The entire procession, after a week of circumnavigating the busiest part of Los Angeles.

We came to the original starting point, on the huge plaza at the entrance of the Staples Center.

Next, it will be the final link of the day.

Winning speech.

Several important figures of the team will take the stage one after another to make a final summary of the season!

The entire square was filled with tens of thousands of fans, densely packed and unable to see the end.

It's a hot summer day in Los Angeles in June.

Waves of heat poured in towards the squeezed fans.

But no matter how hot the weather is.

Nor did any of the fans leave early.

And in order not to let the fans suffer from heat stroke.

The management of the Clippers has even more pockets to rent several helicopters.

They flew over the square, spraying dry ice in all directions.

The cold air released by the melting of dry ice made the hot weather on the scene a little more comfortable.

In the distance, there is also a sprinkler truck constantly spraying water into the sky, making the scene more humid.

The first to take the stage was team owner Steve Ballmer.

26 His expression was already very excited, and he was obviously still immersed in the joy of the championship.

Didn't say much nonsense in the end.

He solemnly promised the tens of thousands of fans present that next season, the Clippers will become stronger!

The reinforcement of the team will not set a ceiling on wages!

Everything will be in the service of defending the title!

In short, in a word, not bad money!

After owner Ballmer finished speaking, the next person to appear on the field was the team's head coach Doug Rivers!

Rivers is a bit of a bit of nonsense, he first reviewed how they worked hard to get Ye Tian last year.

Then we talked about the growth of everyone in the team this season.

Finally, it's about the future of next season.

After the boss and the head coach finished speaking one after another.

The audience looked at the next person to appear on the microphone.

Instantly, there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers!


"Ye Tian !!"

That's right, the next person to give a speech is Ye Tian!

As the hero of the team, this year's championship journey can be said to have defeated the opponent many times by himself!

At this moment, Ye Tian is the hero of the city of Los Angeles!

Ye Tian made a gesture of pressing down with both hands to the fans around him, signaling everyone not to get too excited.

Then I looked back at the difficulties we had this season.

He also thanked his teammates and team staff for their contributions.

In the end, of course, it is his promise to the fans!

There will never be just one champion!

This year's championship is just the beginning!

His goal is NOT1, NOT2, NOT3 championships!

Until the Clippers dynasty is established!

When Ye Tian finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter at the scene.

Obviously, they all know that Ye Tian is playing with memes!

When James joined the Heat, he made this promise to the fans.

He promised to take more than one, two, three...... Seven overall champions.

It's a pity that he only won 2 championships in the end, and he left the Heat as if he ran away.

This also became a black spot for him.

At the scene, after Ye Tian defeated James to win the championship, he teased James a little.

But the fans are very relieved.

Because Ye Tian is a person who will definitely do what he says!(If you read violent novels, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When he promised to bring a dynasty to the Clippers.

The fans also know that this means that Ye Tian will definitely not leave until he completes all this!


After the championship parade, the players can finally enter their vacation.

After all, from October to June, many people are already very tired. []

At this time, the performance time belonging to the management of each team has begun!

July 1st!

The NBA trading market is officially open!

And just later in the evening of the day, a blockbuster transaction directly exploded the entire alliance!

The teams that made the trade were this year's runner-up, the Cleveland Cavaliers, and the San Antono Spurs!

The Antonio Spurs will be sending their All-Star small forward, Kawhi Leonard!

The Cavaliers are sending Kevin Love and first-round picks from 2018 and 2020!

This transaction caused an uproar in the entire alliance.

The combination of Owen + Moes + Nader is extremely terrifying!

From the details of WOJ's revelations, it can be known that the Spurs originally did not plan to make a trade.

However, Leonard requested a trade directly from the team.

And appointed the knight as the next home!

And the reason for this decision.

It's because Leonard thinks that if he stays with the Spurs, he can't beat Ye Tian.

Only with stronger teammates can you have the hope of defeating this great demon king!

In this regard, the Cavaliers will also form a new Big Three!

And Leonard's DPOY-level defensive ability greatly makes up for the weakness of the Cavaliers!

Clearly, the Cavaliers are aiming for revenge next season!

They want to get back into the hands of the Clippers and take back that damn championship trophy!

As soon as the news was released, it immediately caused a heated discussion among all fans!

"The combination of Kaili + Bulang + Huai, I don't know how to lose!"

"Hahaha, Ye Tian, this kid is dumbfounded, he still wants to establish a dynasty?

"I don't believe it, these three people team up together, and they can't beat the 367 Clippers!"

"Lebrant and Kehuai are both supergiants who integrate offense and defense, and the two of them form a death front, and Ye Tian will look good next season!"

"Calm down, brothers, calm down, although the lineup looks beautiful, but I don't know how the chemistry is!"

Cavaliers fans were all jubilant and quickly emerged from the shadow of the Finals defeat.

They have more strength next season, and they can definitely overturn the Clippers!

However, this news that detonated the alliance did not cause waves in Ye Tian's heart.

Anyway, the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth, and it's over!

However, Ye Tian was also a little surprised, it seems that his arrival still had some butterfly effect.

Historically, Leonard only requested a trade next season and ended up joining the Raptors.

Unexpectedly, because Ye Tian's Spurs had no power to fight back, Leonard had the idea of leaving the team in advance.

And also followed the trend of the alliance and chose to go to the knight huddle!

To be reasonable, the lineup of Irving + Leonard + Moms is no worse than the Warriors!

In terms of rationality, it may be even better.

But for Ye Tian, this is interesting, isn't it?

After all, the stronger the opponent, the greater the sense of accomplishment when you defeat them!


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