin. The traces are shocking.

"She was buried alive." Jiang Cheng looked down at the twisted corpse. Based on the tragic scene inside the coffin, it was very easy to judge.

Staring at the corpse's wide-open mouth, with its black hole, Fatty felt an extremely horrifying feeling in his heart. He actually detected a familiar smell from the corpse, as if... they had met not long ago.

It''s those female ghosts blocking the road!

"The Wu family used some kind of medicine to cause people to fake death, that is, pregnant women, under the pretext of seeing a doctor. Then they knew that the families of the deceased felt that the bodies of pregnant women were unlucky and unwilling to restrain themselves, so they took the opportunity to help these poor families bury these pregnant women."

"So when these pregnant women woke up, they were already in coffins, and they were buried deep underground, in the middle of nowhere in the mountains."

"In panic, they shouted for help and scratched the coffin frantically with their hands, but all of this was useless. They only accelerated the oxygen depletion. As the oxygen was depleted, they suffocated to death in the coffin. Of course, some Some people may not be able to hold on until that time, and they will be scared to death.”

Jiang Cheng's words were reasonable and well-founded. Combined with the tragic scene in front of him, it is not difficult to imagine how helpless these poor women must have been at that time.

"But what is Master Wu's purpose?" Lin Qianqian asked.

Luo Tianhe inserted a wooden stick deep into the coffin into the corpse's abdomen, and then opened the abdomen without much force. At this time, everyone clearly saw that the corpse's abdomen was empty, and there was a huge wound on the only remaining flesh. .

The wound went straight from top to bottom, cutting open the entire abdomen of the corpse.

"Sure enough, it's a baby..." Yuan Shanyuan's face turned gloomy. He had only heard of this kind of evil thing, but had never seen it with his own eyes. The cruelty and evil in it was unacceptable.

"What the Wu family wants is the fetus inside the corpse of the pregnant woman." Luo Tianhe pulled out the wooden stick and said with a hint of caution in his voice, "They suffocated the pregnant woman to death, then sent people to open the coffin, cut open the body, and dug out the dead body. "The formed body."

"The fetal corpse shares the same fate as the mother's body. The grievances of pregnant women before death will be concentrated on the fetal corpse. In addition, the fetus is innocent, which itself adds a touch of resentment. This grievance will be compounded and resentment will eventually breed. It’s not surprising that something like this is a baby.”

Yuan Shanyuan interrupted Luo Tianhe's words. He looked around and lowered his voice: "There is also the Feng Shui around here. It is said to be a trapped dragon bureau, but it is actually a yin-nurturing land. The terrain here is low-lying, with a cliff in front and a big river behind. The incoming Yin Qi is intercepted here and cannot leave. As time goes by, it will naturally change. The resentful infants raised in this kind of terrain are far more violent than the ordinary resentful infants. Dare to drive such a level of resentful infants to do anything. If he keeps his own life, this master of the Wu family can be considered a person."

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