Natural Disaster

Chapter 558 Big World

tenth day.

The shuttle ship shot from the mainland finally reached the sun, which is the largest space-time vortex in this world. The shuttle is far away from the vortex, and a huge attraction is released from the vortex. The speed of the shuttle is increasing, from 1% of the speed of light, slowly increasing, 2%, 3%...every increase of a percentage. , Which means an increase of the speed of sound by more than 800 times, and an increase of 300,000 meters per second. Under the terrifying acceleration, the shuttle shook violently.

The hearts of everyone hung up.

If the shuttle ship is disintegrated on the spot due to its poor quality, the people of this ship will be dead, and the great sage's strength will fall into the time and space vortex, will be lost forever, and be torn to pieces. Even the first-class and powerful creatures of Ancestral Dragon and Titan can hardly not borrow foreign objects. Only the Protoss can directly pass through the time and space vortex by relying on the physical body to pass through the time and space channels.

Finally, under the pull of the space-time vortex, the shuttle reached its limit speed and gradually stabilized, finally directly entering a glorious world.

The shuttle successfully entered the tunnel and is expected to pass through this world for more than ten hours and emerge from the big world.

The lights and shadows outside are all from the distant void. This is the light projected from various worlds. Humans can't see anything clearly.

Zhang Mu simply closed his eyes and waited. After about half a day, the shuttle shook again and again, and then the chaotic space phantom disappeared from the surrounding environment in an instant. In front of the shuttle, another space-time vortex appeared, and it continued to approach the vortex.

At this moment.

Everyone at the same time produces a kind of every cell, and even every factor in the cell, all of which are washed back and forth by a certain force, and there is a very uncomfortable feeling. Zhang Mu didn't make a fuss, he understood this phenomenon after studying with Santa. This is caused by the change of laws. The laws of the big world and the small world are one, but they are not exactly the same.

When a creature comes out of the small world and enters the big world, the laws of the original world are no longer binding, and the creatures will be bound by the laws of the new world.

Zhang Mu felt the sky spin.

"My power... is disappearing!"

Zhang Mu clearly felt that when the new world law appeared, the power in his body shrank sharply. This is the result of the suppression of the law. The power of the law in the big world is a hundred times stronger than the small world, and the suppression of energy is also hundreds of times stronger. The energy that could blow up a mountain in the small world, put it in the big world, smash a tree at most, this is suppression!

The ultimate result of this suppression is that the destructive power of the strong heavenly spirit in the big world is not as good as the destructive power that the strong earth spirit exerts in the small world. Because the power of sentient beings is greatly suppressed, it is naturally difficult to break the space and damage the world. The establishment of this law is actually a kind of protection for the world.

Zhang Mu had already had a certain understanding of law suppression when he was studying in the Holy Tower, but when he really appeared on his body, he felt very uncomfortable. A person with super power is suddenly suppressed, and no one will feel comfortable changing it. Fortunately, the laws are treated equally, and all beings are suppressed!


The shuttle came out of the tunnel, finally completely freed, the speed began to weaken at a uniform speed, and the vortex was thrown away far. The volume of the space-time vortex of the small world is much larger than that of the continent. The time-space tunnel, after emerging from the vortex of the big world, the vortex is only one ten thousandth of the size of the small world, and it is estimated that it is also bound by the law.

"Reminder: The shuttle is completed and the flight has entered a stable state. The safety cabin will be lifted after 15 minutes!"

"Hint: The speed of the shuttle drops to 120 times the speed of sound, and the safety cabin is lifted!"

The hatch opened.

Thousands of people flowed into the hall along with the viscous liquid at the same time. Zhang Mu was soaked for more than a dozen days and nights, and he was baptized by the laws of the world. Now he is as weak as he hasn't eaten in a few years. It took him a lot of strength to get up from the viscous liquid, remove the weird helmet, and ask loudly, "Are you all okay!"

"Damn, I feel dying!"

"It's so fucking uncomfortable after a dozen days of soaking!"

Everyone scolded.

Nothing happened, but all were alive.

Zhang Musong said in a sigh: "Everyone, we have arrived in the extraterritorial world!"

The fat man took off his helmet and stood up, "This is the extraterritorial world, it feels so fucking weird!"

Everyone ran to the window and looked out. The outside world is very similar to the space of the universe. The entire world is a void. The outside material is very thin and close to a vacuum. In this environment, the human race cannot survive. The entrance to the mainland, the space-time vortex, has been left behind, looking from a distance, it is only the size of a house.


Chen Tingting screamed.

"What's wrong?"

"Look at the wood, there are vortexes outside, there are so many worlds!"

Everyone looked at it, and in the pitch black space, there were a lot of colorful vortexes, some horizontally, some vertical, some inclined, thousands of them, different distances and distances. It can be distinguished from the vortex of time and space nearby, and the one that is farther away, and the ravaged galaxy in the night sky, is more magnificent and more beautiful.

In each vortex... is there a small world connected?

Everyone was deeply shocked.

This has just come out, and thousands of worlds can be observed, and there are farther distances that cannot be observed with the naked eye?

How many small worlds are included in the big world?

One hundred thousand, one million, or ten million?

In these worlds, are they all bred with different substances and different kinds of creatures... Zhang Mu once thought that the continent was big enough, but when he came to the big world, he discovered that the continent is really small and pitiful, with a drop in the sea and a sand on the seashore. .

Can Terran really gain a foothold outside the territory?

Zhang Mu observed carefully and finally found a problem. The material in the big world was very thin. The shuttle ship sailed in the big world for a long time, but did not find a stone. In such an empty world, there is not much air. How can the living beings live?

A completely unfamiliar environment and a completely unfamiliar world make people feel insecure. Especially when sailing tens of thousands of kilometers, the distant space-time vortex is more like an immobile background picture. Apart from this, there is nothing to be seen again, the shuttle ship shuttles at high speed in the thin air that is close to the vacuum, as if being banished to a dark and dead world.

Zhang Mu immediately explained to everyone in order to stabilize the military's mind: "In order to ensure the safety of our world, it is impossible to directly establish a base next to the whirlpool. The mainland has set up the headquarters in a far place. Rest assured, our speed can be reached in one day. ."

"One more day!"

"I haven't eaten for more than ten days, and my belly is almost hungry!"

The fat man complained.

After the shuttle ship sailed for half a day, everyone gradually adjusted to the new environment, but their bodies were very weak and they didn't have much strength.

"Something is approaching!"

In the darkness ahead, suddenly a disc-shaped mothership appeared. The disc was 5,000 meters in diameter. There were more than a dozen special warships on the left and right. The surfaces of these warships are full-reflective mirrors, like mirrors, reflecting light from far away.

Everyone's hearts are hanging up.

Because the identity of the comer cannot be determined,

"Shuttle A12, this is the light cruise special mothership A98 of the Green Alliance's out-of-territory headquarters. I am the great sage who is in charge of receiving you!" A voice sounded from the shuttle, causing Zhang Mu and the group to relax. Tone.

The Alliance special fleet is connected to the shuttle ship. The shuttle ship is directly embedded on the mothership. A large group of people dressed up in the Alliance walk in. They are holding a set of silver armor and cleaning tools. The Terran washes the body with the viscous liquid. After cleaning, all the shuttle clothes were taken off and put on the armors sent by the Alliance.

The Great Sage Shenwu said: "External equipment is scarce, and there is no time to prepare better equipment. This is the unified armor of the elite troops, one set for each person, let's deal with it first."

Zhang Mu put on his armor, made of extraterritorial materials, without attribute display, and data-based visual display. Only the continent has it, because the continent is a world that has been transformed by the master. The equipment of the big world, the quality of the equipment of the big world, can only be divided according to quality.

The quality of the equipment in the big world is very simple: ordinary artifacts, spiritual artifacts, holy products, and immortal products.

The equipment Zhang Mu wore was in fact ordinary artifacts, which were considered to be emerging and medium-quality items. The rule of existence in the big world is suppressed. If the equipment is taken to the mainland, it is at least equivalent to the golden equipment attribute of about level 60, but in the big world, it is a very ordinary armor, which is better than nothing. Zhang Mu discovered that the armor can be the same as the mind, and according to Zhang Mu's thoughts, it will automatically liquefy, changing its shape and color.

Extraterritorial matter is really amazing.

"Have seen the Great Sage Shenwu!"

Zhang Mu saw the Great Sage of Shenwu, one of the three giants of the Green Alliance. The Great Sage of Shenwu is a peerless strongman of the high giants. It is said that the body can reach three hundred meters, punches out of the sky, smashes the ground, and has unparalleled combat power. A powerful giant can control the size of his body, and now the Great Sage Shenwu is in front of Zhang Mu as a 4 meter tall giant man.

The Great Sage Shenwu wears golden armor, metallic muscles and skin, a light forehead, a calm expression, no breath, and an unpredictable feeling.

The Great Sage of Shenwu carefully looked at Zhang Mu and his group, "Welcome to the big world, we will set up a feast to entertain you at the headquarters, and we will introduce the situation of the big world in detail later, and we have also planned the settlement of the human race. "

Zhang Mu nodded, "Listen to the instructions of the Great Sage Shenwu!"

The Great Sage Shenwu is the highest commander of the Green Alliance outside the territory. In the future, the Great Sage Shenwu will be a key figure in life and development. The Human Race wants to live a good life. In many places, the Great Sage Shenwu needs help. The shuttle was scrapped once used, but the materials could be recycled. After the mothership dragged the shuttle in, the fleet turned around, all accelerated to about 50 times the speed of sound, and disappeared from sight.

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