Naruto: Unknown Thousand Names

Chapter 633: Hui Ye Resurrection

"Massage? What does it mean?" Bo Feng Shuimen asked inexplicably.

"It is Konoha that unifies the Ninja World, so that the whole world is in a unified situation, just like the original united family founded the Ninja Village. Only when the world is truly unified, can long-term peace be maintained!" Chao Haike said indifferently: " Next, just crack [Unlimited Monthly Reading], this world is ours!"

"Let the ninjas of other Ninja villages die in their dreams, and the land and spots that launched the Ninja World War will become the target of everyone’s hatred, and Konoha... is the hero who saved the entire world. I express my deep sympathy for other Ninja Village’s encounters!" Chao Yan Qianming's expression was calm, as if he was not talking about a **** killing.

"The light has disappeared!" Just when everyone was still shocked by the plan of Misana, Sasuke suddenly spoke, and at the same time opened the wings of [Suzano Nohu].

The sky is back to darkness.

"Sure enough, light can't penetrate that!" Heijue said in a deep voice, looking at [Suzano Nohu] that was slowly dissipating.

"What do you want to do now for you?" Hei Jue asked indifferently, looking at Chao Wanren.

"Of course... I defeated Madara Uchiha!" Asakura sneered, "At this point, Madara has no use value!"

"Sure enough..." The quick-minded people such as Hafeng Mizuno, Kakashi, Sarutobi Hizaki, Tsunade, etc. immediately thought of the purpose of Zhao Yiqianren: "He really wants to be in the [Infinite Moon Reading] Do you get anything?"

"Don't think about it! What we have to do now is to solve you guys!" Hei Jue said coldly, and there was no change in the black face.

"Is there any battle plan? The current Madara is not easy to deal with!" Bo Feng Shuimen asked.

"A battle plan?" Chao Yiqian smiled faintly, noncommittal.

"I should be regarded as the savior of the world!" Uchiha Madara suddenly descended from the sky and landed in front of Kurojutsu, and confronted the people such as Tsunami and others: "Sure enough, this level of art can't deal with you, but it's fine. , Just let me experiment with the power of the six immortals."


"The eyes on his forehead..."

Seeing Uchiha Madara appeared, the expressions of everyone suddenly became extremely solemn.

Even if there are thousands of Assassins, Naruto and Sasuke have gained stronger power, but the enemy they face is after all, Uchiha Madara, who has gained the power of the six immortals.

"The power of the Six Ways of Immortals?" Chao Yasen looked contemptuously, looked at Uchiha Madara indifferently, and sneered: "You are now worthless!"

"..." Uchiha Madara's eyes were full of murderous for an instant: "It seems that you don't have a clear understanding of the current form, so let you experience the fear yourself!"

"Don't do it yet?" Chao Yanqian said lightly.

Yep! ?

The expressions of Naruto and others all changed when they heard the words of the Asagout Thousand. Facing an opponent like Uchiha Madara, how can I do it if I don't even have a combat plan?

'puff! ’

Standing behind Uchiha Madara, Kurozuru suddenly got into trouble, and instantly passed by behind Uchiha Madara's chest, Uchiha Madara's expression was full of consternation.


"I can't move..."

Kurozu is the will of Otsuki Teruya. Now Otsuki Teruya has awakened. Under the control of her will, Uchiha Madara who can still be suppressed cannot move even at such a distance from the moon to the ground.

"The power of the six realms? On what basis do you judge that you can control everything? Isn't it too ridiculous to think that only you are special? Madara!" Hei Jueman said mockingly.

"Kurozutsu, what are you talking about?" Uchiha Madara asked incredulously: "You were created by me. You are my will. You should act according to my ideas!"

"Maa! You really are still alive in your dream, Heijue has never been your will!" Chao Yi Qianming said contemptuously.

"What!" Uchiha Madara looked shocked at Chao Wan Chiren, puzzled: "Could it be that black is definitely..."

"That's right, my will is... Kaguya Ji!" Hei Jue said in a deep voice.

"What's the matter? Infighting is still going on at this time?"

"Kaguya Ji? Thousands of people, what do you seem to know?" Sarutobi Hitoshi keenly grasped Heizue's words, and asked Mitsuno to Thousands of people.

"Kaguyahime is the ancestor of the Ninja world, and the mother of the Six Ways of Immortals!" Zhao Qianna looked at Uchiha Madara, as if explaining to him: "And Kuzueki is the will of Kaguyahime staying in this world. ."

The words of Chao Yiqianren caused a huge wave, and even Heijue's gaze at Chao Yiqianren was full of horror.

"Then what's her purpose?" Bo Feng Shuimen asked.

"In order to resurrect, Ma... is Kaguyaji's new body!" Chao Yiqian said in a harsh tone: "In other words, Kaguyaji is about to use Madara's body to return to this world."

"Then your purpose is Kaguya Ji?" Sarutobi Hizen asked in a deep voice.

"That's right!" By now, any concealment has no meaning, and he bluntly said to Yi Qian: "Datongmu Huiye comes from the same world as the sacred tree, and my goal has always been to resurrect Hui Ye Ji, then asked the **** tree and her...what world came from and how to get there!"


"In this world, I have reached the strongest, and my strength is no longer able to go further." Chao Yanqian said with some decline: "In order to pursue a stronger realm, I will go to the original world of Kaguya Ji and the God Tree. Pursue new power! And the secret of that world is known only by Kaguya Ji!"



Looking at Chao Yi Qian with horrified eyes, everyone no longer knows how to describe the shock in their hearts.

This person is really a lunatic, and his pursuit of power has reached a pathological state. In order to pursue a stronger realm, the entire Ninja realm was in danger. If everyone can't fight Datongmu Huiye next, then this world will really be completely over.


When the light dissipated, Uchiha Madara had completely disappeared, and it was replaced by Otsuki Teruya.

"Finally resurrected!" Chao Yi Qianming's eyes twitched slightly, his expression a bit sullen.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time!"


"You guy, you know a lot!" Hei Jue looked at Qian Ren with cold eyes, his eyes slightly solemn.

Chao Yanqian knew so many things, but still resurrected Datongmu Teruya, which had to make Heijue feel jealous.

Judging from the recent 20 years of history in the Ninja Chao Yan Qiann never fought an unsure battle. Anyone who dared to underestimate Chao Yan Qiann will eventually pay a heavy price. .

Chao Yiqianren is definitely not the kind of person who is zealous and desperate.

"Is the ancestor of the Ninja world? This to deal with it?" Kakashi said with an ugly face.

"Although the strength is stronger than Madara, she has one of the biggest weaknesses." Qianren Chao looked at Heijue with a playful look. Although he was explaining to Kakashi and others, it also meant to mock Heijue.

Once the millennium plan was successful, this guy was a little overwhelmed.


"Huh!" Qianren said with a chuckle, disdain: "When Kaguya Ji was still alive, she hadn't experienced any battles and was sealed for another thousand years, so... she didn't have any fighting skills, and she You will never be able to wake up in a short period of time!"

"Sora has a powerful force, but she doesn't use it, which means that she is weaker than Madara!"

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