Tang Hao’s face was cold, like a glacier that had not been transformed for ten thousand years.

“In that case, I respect your choice!”

Root. Does the head of the ministry have to sacrifice his life for righteousness?

In this case, why not satisfy his small wish, have the ultimate strength beyond everything, but not meet the expectations of the ants, Tang Hao felt that he absolutely could not do this.

“Stand behind me and don’t move!”

Tang Hao ordered to everyone.

Root. Those upper Shinobi of the Ministry have long been ready to move, and under the tuanzo’s training, they have long become only know how to kill. The killing machine, Tang Hao’s momentum can only shock this group of people for a while, for the root of death. The ministry does not care about fear, Tuanzang is their heaven, is their everything.

“Things haven’t reached that point yet, Tang Hao, don’t be impulsive!”

Tsunade’s face was ugly.

Tuan Zang, this damn old guy, always likes to come out and intervene when things are complete, and the second grandfather did not let this guy sit in the position of Hokage, which was the most correct decision.

Tang Hao didn’t look back, “Remember!” I am the head of the Ten Thousand Realms Sect. Tsunade, I know that your feelings for Konoha are very heavy, but the majesty of the Ten Thousand Realms Sect cannot be offended, and you should all firmly remember the door rules in your hearts! ”

Die for the tiger! Death to adulterers! Death to those who betray the division!

From the moment they joined the Ten Thousand Realms Sect and the Ten Thousand Realms Sect gave them great power, the Ten Thousand Realms Sect was an existence above Konoha.

All the disciples of the Ten Thousand Realms Sect can make the ninja of Konoha and protect Konoha and fight for Konoha, but before that, they must defend the glory of the Ten Thousand Realms Sect.

Between Konoha and the Ten Thousand Realms Sect, if Tsunade chooses Konoha, what awaits her will be the punishment of the mon.

Tsunade was silent, looking at the three generations with complicated eyes, hoping that his teacher could turn the tide and stop Tang Hao’s crazy guy before he went on a killing spree, so as not to let the Konoha that grandfather and second grandfather had worked so hard to build suffer a devastating blow.

“Tuan Zang, now is not the time for you to fool around! The Ten Thousand Realms Sect headed by Tang Hao is our honored guest of Konoha, and has cultivated a powerful next generation for our Konoha, and I guarantee as Hokage that he and the Ten Thousand Realms Sect will never have the slightest connection with other ninja villages!” ”

The three generations with black faces stopped in front of the regiment hiding.

Tuan Zang was careful to think about where the three generations of teammates could not understand.

The existence of Tang Hao and the Ten Thousand Realms Sect could not have the slightest relationship with other ninja villages, and if they could really control Tang Hao and control the Ten Thousand Realms Sect, they would definitely not be willing to lie dormant for so long.

“Sarutobi, it is because of the indecisive Hokage like you that Konoha will lose so many elites, and only by continuing to get stronger can we protect what we want to protect!”

Tuan Zang’s gloomy eyes stared at the three generations deadly.

“This time, I won’t back down half a step!”

Tang Hao looked at this quarrel indifferently, “Ape Flying Sun, you should be glad that you said such words, I will spare the wood leaf and not die!” ”

“Huh! Boy, who do you think you are? With regard to your so-called subordinate levels under the Ten Thousand Realms Sect, you can still destroy Konoha? It’s a joke within a joke! ”

Tuan Zang bypassed the three generations and stood face to face with Tang Hao.

“I hope your strength is worthy of your courage.”

Tang Hao did not strike first, he had already felt that his strength was unimaginable before, as long as he made a move, he would be able to destroy the entire Konoha in an instant!

Psychic Summoning!

Tuan Zang sneered, he had absolute confidence in his strength.

In the same case of shadow-level strength, even if it is Hanzo, the so-called demigod guy who dares to let himself attack first, he will not die well!

Tuanzang’s psychic beast is the dream-eating beast Dream Tapir, a huge psychic beast that can manipulate the wind.

When he came up, he summoned all the psychic beasts at the bottom of his box, which shows that Tuan Zang is serious and attached importance to this battle.

Flying sand and rocks!

The dream tapir opened its huge mouth, and suddenly there was a sharp inhalation, making it almost impossible to stand on the ground.

The powerful strength of the Tuan Zang Shadow level completely burst out, and it was definitely no less than the strength of the three ninjas, and even the three ninjas, who were even younger than now, were slightly more powerful.

“Tudun Tujin Wall!”

A dignified look flashed in the eyes of the third generation, and he directly cast a powerful defensive earth escape, blocking all the people behind him and avoiding being affected by Tuan Zang’s attack.

Armed color domineering!

Tang Hao was cold, with an incomparably powerful momentum, still did not break out in advance, but maintained the state of the Double Realm King Fist, exerted an armed color domineering, and the skin on his body instantly became as shiny as a black diamond.

Can armed color domineering be so powerful?

Tsunade’s heart was horrified!

Tang Hao, who was blackened all over, seemed to be a demon god from hell, and just looking at it made people feel palpitations.

Compared to the armed color domineering that he had cultivated and could only cover his fists, Tsunade found that the domineering cultivation system, as long as it was continuously strengthened, the end point was not necessarily weaker than Chakra, and it might even be stronger!

Wind escape, vacuum wave!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! …

A teleportation technique appeared behind Tang Hao, and he planned to use the tactics of attacking Xu in the future to conduct a drill on Tang Hao.

The countless wind blades emitted by the vacuum wave continuously cut Tang Hao’s body, and after the two came into contact, they emitted a friction like a metal clash. The sound of rubbing is chilling to hear.

How can it be!

Although vacuum jade is only a B-grade ninjutsu, in the hands of Tuan Zang, a person who has already cast the wind to become a divine person, the power of this ninjutsu can no longer be divided by ordinary levels.

How could it be without causing a little damage?!

Tuan Zang is very confident in his tactics, thinking that as long as he can attack Tang Hao, the action he planned will come to a perfect end, and when the time comes, he will always be able to get what he wants by sending Tang Hao’s body to the big snake pill.

“So, you don’t know anything about power! This kind of tickling attack, don’t take it out and embarrass people, the strength is not by the most spoken, Konoha is not changed by a few words from you, bear my anger. Danzo, Konoha and you, all have to pay for it! ”

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