Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1201 The sound of horse hooves

Everyone has experienced similar tasks, which are almost like hide-and-seek, but what came to them tonight was not a human being, and they were not even sure if it was a ghost because it was accompanied by an incomprehensible sound of horse hooves.

"Although this house has three floors, the overall area is not very large. I have seen the outside and there are not many places to hide people. There are 12 of us." Zhang Shiwei's tone was not optimistic.

"It's 13, you haven't counted him yet." Ding Zhenzong raised his chin towards Song Keli on the bed.

"When Zhang Shiwei and I came back, we saw a big lock in the housekeeper's hand. It seemed that after all of us entered the house, he would lock the door from the outside." Li Shanru recalled.

Everyone present had the experience of being chased by ghosts and hiding for their lives, but this time it was particularly difficult because they had too little information.

It's not sure what kind of ghost is chasing them. It's not sure what the characteristics of the ghost this time are. Even when the ghost will appear and where it will appear from, it's also uncertain.

The only thing left for them in the mission was a crazy and frightened person, and it was just that this person was unable to provide help, and even needed their protection in turn.

As the target person, everyone is very aware of the importance of Song Keli. If he is found and killed by ghosts, then the mission will directly fail.

Everyone knows what the failure of the mission means to them.

"It's useless to think too much now. What's supposed to come will come sooner or later. While it's not completely dark yet, let's go for a walk everywhere and get familiar with the terrain."

Jiang Cheng's suggestion was very pertinent, and was naturally adopted. Lin Qianqian dug out a few flashlights from the drawer in the bedroom, tried them, and found that they were barely usable, and distributed them to everyone.

"Doctor, why do we have to separate? It's scary...around here." The fat man held the flashlight in his hand and shined it everywhere, even on the ceiling. His and the doctor's footsteps echoed in the empty corridor, even Some echoes were brought out, and the teammates didn't know where they went.

This building seemed to have been there for a long time. The circuits were very old and the lights in some remote places were simply broken. It was shrouded in a blur of darkness, as if there were strange things standing inside.

"It's not just us who want to separate, everyone thinks so. Everyone is looking for a suitable hiding place, and for safety reasons, this location can only be known by yourself." Time is not very tight now, Jiang Cheng explained more clearly Specifically, he pushed open a closed door, looked inside, then closed the door and continued walking.

After walking through many rooms, some fat people seemed quite safe and not easy to find, but the doctors didn't seem very satisfied.

Suddenly, the fat man's mind moved, and he realized: "Doctor, I understand, you need to find more hiding places, right? The cunning rabbit has three holes, let alone you!"

Jiang Cheng paused for a moment, then without looking back, he just sighed softly and continued walking.

After walking around the building, they came to the sofa where they had been sitting before. At this moment, Yao Shunyu was sitting comfortably with his legs crossed, his eyes squinted, a cigarette in his mouth, and he could not see any nervousness at all.

Seeing the two men from Jiang Cheng approaching, Yao Shunyu blew smoke into the sky, grabbed the cigarette case and matches on the table and pushed them forward, "Want one? The cigarettes here taste pretty good, but they are a bit strong."

"No." Jiang Cheng refused bluntly.

Yao and Shunyu didn't take it seriously and just smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled up, but that smile made people uncomfortable.

During this time, it started to rain pattering outside, and there were gusts of wind, which seemed to indicate that tonight would be an unusual night.

More and more people gathered on the sofa. Looking at their faces, they seemed to have ideas about where to hide. Lin Qianqian saw that the fat man was still holding a flashlight and reminded: "We can't use the flashlight now. It's about to be turned off." , to save power for emergencies, just use the flashlight that comes with your phone for lighting.”

"oh oh."

Just as everyone was having a new round of discussion about the task, suddenly, there was a sound of something falling to the ground upstairs, "Boom!" The sound was not very loud, but it was particularly clear under the premise that everyone was highly nervous.

Everyone quickly went upstairs and opened the door. The scene in front of them made everyone's heart twitch violently.

The quilt on the bed was messy, and Song Keli, who was originally lying on it... disappeared!

"Where are the people?" The fat man panicked instantly.

Jiang Cheng walked a few steps quickly, came to the bedside, and put his hand into the quilt, "The quilt is still hot inside, the person just left."

He Ping and Ding Zhenzong rushed to the window, opened the curtains, and looked outside. It was dark outside. "There is no sign that the window was opened. He was not taken away from the window." Ding Zhenzong said urgently.

"Don't be confused. Song Keli won't be taken away by those things, at least not for the time being. He won't go far. Let's go look outside. He must be nearby!" Luo Tianhe said in a deep voice.

After saying that, the group of people ran out in a hurry. Luo Tianhe was the last one. He didn't forget to close the door before leaving. There was a rush of footsteps in the corridor, which gradually went away.

The bedroom became quiet again.

About a minute later, the silence was broken, and there was a slight noise in the bedroom, "sizzling..., sizzling..." as if something was rubbing against the floor.

About 10 seconds after the sound rang, without warning, the bedroom door was pushed open, and Luo Tianhe and Jiangcheng Fatty broke in.

At this moment, Song Keli was crawling out from the corner. He looked like a fleshy insect, squirming on the ground. When he saw someone suddenly breaking in, he trembled with fright and tried his best to crawl under the bed.

After a while, several people who had run downstairs to perform also ran back. Seeing Song Keli's appearance, Ding Zhenzong was furious. He went up to teach him a lesson, but was stopped.

The fat man He Ping stepped forward, grabbed one of Song Keli's legs and dragged him out. Even though this man looked sick and dying, he was surprisingly strong. He hugged the leg of the bed and refused to let go, "Here it comes. Coming! I'm hiding, don't make a sound...I heard it, I heard it!"

"What's coming? What the hell did you hear?" He Ping suspected that this old boy was acting with him. He listened for a long time. Except for the noise they made, the area was very quiet.

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, Song Keli turned around, bit He Ping's hand with a ferocious expression on his face. Fortunately, He Ping reacted quickly. As soon as he let go, Song Keli got under the bed in an instant.

His whole body was curled up inside, his hands covering his mouth, shaking like chaff.

Suddenly, Yuan Shanyuan, who was standing at the end, changed his expression slightly, "No, it's too quiet."

At this time, everyone came back to their senses. Indeed, the surroundings were too quiet. There was no sound of people barking or barking. Even the sound of the wind had disappeared. You know, it was still raining outside.

Before everyone could react, the lights above their heads began to dim slowly, and finally went out under everyone's nervous gaze.

Not only the lights in the bedroom, but also the lights in the corridor were extinguished. From the outside, the entire Su residence was plunged into darkness.




Along the window, a crisp sound drifted in. It was not very clear, and it had a distorted feeling, as if it came from another world, but every sound seemed to step on everyone's heart. I don't know who it was. Taking the lead, everyone rushed out like a swarm.

No one thought to find the source of the sound, everyone scattered and hid.

The sound of horse hooves... really happened.

Song Keli didn't lie.


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