Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1250 Faint

"The second young master once said that Mr. Wu had a serious illness many years ago and almost died. Jiang Cheng naturally connected this incident with the current speculation.

Hearing this, Li Bai also nodded, "Yes, I also remember this incident, and what's even more suspicious is that after this incident, the second young master described Master Wu as if he was a different person, and he also became alienated from their brothers. Since then, the Wu family has completely changed its attitude towards the townspeople, and will also provide them with free medical treatment and medicine. "

"Not only that, I remembered to deliver the coffin," the fat man added.

"Coffin?" Luo Tianhe, who was silent, seemed to suddenly think of something. After a moment, cold sweat began to slide down his cheeks. Luo Tianhe's body trembled slightly. He had never been so out of control, "Sperm baby! It's... it's a test baby. !”

"No wonder he has gained so many years of life in vain. This damn guy actually dares to use this evil technique to extend his life. He is crazy, really crazy. He deserves to end up like this, and he has also brought trouble to the entire Wu family. I want to be buried with him..." Luo Tianhe said to himself, his expression even a little crazy.

Among these people, only Yuan Shanyuan's knowledge can be compared with Luo Tianhe. After hearing the word "seed baby", Yuan Shanyuan was also stunned, and then his expression became similar to Luo Tianhe's, "Those women..., no wonder, no wonder! Those resentments Ying has so much resentment, so that's why." Yuan Shanyuan looked like he suddenly realized.

This made Fatty anxious. He was most annoyed by the feeling that everyone knew but he was still kept in the dark. This reminded him of the days when he first entered the mission.

Fortunately, after Luo Tianhe calmed down, he began to explain to them that it turned out that this so-called baby breeding was an extremely sinister method, in which the baby was killed in some cruel way and then buried deep in his family's ancestral grave, or Mansion, constantly seizing the original fate of these babies for his own use.

Moreover, this kind of ritual is held every year. Once it is interrupted, it will be backlashed and the performer will die in a horrible way.

Needless to say, the performer of this eucalyptus is undoubtedly Mr. Wu.

After the fat man came to his senses, he gnashed his teeth in hatred for Master Wu's behavior, "He was supposed to die when he was 40 years old, but now he has lived for 20 more years, and the ceremony must be carried out every year, which means that at least 20 children have died before him. You are doing evil in your hands!”

Yuan Shanyuan shook his head, and his voice revealed a complex feeling of exhaustion and helplessness, which was rare in Yuan Shanyuan, "You said less, the breeding babies are not just one child at a time, but 9, nine babies in a cluster. Only then can it be done.”

In the past 20 years, nearly 200 children have died in the hands of Mr. Wu. This number made Yao, Shun and Yu in Jiangcheng unable to help but fall silent. Everyone began to truly understand what Luo Tianhe said before: to attract so many evil things, his Wu family Was it a massacre?

The matter is relatively clear, but Luo Tianhe cautiously said that tangible evidence still needs to be found. Everyone went out to look for clues during the day. Now that the direction is known, the process will be much simpler.

This matter came to an end, the sky was completely bright, the darkness around them receded little by little, and everyone passed the most difficult night safely, giving them a feeling as if they had been reborn.

"Place the coffin first, and then we will go back." Luo Tianhe gave everyone an explanation. He arranged for everyone to work together to carry the coffin to a farther place, so that it would not be blocked by the shade of the trees.

Since everyone was very careful, there were no accidents during the transportation. However, before putting the coffin down, Jiang Cheng squatted down to make sure there was no gravel on the ground. Luo Tianhe and others also took advantage of the situation to lift the coffin.

The next second, Jiang Cheng's eyes froze. He saw a strange pattern on the bottom of the coffin.

It's not appropriate to call it a pattern, it's more like a distorted word.

This discovery was so important that it instantly attracted the attention of Luo Tianhe and others. Yuan Shanyuan squatted down and put half of his body under the coffin. After careful identification, Yuan Shanyuan determined that this was a faint character, and it was very old. It was almost It's going to be smoothed out.

It is strange to have words under the coffin. Generally, no words are engraved under the coffin, because the ancients also respected words. It is not good for the deceased to have words under the coffin. It is especially taboo to have people's names or surnames under the coffin.

The person's name is pressed under the coffin, which means that the person will never be able to stand up again.

"From a morphological point of view, this character should be a surname or a title." Yuan Shanyuan seemed to understand this well and spoke with confidence.

"Is there someone with the surname of Hun? Why haven't I heard of it? And who would use the word "Hun" as a title? I have only heard of Hun Jun." The fat man expressed his opinion very straightforwardly.

"The burial coffin does not have a surname. This should refer to the person in the main coffin." Luo Tianhe said suddenly.

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