In the closing stage of the regular season in the fourth quarter, the fight also intensified.

Especially in the Wild West, the results from fifth to ninth place are almost identical.

A slight win or defeat can bring about a huge change in the rankings.

And the battle for the top spot between the Lakers and the Warriors is also very fierce.

Prior to this, Tang Mo’s generation of combat boots was pre-sold.

The Huaxia Market and the American Market were opened at the same time, with only 500,000 pairs each.

What Adidas didn’t expect was that after the pre-sale time opened, it took only a second for all the sneakers to be robbed.

This startled the Adidas official.

Because they are ready, as long as these million pairs of sneakers can be sold out in a few hours, it will be a big success.

But the final result completely stunned Adidas,

One second!

In just one second, a million pairs of sneakers were snapped up, which is simply against the sky.

Therefore, Adidas should hurry up to prepare for the pre-sale and production plan of the second batch.

At the same time, on Nike’s side, several management members were all resigned or demoted.

Without signing in to Tang Mo, Nike is no direct loss.

But pushed Tang Mo to his opponent, the sworn enemy Adidas, let them make a fortune and frantically seize Nike’s market share.

At this level, Nike still suffered extremely heavy losses.

Once Tang Mo’s second, third and fourth generations of sneakers were born, and Adidas created a personal sneaker brand for Tang Mo.

What Nike will be squeezed into, it is impossible to imagine.

Although for a while, Nike’s supergiant status will not be shaken by Adidas.

But little by little cannibalization, it is also unbearable for Nike.

At the beginning, Jordan led the small brand Nike to become the world’s largest sports brand.

Now the rise of Tang Mo is likely to lead Adidas to regain the position of the leading boss.

Nike felt unprecedented pressure.

The other good news is that the baby in Little K’s belly is 4 months old, while Scarlett’s baby is nearly 3 months old.

Both of them were examined in the hospital, all of them were girls, which made Tang Mo very excited.


In the last 7 regular season games, the Lakers had to win one more game than the Warriors to achieve the same record as the Warriors.

If the record is the same, the record of the two teams will be seen.

The Lakers and Warriors have played 4 games in the regular season, 2-2, and the Lakers have a better record in their own division, and the Lakers have a greater advantage in the matchup.

So if the record is the same, the Lakers will overwhelm the Warriors and take the top spot in the West and the top of the league!

Obviously, in order to compete for home court advantage, the Warriors also entered a violent state and began to continue to exert strength.

The good news is that several of the Warriors’ next seven opponents are strong teams in the upper division of the East-West playoffs, while the Lakers’ opponents are more ordinary.

The Warriors’ 7 opponents are: the Los Angeles Clippers, the mosaic Houston Rockets, the King of the North, the Toronto Raptors, the Minnesota Timberwolves, the Milwaukee Bucks led by Alphabet Brother, the Washington Wizards led by the two-guns, and the Orlando Magic.

The 7 pairs on the Lakers’ side are: Mavericks, Pelicans, Jazz, Thunder, Grizzlies, and Spurs.

With the exception of the Spurs, it’s basically a fringe team, or lottery team.

Before the final battle for the top spot, the Warriors had good news.

Pachulia returned from injury and was able to play the full playoffs.

This is undoubtedly great news for the Warriors.

There was originally a Big Four, a relatively weak center position, and now this can waste Pachulia has made a comeback, there is simply no weakness.

After a half-month battle, the Warriors finally upset and crushed Milwaukee.

The Tsunami Brothers were overturned by the Alphabet Brother of the Great Explosion.

In this game, Alphabet Brother slammed 38 points and 22 rebounds, showing an extremely terrifying talent.

Although the alphabet brother only has this trick of rushing.

But the Warriors’ defensive strategy was not well formulated in this game, plus the alphabet brother had excellent hands and a lot of momentum, so he killed the Warriors.

On the Lakers’ side, Tang Mo also began to exert force.

In seven games, he averaged 47.4 per game, leading the Lakers to seven victories.

In the end, with a 66-16 record, it tied with the Warriors.

The Lakers, relying on the division record advantage and the score advantage against the Warriors, overwhelmed the Warriors with difficulty and ranked first in the West.

You know, the Lakers started with a 7-game losing streak, and since then Tang Mo has risen from the bench and led the Lakers to counterattack all the way.

If it weren’t for the 7-game losing streak, the Lakers’ record would have overwhelmed the Warriors long ago, and it was even possible to get 0 wins or more.

It’s possible to challenge the 96 Bulls’ 72-10 record, so there’s no need to compete so fiercely with the Warriors.

At this point, all 82 games of the NBA’s 2016-2017 regular season season are over.

With a 66-16 record, the Lakers finished first in the West and first in the league. ,

This means that the playoffs Lakers will have a home-court advantage no matter what team they play against.

In the NBA, home-court advantage is often critical. ,

The strong momentum of the fans can boost the morale of the team.

That’s why a lot of teams are fighting for home field advantage.

At this point, all the teams in the eastern and western regular season were released, and the matchup table was arranged at the first time.

On the Eastern side, from first to eighth, they are: Boston Celtics, Cleveland Cavaliers, Toronto Raptors, Washington Wizards, Atlanta Hawks, Milwaukee Bucks, Indiana Pacers and Chicago Bulls.

From the perspective of books alone, these other teams in the East except for James are really difficult to say, and the stars are dim.

Even the Boston Celtics, who won the top spot in the East, have no superstars, only a popular Isaiah Thomas.

But the outside world still attributes more credit to coach Stevens, feeling that he activated Thomas Jr., who is the absolute soul of the Celtics team.

Therefore, the current alliance is strong in the west and weak in the east, and there is nothing wrong with it.

There are several lottery teams outside the playoffs in the West, and if they are put in the East, they may make the playoffs and even get the record in the first half.

The first to eighth places in the West are: Los Angeles Lakers, Golden State Warriors, San Antonio Spurs, Houston Mosaic, Los Angeles Clippers, Utah Jazz, Memphis Grizzlies and Oklahoma Thunder.

This means that the Lakers will face the Thunder in the first round!

Since being overturned by the Warriors after leading 3-1 in the Western Conference Finals last year, Durant has been disheartened.

And when the Warriors led 3-1, after being overturned by the Cavaliers, the Warriors management also panicked a little.

In the end, the two defeated teams chose to cooperate, and Durant joined the Warriors to form the invincible Galaxy battleship.

In this way, Westbrook, the original second-in-command of the Thunder, naturally became the absolute boss of the Thunder team, controlling most of the ball.

Although the Thunder’s record plummeted, Westbrook hit an average of 3010+10 per game.

After becoming Oscar Robertson, he became the second player to average a triple-double per game.

Unfortunately, after the Lakers’ game on the second day, Tang Mo officially became the third player to average a triple-double.

But there’s no denying that Westbrook’s performance is amazing.

However, the outside world has mixed views on Westbrook.

Some people boast that his statistics are shocking, and some people disparage him as a big brush of data, empty data does not defend, the team’s record is poor, and it is likely that it is just a round game.

The media also often compares Westbrook to Tang Mo.

Tang Mo is overpowering the few with an average of 4101033 against the sky per game, let alone in terms of record.

Compared with Tang Mo, it is naturally incomparable, but the two teams led by triple-doubles per game, in the first round of the playoffs, is naturally the absolute focus of the battle.

It can be said that the most interesting and concerned in the first round of the East and West is the game between the Lakers and the Thunder.

Even if the current strength of the two teams is not a grade.

But the stars of the two teams have too many points to watch, which is enough to attract a very huge amount of attention. _

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