Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1198 Grandparents and Grandchildren

Even though everyone was an experienced old man, they were still touched by Lin Qianqian's words. The number of heads matched the coffin. Obviously, the coffin could only contain corpses, and the hole was dug from the inside of the coffin outwards...

Combining these scattered clues, a bold and terrifying guess emerged.

At this moment, Li Bai told an even more horrifying piece of news, pushing the weird atmosphere to a climax: "On the night when the head was washed out, there was a rare heavy rain in Fengtou Village. But according to the villagers' memories, in Amidst the heavy rain, some of them vaguely heard the sound of horse hooves, and... there was also the crisp sound of iron hammering. "

"The sound came from the end of the village." After a pause, Li Bai added in a deep voice.

The sound of horse hoofbeats, the beating of iron tools... Similar narratives immediately reminded everyone of Mrs. Su's words in Su's house. Song Keli, who was hiding under the pseudonym Master Su, was disturbed by the mysterious sound of horse hoofs and was in panic all day long.

Jiang Cheng recalled the attitude of the shopkeeper of Bao Mo Zhai, and increasingly felt that the painting in his arms had a lot to say, which made him think of the news about the "Ghost Horse Picture" published in the newspaper.

He Tianhe once said bluntly that the painting in his arms, like the other paintings in the study, was copied by the artist.

But since it is a copy, there must be an original painting, and this original painting is most likely "Ghost Horse Picture"!

If this was the case, Jiang Cheng suddenly became wary. The shopkeeper of Bao Mo Zhai was willing to let them go, maybe because he wanted to catch a big fish in the long run. Maybe they were already being targeted right now. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

The three groups of people each shared the collected intelligence. Next, everyone subconsciously looked at Luo Tianhe and the other three people. This last group of people was responsible for investigating the source of the newspaper news.

"We found the newspaper company that published this newspaper, but the people at the newspaper company didn't know about this matter." Luo Tianhe took out the newspaper, and his voice revealed a subtle feeling between confusion and relief.

But obviously, everyone did not buy this result. He Ping was the first to ask with a sullen face: "I don't understand what Mr. Luo said. Now that I have found this newspaper, I have also confirmed that this newspaper belongs to this newspaper." It was published, how could the latter not know about it?”

"They really don't know." Another slightly older voice sounded, and Yuan Shanyuan explained, "It is true that they compiled and published this newspaper, but the content in it was not entirely from their hands."

"Mr. Luo and I have read their first draft and the final draft. There is no story about "Ghost Horse" in it, let alone any reports about the charred corpse case at the Roman Hotel.

"The sections where these two reports were located originally belonged to two completely different pieces of news. One was about Citigroup's steady crossing of the Pacific Ocean, and the other was a commercial advertisement for Suji Baifeng Pills. We have read it carefully and it is consistent with what we are talking about. The cases under investigation are not related.”

Yuan Shanyuan's words and tone gave people a very reassuring feeling. It seemed that no matter how critical and strange things were, they would be properly resolved as long as they came to him.

Bai Yu raised his hand and gently pulled Yuan Shanyuan's arm with his pale and slender fingers. This porcelain doll-like girl seemed to be very dependent on her grandfather. Yuan Shanyuan lowered his head lovingly and rubbed the back of Bai Yu's hand with his generous palm. , as if in comfort, giving the other party the strength to persevere.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Cheng suddenly felt a strange feeling, which made him very uncomfortable. It seemed that... the relationship between the grandfather and grandson had already exceeded some kind of boundary based on family affection. At least in Jiang Cheng's subconscious mind, he thought They behave more like a couple.

Luo Tianhe took the words at the right time and continued: "The newspaper office couldn't figure out what was going on, and they were also very distressed. When we went there, we happened to encounter a few blond and blue-eyed foreigners losing their temper. They were so noisy. It was amazing. Later we found out that these people were from Citigroup. They angrily accused the newspaper of breach of contract because they did not publish the content they needed on time, causing the company to suffer losses, so they came to ask for an explanation. "

"After these people left, we met the person in charge of the newspaper. The person in charge was injured and his office was smashed. When we asked, the person in charge also felt aggrieved and complained to us that these blond and blue-eyed people were Westerners are relatively easy to deal with. They come to you and ask for money, and you can send them away if you give them money. It’s the Asians who are the worst offenders.”

"Those Japanese people didn't know what happened, so they knocked on the door with newspapers. When they came up without saying a word, they smashed up the office. They even grabbed him and beat him severely. Before leaving, he warned him that if he dared to do anything again, If he talks nonsense in the newspaper, his head will be cut off, put in a broken coffin, and buried outside the city, where no one will find him for the rest of his life. "

Lin Qianqian's eyes lit up, and she had obviously thought of something. She opened her mouth to speak, but was stopped by He Tianhe's eyes, "I know what you want to ask, and you are right. These Japanese people...are just for the second story. Here comes "Ghost Horse Picture".

Yao, Shun, and Yu also restrained their usual arrogance. They touched their chin with their hands and showed a thoughtful expression, "Cut off the head, put it in a broken coffin, and bury it outside the city..."

"Isn't this how those seven people died?" The fat man couldn't help but say.

"Through the various clues now, I think one thing is certain. The corpses outside the city were killed by the Japanese, and their purpose is related to the "Ghost Horse Picture"." After integrating the information obtained by everyone, Ding Zhenzong believes that his statement is tenable.

"Also, Song Keli heard the sound of horse hooves, and the villagers also heard it. This shows that the death of those people outside the city is inseparable from Song Keli. This is what he fears." He Ping added later.

"Traitors betray their country and betray their friends for glory!" Lin Qianqian seemed to have grasped the key point. She raised her head and said excitedly: "When you say that the so-called traitors betray their friends for glory, are they referring to the corpses outside the city? Those people knew Song Keli. It was because of his betrayal that he was killed by the Japanese."

"It's very possible." Ding Zhenzong said in a muffled voice.

As the clues were added bit by bit, the context in everyone's minds gradually became clearer, but Jiang Cheng understood that the sources of information were complex, and a large part of the so-called speculations were based on reliable enough information sources. These could only provide them with a rough idea. ideas.

But even just the idea is enough. This is the first day of the official mission. Without having a direct encounter with the ghost, they have already obtained so much information, which they could not even think of before.

In terms of strength alone, the teammates in front of them were comparable to the teammates in the Empress of the River mission. Some of them even gave Jiang Cheng a dangerous feeling.


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