Naruto, uncle, I am really invincible

Chapter 626 Methods of Maintaining Peace

If they choose to occupy this territory as their own country's land, when the other side attacks again, they will recognize that it is for aggression.

And once they choose a war of aggression, then the scale of the battle and the ferocity of the battle are beyond their control.

Even then they have to pay the price of their lives, just to maintain their own territory.

These are all expected, and they even understand this, because people who can guard the border and look at the enemy are not real idiots.

Even if there is such a fool, there must be smart people around him - asking him, reminding him.

So over the years, the two sides have tacit understanding in this - a battle to kill.

Even if one side sometimes gains a huge advantage, it can even drive the other side out of here.

Seeing that they never say anything about occupying the land here and treating it as the territory of their own country.

They all tacitly still regard this place as a public land, a public territory.

The two sides have come and gone here. Although there are occasional conflicts and provocations, there are few real human sacrifices.

They are all maintaining a silent tacit understanding, and this tacit understanding also makes them stationed here for a long time, but there are very few people who really die and sacrifice.

This can also be regarded as a survival law for them for many years, and they have found their own way of survival here.

This way of living not only preserves the dignity of the village, but also does not have enough contact with the other party. It does not count as betraying the village, or even turning back to the village.

They are only in the daily conflict and provocation, and there is no large-scale fighting.

At the same time, the conflict between the two sides is maintained within a certain range.

This method not only maintains the state of opposition between the two sides, but also does not detonate too much conflict.

At the same time, this method can also make the higher-ups in the village feel more at ease.

After all, you are outside and you are facing off against the enemy with a large army.

If you don't let out a little movement from time to time, you can get along with each other quietly and peacefully.

Then there will inevitably be some people in the upper echelons of the village muttering in their hearts, is there something tricky in your heart?

Confronting people from the enemy country, but still maintaining peace and stability, does this kid have a different heart?

Of course, this statement may, to a certain extent, unjustly lead the army to a certain extent.

But in fact, I can understand the thoughts of the middle and high-level people in the village.

After all, leading such a large army to be stationed outside, and at the same time spending countless money and food every day to maintain such an army.

If there is no movement, it will really make those high-level people uneasy.

At the same time, it will also make them feel that the money, food, energy, etc. they spend every day is not worth it.

Therefore, the hostile sides stationed there, no matter which side they are, will maintain a tacit conflict in a tacit understanding.

This kind of conflict will happen from time to time, and even it will appear that the attitude of both sides is very bad and arrogant.

Because only in this way can they send such conflicting news from time to time to the village and to those high-level officials.

Let them know that they actually have a role to play here.

Although no real war broke out here, if it hadn't been stopped here by myself, the war would have broken out long ago.

Look how Damn it, the opponent provokes us from time to time. If we hadn't been stationed here, he would not only be provocative, he might even attack directly.

They want to reassure the high-level people in the village that the group of people they have raised will play a big role here.

Although there is no direct outbreak of war, the stability of their borders depends on them.

Let them have such a mentality, and let them agree with such a point of view.

Such a point of view cannot be told to them directly, because it is too obvious and too purposeful to tell them directly.

...for flowers...

Therefore, they all passed the news of the border to them in a way of a small news on the 5th and a big news on the 10th.

Make them understand that there is conflict at the border.

Let them subtly think that their role is very big.

Look at how much the enemy country's border confrontation forces are Damn it, how arrogant the enemy country is.

Their role is very great, keeping them out and not letting them invade the territory of their own country.

Over the years, the territory of their own country has not been violated in the slightest, and it is all their credit.

This is what the border troops want to tell the top, and it is also the reason why they have been in conflict every day for so many years and have to tell them the news every day.

This kind of news is never told to them directly in the letter, but through constant facts and constant potential influence, let them come to this conclusion in their own hearts.

As for the opinion of one thing, what others tell him always gives people a feeling that he wants to convince me, and once this feeling arises, it always makes people subconsciously contradict.

And if you come to a conclusion in your heart through speculation, through various letters, it is always so convincing and acceptable.

Of course, you can't say that the confronting border troops are playing tricks, they are tricky.

Because they themselves also understand, whether it is their own side or the enemy that confronts them.

They all want to maintain such a state of peace, a state in which conflicts arise from time to time, but there will never be large-scale wars.

And it's not just that they want to maintain that state.

They also want to maintain this state at the top of the village in the center of the country.

In fact, they themselves did not want to be like this, and a large-scale war broke out because of a temporary border conflict.

Even if a war breaks out, it is only after their careful deliberation and comprehensive consideration of various factors that it will break out.

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