Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1224 Wooden Heart and Lung

Everyone hurriedly hurried and slowly arrived at Mr. Wu's tomb before dawn. When they arrived, the scene in front of them made everyone gasp. The tombstone was pushed down, and there were paper figures, incense, candles, paper money, etc. buried with them. Things were trampled in a mess, and the most terrifying thing was that the hard tomb was dug open, revealing a large dark hole.

The edge of the hole is bulging outward, which means... the hole was dug from the inside out. Judging from the traces at the scene, only Mr. Wu's body can do this.

Luo Tianhe knelt down and picked up a brick from the chaotic scene. After shaking off the soil on it, he could see that the brick was cyan and had a relatively fine texture.

"Is there something wrong with this brick?" Ding Zhenzong looked at the dark hole and then at the brick in Luo Tianhe's hand, feeling uneasy for no reason in his heart.

"They are green tomb bricks, removed from ancient tombs. These tomb bricks themselves are very strong. When the tomb was built, a layer of glutinous rice juice was poured on them." After speaking, Luo Tianhe tapped lightly with his knuckles. Knocking on the tomb bricks, sure enough, the sound was very dull.

"But even so, it was still dug out, and most of these bricks are broken bricks." Li Bai stared at the ground, where many broken bricks were scattered on the ground.

Facing the scene in front of them, the second young master and his party seemed to have been prepared. They immediately called for help, those who moved bricks, those who cleaned up the scene, and some who specially took out incense candles and offerings from the carrying poles.

After a lot of trouble, Mr. Wu's body was finally reburied in the grave.

It was said that it was a burial, but actually it was more appropriate to stuff it back. But after all, we had to rush for time, so there was nothing to criticize. Everything about the ceremony was simple, and everyone just lowered Mr. Wu's body through the dark hole with a rope. Then seal the hole with bricks, as long as there is no problem visible from the outside.

After all this work, everyone's hearts were put back into their stomachs.

The second young master walked up with Laifu's support and thanked the people in Jiangcheng profusely, especially Luo Tianhe among them. He also promised to give all the masters an extra big gift when this matter was completely resolved.

On the way back, Luo Tianhe also took the opportunity to ask about the cause of Master Wu's death.

"My father... he was killed by those things." The second young master's voice was very low, as if it was squeezed out of his throat, and it sounded very uncomfortable.

"Those things..."

"Yes, otherwise what could do such a cruel thing! When we arrived, my father's stomach was torn open, and the heart, lungs, intestines, etc. inside were...all emptied out, leaving only The next piece of skin! Blood... blood is everywhere." As if recalling the scene, the second young master's nervous voice trembled.

Luo Tianhe was silent for a moment, "Did Mr. Wu's heart and lungs be found later?"

The second young master pursed his lips and shook his head in pain, "No, I searched everywhere, but there was nothing. We had no choice. In the end, we had to find someone to make a heart and lung set, using good wood, and then..."

The second young master suddenly choked up and did not say the next words, but everyone already understood that people were buried with their whole bodies. Finally, they stuffed the wooden heart and lungs into Mr. Wu's belly and buried them with the body. .

This also corresponds to the weight of the body.

They still walked out of the side door in the alley when delivering the body, which was the door they entered the house through. It was already dawn, so in order to avoid attracting attention, they walked back here quietly as well.

As soon as they walked a few steps through the door, a man came and called the second young master away. Before leaving, the second young master gave Jiang Cheng and the others a sign, saying that with this sign they could freely enter and leave the Wu Mansion to facilitate their investigation.

After everyone in the Wu Mansion left, Ding Zhenzong couldn't wait to ask: "Remember those shelves in the warehouse? Do you think the wooden heart and lungs in Mr. Wu's body were also made of that kind of coffin wood?"

"It must be uncomfortable to have something evil like that inserted into the body. Master Wu's transformation into a corpse may be related to the coffin wood. The way he comes back every night and moves his fingers is to remind him of this." Ding Zhenzong became more and more sure as he spoke.


"No, if the body is made of coffin wood, then the body will never be so light, but very heavy, much heavier than a normal person." Luo Tianhe frowned slightly and subconsciously rubbed the sign in his hand.

Yao Shunyu stared at the sign in Luo Tianhe's hand, and later said: "There are too few clues, and it is useless to try here. Why don't we go back to the warehouse and take a look, maybe we will make new discoveries."

Returning to the hall again, the bloody footprints on the ground were still there, giving the impression that there was an invisible person standing there, covered in blood.

The door of the warehouse was unlocked and opened with a push. The stale smell rushed towards her face. Lin Qianqian kept fanning the air in front of her face with her hands.

Although it was daytime, it was still relatively dark inside the warehouse, with only a little light coming through the cracks in the window.

The fat man found the window and wanted to open it, but unexpectedly found that the window was sealed. He tried several windows in succession, but nothing happened.

"Don't try it. It's not suitable to see the light here, otherwise the things on the shelves won't be able to bear it." Luo Tianhe's tone was as simple as eating and drinking, but his wording made the fat man's hair stand on end.

I can't stand those things...

Could it be that...the things that were once stored on the shelves are still alive?

Thinking that the shelf is made of coffin wood, since there is a coffin, the corpses stored on it must be those who have been dead for who knows how many years. Several zombies wearing Qing Dynasty official uniforms with green faces and fangs immediately popped into Fatty's mind.

The nails on the zombie's hands are still blue-black and more than an inch long.

No, it was becoming more and more specific, and Fatty immediately interrupted his thoughts.

Here, Luo Tianhe and others seemed to have made a discovery.

Luo Tianhe stood in front of the wooden shelf in question, lowering his body and twitching his nose constantly, as if he was smelling the smell of the wooden shelf. But as his body got lower and lower, he was almost lying on the ground.

When the fat man got closer, he could smell a faint fishy smell in the air.

"It seems... it's the smell of corpses." Li Bai squatted down, with a very serious expression on her face. Paired with her white coat, she felt like a forensic doctor at a crime scene.

Yuan Shanyuan seemed to have thought of something, and he lowered his body as Luo Tianhe, his nose twitched slightly, and then his expression changed, "Not only is there the smell of corpses, but there is also a smell that is covered by the smell of corpses."

"Come here and help, move this shelf away." Luo Tianhe seemed to have confirmed the source of the problem, and immediately stood up and greeted everyone.


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