Never Fade Skull Flag

Chapter 331: Shark's Tooth

Antonio rowed the oars vigorously, and the weakness brought by the curse had gradually moved away from him. After all, he was a captain of the Navy who had the fragments of the heart of the ocean and successfully awakened his power, so Antonio didn't feel much tired.

However, he had an ominous foreboding in his heart. In Antonio's opinion, this might have something to do with the port he was about to arrive at being a pirate port.

Under the blue sea, a huge shadow flashed by, and Antonio, who was sitting in the boat, did not notice it. He was squinting, looking at the pirate ships moored in the port of Idia.

"The tooth of the giant shark..."

Antonio's pupils shrank violently. He looked at a huge three-masted sailing ship in the distance. The black flag on the sailing ship was spread out in the wind, and a bow like a tooth stood on the bow.

That is the sailboat of the pirate king in the sapphire sea area. Because the sapphire sea area is adjacent to the central sea area, pirate ships from the central sea area will break into the sapphire sea area from time to time, but the pirate king in the sapphire sea area has never been replaced, and has always been called shark tooth. Taylor.

It can be said that the reason why a large pirate port like Idia can exist in the sapphire sea area of ​​the Roman Empire, in addition to the role of the pirate alliance, is because of the pirate king Taylor.

In the sapphire waters, even in the Roman Empire, Taylor's fame is comparable to that of the legendary pirate king.

Tyler's strength is not very strong, not even as strong as the Admiral of the Roman Empire, he is so famous not because of his strength, not because of his sea beasts, but because of his pirate ships.

It is said that the prow of this giant shark tooth is the sharpest tooth of the giant shark.

Megalodon is a legendary and powerful sea beast. Like many super-large marine creatures, they have unique size and strength advantages. When they are born, they are a sea beast.

Similar to small fish such as swordfish and swordfish, they become sea beasts only when they mutate due to the special forces in the depths of the ocean, making them larger.

And a normally growing megalodon is about 20 meters tall in adulthood, stronger than ordinary sea beasts.

The main food of the megalodon is whales. It loves to hunt whales. The strength of the megalodon is not its size and strength, but its sharp teeth. An adult ordinary megalodon can easily tear a small ship. The sailboat, and the mutated megalodon...

The head of Taylor's Tooth of the Giant Shark is a tooth nearly two meters long, which comes from the wreckage of a powerful and invincible sea beast. Through the head of the ship, after offering a certain sacrifice, Taylor can make this sea beast. The wreckage was summoned from the deep sea.

In the battle that made Tyler's name resound throughout the Roman Empire, Tyler sacrificed the souls of five sea beasts, and the wreckage of the summoned megalodon rushed out from the depths of the ocean, biting an imperial admiral's corpse in one bite. Three masted sailboat.

In the next few seconds, the sailboat was chewed and bitten by the sharp and huge teeth of the megalodon wreck. The hard alchemy material did not play any blocking role, and finally turned into wood slag.

It is said that if the megalodon is resurrected, it will be an invincible sea beast comparable to Davy Jones' octopus sea monster!

And Taylor has been trying to find a way to find a way to bring the megalodon back to life.

Antonio glanced fearfully at the Tooth of the Shark moored in the port of Idia, took a deep breath, and slid the oars even harder.

Not far from the Shark's Tooth, there is also a large three-masted sailboat. For Idia Port, this kind of large sailboat is not too rare. After all, the sailboats coming out of the central sea area are almost all so big.

The difference between the big three-masted sailing ships is their material, each of the legendary pirate king's pirate ships, their keel is unique, the canvas is unique, even the deck material is unique.

On the flag of the three-masted sailing ship was a sharp sword and withered roses, which was the goal of Andy's trip, Daphne's Sword and Rose.

The Sword and Rose was quietly moored in the harbor. Due to the existence of the safe haven, the sailboat hardly swayed. On the deck, William was enjoying the rum and the sun. A flame jumped on his fingertips. He stared at the flame affectionately, as if looking at his lover.

"First mate!"

A burly pirate ran over, his expression a little flustered.

"What's wrong?"

William withdrew his finger, the flame went out, dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes, and he asked impatiently.

"Rose! It's restless! Seems dangerous!"

The pirate pointed in the direction of the captain's room and said eagerly.

"Rose? Dangerous?"

William frowned, he subconsciously glanced at the giant shark's tooth not far away, and then ran to the captain's room.

In the captain's room, roses are constantly rolling in the fish tank. There is also a small fish in the fish tank, which is a little smaller than the rose, but it is unknown how big it is after taking out the fish That is Daphne's preparation for the rose food.

Seeing William come in, Rose's colorful body twisted a few times, and her tail kept flapping the fish tank.

"First mate, Rose, seems to have figured it out."

"This is Idia! It's not an ordinary pirate port! If we let the roses out, what if the big pirates misunderstood? What if they attack us?"

William cursed, and he walked to the fish tank, trying to appease Rose.

William didn't have any success, however, and Rose even roared at him from the fishbowl.

"What the **** is going on? Could there be a tsunami?"

William frowned, and he let the pirates beside him watch the fish tank and walked out of the captain's room.

Among the nearly 100 pirate ships moored in Idia, including the Tooth of the Shark and Sword and Rose, there were only seven large three-masted sailing ships, and there was no commotion on those sailing ships at this time.

As for those brigs and dinghies, William didn't care, he thought about it, and out of trust in Rose, William shouted to several pirates on the deck.

"You idiots! Get me some cannons, Saree! Go to town and get the guys back!"

However, before the pirate named Saree ran off the ship, the Sword and Rose suddenly shook violently, it felt like a ship in motion suddenly hit the rocks.

But it is clear that the Sword and Rose is not driving, let alone hitting the rocks.

"Damn it! Saree! Quick! You **** idiots, haven't you eaten? Put the cannonballs in the cannons for me!"

William shouted, his face became very ugly, and there was an unbelievable shock in his eyes.

Asking for a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket~ Thanks to the shadow of the lawless, Gugu Gusheng for the reward

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