
The heavy restraint device was torn off easily.

Chu Ze controlled No. 18 to face Unit Zero. boom!

Two huge palms facing each other.

The expanded biochemical muscles exploded with tens of millions of tons of force.


With the sound of metal twisting, the metal base plates under the feet of Unit 0 and Unit 18 were trampled into twisted scrap metal.

"Unit Zero's AT force field was completely neutralized, its power was completely suppressed, and the tendons in both arms were ruptured! Damage level 13.5%!"

Although Unit Zero went berserk, the monitoring equipment mounted on the unit was still functioning.

Looking at the data displayed on the screen, Ritsuko Akagi looked surprised.

The strength shown by Eva's rampage has reached the upper limit of the body.

But even so, this machine from China was able to suppress it instantly

"What a monster!"


The palm of his hand tightened, and he directly grabbed the palm of Unit Zero and twisted it.

A large amount of blood-like liquid spurted out from the shattered palm.

It spread all over the ground.

Chu Ze controlled the machine and punched it hard. On the head of Unit .


Broken armor flew and blood flew.

Just one punch.

Unit Zero was mounted on the wall by Chu Ze.

The kind that couldn't even be picked off.

"Qiyuejun, you stopped!"

Just when Chu Ze added another blow, the anxious voice of Ritsuko Akagi suddenly came from the communicator.

"Unit Zero's energy has been exhausted."


The huge fist stopped in front of Unit Zero's head.

The wind from the fist made Unit Zero's heavy armor continue to shake.

"That's it."

Chu Ze, who retracted his fist and got a little carried away with his game, looked at the miserable-looking Unit Zero and felt a little embarrassed.

"Is she okay?"

"Rei's vital signs were still there."

Ritsuko Akagi looked at Ayanami Rei's life data on the screen, and then at the miserable Unit 0 in the camera. She rubbed her temples.

She felt that the NERV headquarters might be busy in the future.

"To be able to stop the rampaging Unit Zero so easily, this Chinese EVA is stronger than imagined."

In another room.

Dongyue also looked at the No. 0 machine being repaired by the maintenance team with a heavy expression. She originally thought that this young man from China was nothing to be afraid of.

But now it seems that his thinking is a bit simple.

SEELE faction This guy is much more difficult to deal with than I thought.

"Ah, indeed."

Crossing his hands to support his chin, Ikari Yuantang's eyes reflected a cold white light.

"It seems that the first unit will be launched as soon as possible"


Dongyue nodded.

"But are you sure Shinji can do it?"

"Ah, yes."

Ikari Yuantang's voice is always so calm and confident.

"Then I will handle his relevant procedures as soon as possible"

"go ahead"


"The first test is over. Thank you for your cooperation, Qiyuejun."

Ritsuko Akagi held a stack of data and said to Chu Ze who had changed into regular clothes.

"You are welcome."

Shaking his head, Chu Ze smiled.

"By the way, how is Ayanami-san?"

"Thanks to you, she is still lying in the ward."

Ritsuko Akagi couldn't help but smile bitterly when she thought of the violent driving ability of the young man in front of her.

"Um...can I go see her?"

Chu Ze scratched his head and felt a little sorry. He was a little too complacent just now, and ended up beating Unit Zero a bit badly.

As a result, Ayanami Rei, who was inserted into the plug, was also affected, which made Chu Ze feel a little sorry.

At the same time, he was still a little confused..

In his memory, the insertion plug carrying Ayanami Rei should have been forcibly expelled.

Why did the other party stay in the insertion plug when he got here.

This was a bit strange.

He suspected that it was because of his appearance. The butterfly effect caused Ling Bo Ling to encounter this kind of thing.

As the person involved, he should visit the other party

"Well, she is in the medical room. Do you want me to lead the way?"

"sorry to bother you."

Following Ritsuko Akagi, Chu Ze came to the infirmary.

He saw Rei Ayanami with an oxygen mask and an intravenous drip.

At this time, the Sanmu goddess had obviously not yet regained consciousness, but judging from the machine next to her, her various health conditions The vital signs were still normal.

Knowing this, Chu Ze felt relieved and turned around to leave.

After leaving the NERV headquarters, he came to the dormitory arranged for him by the headquarters.

He began his student career in this world.

Days passed Every day passed.

Chu Ze either went to school or trained at the headquarters every day.

And Ayanami Rei entered a state of temporary suspension of school due to injury.

This kind of life lasted for about half a month.

It was broken by the sound of an explosion.

Chu Ze Also received an emergency summons order for the first time

"Qiyuejun, the apostles are coming!"

The person who spoke was a royal sister with long dark purple hair.

Her name is Katsuragi Misato, head of the first section of the Tactical Operations Bureau of NERV headquarters.

She is Chu Ze's direct superior.


After hearing this, Chu Ze acted very calmly, as if the attacker was not an apostle who could destroy mankind, but a cat or dog that didn't know whether to live or die.

"Your calm performance is really annoying."

Seeing Chu Ze's appearance, Misato Katsuragi had a vein on her forehead and said with a fake smile.

"What do you want? Let me look frightened and say: 'It's so scary, how could I fight that monster? No, no, I don't want to drive the EVA. '?"

Chu Ze yawned. He stayed up too late to play games yesterday, which made him a little lackluster now.

"At least you should be more serious."

Misato Katsuragi rubbed her forehead.

"Ah~ no."

Rubbing his eyes, he walked off the stopped transmission platform, and Chu Ze was about to walk towards the hangar.

"Qi Qijun, you go there by yourself first, I have to pick up someone."

Misato Katsuragi, who did not get off the teleportation platform, blew a kiss to Chu Ze and smiled.Hao

"Ah, go ahead."

Ignoring Misato Katsuragi's teasing, Chuze walked towards the hangar without looking back.

He knew that Misato Katsuragi was supposed to pick up Shinji Ikari, the son of Gendo Ikari.

He was not interested in this.

The existence he was interested in was another person. A thing.

A giant being named"Apostle" that is about to attack.

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