[137] 13 3 points, Cole angrily slammed the tactical board!

“35.13 seconds?”


In the NBA studio, Wang Meng said this, and he laughed himself, what kind of joke, 35 seconds 13 minutes? It was the “Maddie moment.”

That’s one of the NBA’s greatest shows.

With a seven-point difference, just 38 seconds, it’s really hard for the Lakers to reverse the defending champions and win the game in this way.


“It’s difficult, the Lakers should lose tonight, but… It was really good. ”

“As for the 22-game winning streak, it is not a shameful thing, on the contrary, it is a very great and glorious thing, and it can even be chiseled into the annals of history and talked about for future generations.”

“Su Yan won the best record of Dayao in the first season, and his future must be limitless, and he must reach the height of surpassing Dayao.”

Director Zhang said slowly.

Although he is Ko Chui and Su Bui, he also knows that the Lakers are gone in front of the absolute difference and the remaining time.

Barrage area.

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity!”

“Defeat, defeat!”

“Su Yan cut 60 points, 11 3 points, he has done a good job, already belongs to the ability of “Meng Shen” + “T-Tmac”, all released. ”

“If you have tried, you don’t have to regret it.”

“22 consecutive wins, very good, Su Yan continue to cheer, create brilliance again!”

“The Warriors not only have “cute gods”, the Splash Brothers, and even the entire Warriors team are very strong, this is a team with championship heritage. ”

“They’re still stronger!”

“Hey… 38 seconds and 7 minutes, although I know that it is definitely impossible, but… But I still have a little fantasy that I want to see Su Yan perform a miracle again. ”

“I’m afraid it’s not difficult.”


The fans had some regrets, but they basically accepted the fact that this was coming.

Su Yan’s home.


“Su Yan seems to be losing.”

Su Yuan pouted, with a look of resentment, obviously the third quarter was still a lot ahead, why did he suddenly lag behind, how did the time suddenly run out.

“What’s wrong?”

Su Mu, who did not understand the rules very well, looked at the score and asked: “7 points difference, is it difficult to chase?” ”

“It’s not.”

Su Yuan shook his head a little weakly and said, “7 points is not much, but the time left for Su Yan is only 38 seconds, which is too short to catch up.” ”

“This is a very important game for Su Yan.”

“Really, really, I don’t want Su Yan to lose.”

“Whew… Whew…”

Speaking, speaking, Su Yuan was about to cry, but Su Mu was scared, thinking, it’s a game, if you lose, you lose, there is no need to cry.

But he still smiled and comforted, and said: “It’s okay, it’s okay, don’t cry Yuanyuan, you see, my brother is still very serious about the game, he hasn’t given up yet.” ”

“How can you give up first.”


Su Mu pointed to Su Yan, who was locked by the lens on the screen and was serious.

Su Yuan sniffed, clenched his fists and shouted: “That’s right, there are still 38 seconds, I should trust my brother and believe that he can turn over.” ”

On the field.

Lakers bench.

At this moment, the atmosphere is very solemn, and the difference of 38 seconds and 7 minutes is like a mountain, pressing on everyone’s shoulders, making everyone breathless.

“Well… It seems to be gone. ”

Nick Yang smiled and whispered, wanting to ease the somewhat awkward and dignified atmosphere.

“What nonsense are you talking about?!”

Kobe Bryant glared at Nick Young fiercely and said indifferently: “Tell you, don’t tell me to give up until the last second, we still have a chance!” ”

“Yes, I was wrong.”

Nick Young nodded, he knew he had said the wrong thing.

Albeit…… This may be a fact, but in front of Kobe, with time left, to say this is an absolute mistake.


Coach Scott coughed lightly and said, “Guys, grasp every attack, and before the time stops, we may still have a chance to turn over.” ”


The players promised.

Pause back.

Players from both sides return to the field.

In the audience.

Yun’er frowned and said unhappily: “The Lakers are going to lose tonight, Su Yan can’t win if he plays so well, and Kobe is really good, he can’t give a little power.” ”

“People are old, not as old as they used to be.”


As if he had discovered something, Sika put his arm around Yoona, leaned over to her, and asked in a low voice, “Yoona, what’s going on with you?” I remember you liked Kobe very much. ”

“Actually talking about him tonight? And…… And there is also a feeling that because Su Yan is going to lose, he blames Kobe for not playing well! ”

“I don’t have anything.”

Yoona denied it bluntly.

“Hey, hey~”

Sika smiled wickedly and didn’t ask.

The other side… Lebulang’s eyes widened and he was surprised: “Looking at the state of the Lakers, it seems that they haven’t given up the game yet.” ”


Wade nodded and said, “With Kobe Bryant, the Lakers won’t give up the game so easily, but… I think the Lakers are gone. ”

“38 seconds and 7 minutes, it’s really hard.”


Leblang smiled, “If, I mean if, the Lakers win, then the league is estimated to explode!” ”

“Haha, that must be blown through!”

On the field.

The game continues.

Lu Wei served on the sideline, the same Su Yan who did not give up, knew that time is everything, must seize all time to score, Lu Wei only looked for Su Yan and passed the basketball over.


Su Yan rushed to the top of the right arc, jumped up to catch the ball, and the moment the ball landed, he steadied himself, took another breakthrough, directly ignored Iguodala’s defense in front of him, and directly pulled out three points.

Iguodala blocked it, but not as ferociously, avoiding fouls.

The spinning ball bounced off the basket, and then… Plunge into a net pocket.



Time 32.4 seconds, 4 minutes difference.

The Warriors had the ball, Curry received the ball and advanced quickly, and Su Yan directly pounced.


Su Yan fouled, Curry went to the free throw line.



Curry, who has a free throw percentage of more than 90%, hit 2 free throws steadily.

28.7 seconds, 6 points.


Su Yan took the bottom line serve, sprinted at full speed in the front court, and the cautious Iguodala, just in case, followed Su Yan closely and interfered with his attack.


Sprinting all the way, Su Yan killed to the top of the left arc, and Grimm flanked him, and at this time… Su Yan, who was one meter away from the three-point line, before Green pressed over.



Unplug again.


Iguodala yelled and blocked it with all his might, almost touching the basketball, but finally let the basketball slip through his fingertips.

“Can there still be?!”

Iguodala’s eyes widened.

However, there really is.


As if opening a scope, Su Yan’s high difficulty was 3 points… And again.

20.3 seconds, 3 points.


Su Yan hit 2 3-pointers in just 18 seconds, and the angry Cole burst straight and slammed the tactical board on the floor, angry and almost ate T.


The audience roared and let out deafening cheers.

On the commentary stage, O’Neill also roared excitedly: “amazing! Su Yan… Su Yan has hit 13 3-pointers, equalling Curry’s single-game record of 13 3-pointers!!! ”

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