National School Prince Is A Girl

Chapter 816: Yaoyao counterattack

People watched that the stick was about to fall on Xue Yaoyao’s head.

The heart is tight!

It is at this time.

Xue Yaoyao's frozen skill directly freezes the smile in the air.

The role of the smile operation is also holding the long stick.

Was directly set there.

Then there was a burst of ice.

It is said that the rain is more like an ice blade, and the formation of the array is extremely lethal!

Everyone, even the world's grand plans, did not expect Xue Yaoyao to come to such a move.

Is she not a newbie?

How do newbies know someone in the grass?

"This big move is beautiful." There are not many people who can win the praise of the beautiful woman.

Zhao San fat raised his eyebrows: "Beautiful coincidence?"

Falling beauty looked at him: "Don't underestimate our women, not just your men will do strategic analysis, sisters can, or you are too boring recently, want to be abused by me."

Zhao San fat does not understand, obviously everyone is a teammate is not, obviously long and so beautiful and moving, is not how to move and kill.

The fans who fell are absolutely unaware that the big side of her big sister is too scary!

However, if it is not a coincidence.

Then... the new master of the Dimension, must be no longer.

Everyone knows that as a mage, what is needed is a rigorous calculation and a sense of detachment from ordinary people. When is it necessary to put any skills so that you can control each other at the right time.

Just like now.

The frozen skill and the icy rain that the newcomer had used could not be as fast as a second or a slow second.

It’s almost impossible to freeze a smile. It’s very likely that the big move hasn’t been put, and it’s been a smile.

I really can't see it, she still has such a song.

In fact, Xue Yaoyao did not seem so calm on her face. The palm of her hand holding the mouse was full of sweat, and even when she was operating, she couldn’t help but lick her lips.

After being beaten twice, she was somewhat aware of the habit of making a smile.

The purpose of keeping the circle is to prevent the other party from catching her.

I didn't expect it to come in handy.

The time of the squadron was enough to make the singer's blood stab.

It should be said that fortunately, it is a smile, know how to use the fake body to jump out.

It can be said that this time it was really a cold sweat for myself.

But one thing he didn't expect at all, was the moment he just jumped out of the circle.

A figure passed directly from his right side, and even the big move did not let go. I saw that the man was swept away, and he couldn’t walk away with a smile!

The sound of the sound rang in an instant.

K, O!

I really want to drop the mouse!

"Qin Mo!"

Is this intentional to collect people? what!

It does not appear late in the morning, but it appears at this time!

However, it is not finished yet!

The audience present, only watching the figure as a sword, directly swept past the other three.

A big move square, when plundering, directly kill the other's mage into a blood.

The seal was still seen, and he had to escape. He had a physical shape, a U-turn, and a long-range gun came to the side.

Qin Mo took the opportunity to rebound and the sword did not mean to converge.

Even if the other party has four people.

The sword front straight to the methodist.

Haven't waited for the audience to react.

I saw two big characters on the screen!

Pull the handsome wind - double, kill!

The eyes that smiled and looked red were red, and I couldn’t help but talk to the headphones: "Don’t let him go, kill him!"

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