Naruto, uncle, I am really invincible

Chapter 594 Wilderness and Summoning Beast

Those aristocratic names, those masters who control the middle and high level of the entire known ninja world.

They don't want to explore those unknown worlds.

Because they think that the known world is enough for them to survive.

Among the five known ninja countries and various small countries, they have lived a very nourishing life.

As far as these countries are currently known, they have not completely conquered these territories.

They are still scattered into large and small countries.

In these known countries, they all live in intrigue, intrigue, and life and death.

Where did they get the energy to open up a new world?

And even if someone is ambitious and wants to open up a new territory.

When I want to see what those primitive and wild worlds are like that humans have never touched.

Then he also has to worry about the rear problems.

If he leads their country's main military forces, military and civilians to develop a new world.

What about his rear, his original kingdom?

You must know that the ninja world is not a peaceful world, hello me, hello everyone.

This is a chaotic, war-torn world.

Not only are great powers at war with each other, but wars break out from time to time.

There is a lot of filth among those small countries.

They are also often in the state where you hit me today and I hit you tomorrow.

So when faced with foreign aggression, how could they still have the energy to think about opening up a new world?

What's more, it takes a lot of time, energy and money for a country to open up a primitive and wild world.

It's not just time and effort money.

Even in the face of those wild beasts, those wild beasts who originally existed here.

They are destined to have conflicts with the military and civilians who want to expand their territory, and it is likely to be a life-and-death conflict.

Of course, it is not ruled out that those beasts may escape.

Even some beasts are very spiritual, and may directly sign contracts with the humans they identify with to become Summoning beasts.

You must know that Summoning beasts are a very rare thing in the ninja world.

Don't assume that many people have Konoha, and think that Summoning beasts are very common.

In fact, these things are still among the middle and high-level masters, and there are still no Summoning beasts in many people.

Still in big countries, in those small countries, it is very likely that not one or two people in a country have Summoning beasts.

So opening up these territories, on the one hand, is also because they want to see a new world and discover new resources.

At the same time, those spirited beasts who survive in the wild can also be one of the fruits of when they open up their territory.

Know that the earliest Summoning beasts were also obtained in this way.

They are all spiritual beasts found in the wild, and finally reached a contract with humans and became Summoning beasts.

The famous Summoning beasts in the known ninja world basically have their own masters.

They naturally want to go to those wild worlds to have a look. If they can find them, they will make a lot of money.

But this is only the best imagination of human beings.

Do all the beasts obediently wait for you to invade their territory, and still identify with you and become your Summoning beasts?

The odds of this are really small.

With this kind of thought, it is better to think about the inheritance of the senior's secret art after falling off the cliff.

As mentioned earlier, such beasts may not necessarily identify with humans.

After all, you are infringing on their territory, and you are innately repelled by those spiritual beasts.

They even think you are their mortal enemy.

Even if you are numerous and powerful, they will not be able to beat you on the bright side for a while.

But secretly destroying, or even looking for an opportunity to destroy you, is not a problem.

After all, this is the wild world they are familiar with, the territory they are familiar with.

And you are outsiders, to find an opportunity to attack you, it is not a difficult task for those spiritual beasts.

Of course, there are also those beasts who are kind enough and who yearn for the human world.

They are equally curious about the human world.

Because they all know that it is a world with civilization, writing and communication.

Unlike the wild world, there are only countless beasts and endless forest land.

Even at the very beginning.

It is because those most primitive beasts with spirituality are very curious about the human world.

If you want to walk around and have a look, and want to get in touch with the human world, you will have the original Summoning beast.

And if human beings go to open up new territories, they will definitely encounter such a group of beasts who are very curious and yearn for the human world.

But we must also understand that not all beasts are like this.

It is more likely that there are more beasts hating the humans who invade their territory for no reason.

Moreover, these beasts are likely to be full of spirituality, and their wisdom is not much lower than that of humans.

Even more than humans in some respects.

In the face of these beasts blocking the way, those must send enough troops to destroy them.

And dispatching (Nuo Wang Zhao) troops will generate a series of new problems, because this will involve part of the troops there.

Moreover, this part of the army may even encounter more dangerous beasts and beasts in the later stage.

It may even be involved in the accumulation of more and more troops, and even drag down the entire country in the end. This is all possible.

Then in the end, facing the foreign enemies who are eyeing the outside world, at the same time, most of the domestic troops are also involved.

Faced with this situation, even if the lord of that country is ambitious, he still wants to open up new territories.

But under this kind of internal and external troubles, it is even very likely that many people in the country are very dissatisfied with him, and he can only give up in the end.

In this case, after spending all this time, energy, and money, and ultimately getting nothing, the result can be imagined.

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