King Quan, told the information about the wizarding world.

Emphasis on the great terror.

After all: the reason why he was able to defeat the great terror was entirely due to the terrifying black technology of optical brain.

Finally, rely on computing power to defeat the opponent

"Mark, this great terror has come to the main world, can we bear it?"

Mark refresh:

【Can't bear it! 】

The Great Terror is terrible.

It would take billions of worlds to give birth to such a heaven-defying person.


According to the mark analysis: that great terror is a creature from the previous era.

What is an epoch?

I don't know about the imprint.

King Quan doesn’t know either.

He only vaguely heard that it had something to do with the fragmentation and reorganization of the long river of time.

This is what the guy named Tiandao said.

Wang Quan said:

"How many such great horrors are there in the abyss?"

"Abyss, how strong is it?"

The imprint is silent.

The imprint has relied on special rules to contend with the abyss for a long time.

Now, with the help of the king's authority, it has erased the power of the abyss in the world.

But: the imprint still does not understand the abyss.

All the worlds. The strong also do not understand the abyss.

King Quan is worried:

"The Abyss has summoned a big terrifying resurgence this time"

"What about next time?"

"How many big horrors will he summon next time? Or even hundreds, hundreds of millions?"

The red-haired monsters summoned by the abyss can easily destroy a world.

The resurrected coffin warriors are more terrifying than the masters of dimensions.

The red-haired monsters and coffin warriors are both densely packed and endless.

He is worried: these dimensions The great horrors of the past era are also dense and endless.

If there are really many such great horrors, even if they finally retreat to the dimensional world, they will not be able to protect themselves.

After all: the wisdom of these great horrors is also incredible.

The dimensional world's How long can you keep a secret secret?

"We need help!"

Wang Quan thought of the old demon of Black Mountain and the ancient demon Phoenix again.

These two strong men had fought with the Abyss in the ancient world of immortal cultivation.

At that time, they even wiped out all the strong men of the Abyss.

"If you find the old demon from Black Mountain or the ancient demon Phoenix, you can find those powerful people in the world of immortality back then."

"Bring those strong men together.....Odds: Stronger, bigger."

King Quan let the mark trace the information of the old demon of Black Mountain and the ancient demon Phoenix.

The mark bloomed with power.

Countless rules were running.

A special secret rule was activated by the mark.

The next moment: the mark released simulated waves, explored the void, and captured Information, trace the traces of the two women.

One minute...... one day...... ten days.....

King Quan waited quietly.


Mark refresh information:

【The old demon from Montenegro and the ancient demon Phoenix may enter the abyss】

【Their world has also entered the abyss. 】

Wang Quan was shocked:

"Are they falling into the abyss? Become part of the Abyss?"


The mark is silent.

It doesn't know either.

Wang Quan frowned.

If the two women enter the abyss to fight against the abyss, everything is fine. if.....

Wang Quan didn't dare to think about what happened next.

A little:

The royal power releases the favor of the fifth and eighth worlds:

"Mark, send me to one of these two worlds."


【Which one to go to? 】

King Quan was silent.

A little, he said:

"Whichever one is closest to us, go to that one!"

When the world falls into the abyss, there must be many dangers.

Because: there are all kinds of dangers on the tentacles of the abyss that have not yet been fully explored.

If you enter the inside of the abyss, the degree of danger is even higher.

Therefore: only the king has this choice.

The mark is refreshed :

【Lock down the fifth world】

【This world falls into an abyss, accessible only with consciousness. 】

Wang Quan nodded.

The consciousness enters, although it cannot enhance the ontology and allow it to evolve again.

But: the security is quite high.

Of course he agreed.

The imprint continues to refresh:

【There has never been a simulator, inside the abyss】

【It's dangerous!】

【After arriving, all kinds of unpredictable things will happen!】

【Start the deduction rules!】

【It’s impossible to deduce—it’s impossible to predict fate!】

【The abyss system is strange, and time cannot be adjusted or synchronized.】

【It is recommended not to come! ]

Wang Quan was stunned.

The mark actually prevented him from coming? interesting

"It must come!"

If you don't come, you won't be able to find the old demon of Black Mountain, or the group of super strong men in the world of immortality.

In the future, you will be more passive when facing the abyss.

However: because of the mark reminder, King Quan began to make preparations.

He activated the ancient gods body.

Connected to several dimensional worlds, leaving all kinds of back-ups.

This way:

Even if the mark cannot lead him back, he can still forcefully return with the help of his back-up hands.

This way: with protection, he can flourish in the abyss. Hands and feet.

Arrange an escape route.

Wang Quan summoned Zhang Xue and others again.

He ordered Zhang Xue and others:

"Encourage ordinary people to have children and produce more offspring"

"All future generations can be supported with our resources."

Wang Quan said a lot.

Even if he can't return for a long time, the main world will get better and better because of his guidance.

Zhang Xue and others didn't know why.

They thought this was an ordinary incident for Wang Quan. came.


I was in a very happy mood.

I even wore fancy clothes to please him.

A few days later:

Wang Quan went to see Lan Cai'er and the emperor's daughter.

The two women were still evolving and transforming in the cave opened by the mark.

They knew Wang Quan is quite worried about entering the abyss world.

Especially Lan Caier:

"I will go with you!"

She wanted to give up evolution and transformation.

King Quan quickly stopped her:


"After you transform and evolve, you will help me even more"

"This time I go to the abyss, that is, I go to the tentacles of the abyss, and I won't go deep at all."

Lan Cai'er breathed a sigh of relief. Although she didn't go out for a walk during this period , she also knew that the abyss was very powerful and cruel. However, the abyss tentacles were not dangerous compared to the royal power. So she was relieved. However: She had no idea that Wang Quan was going to enter the inside of the abyss this time. The danger involved, even with the mark, could not be deduced. No one dared to even think about it. A few days later: Wang Quan had arranged everything:

"Mark, arrange for my arrival!"

【clear! 】

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