The joy of the engagement and the feast did not last long.

The same was true in the village. Just as people were celebrating the victory of the troops, a peace treaty was made public.

This is the result of the peace talks between Konoha and Iwagakure.

Although this peace negotiation marked the end of the Ninja War, it was reached at the expense of the interests of the Leaf Village.

As a nominal victor, Konoha not only did not receive any substantial benefits, but instead ceded some of Konoha's interests in the Country of Grass and the Country of Fields as a condition for Iwagakure's surrender.

This excessive request was actually accepted by Konoha's top brass.

This caused an uproar in public opinion.

Under the pressure of public opinion, it has even been reported that the third Hokage will resign.

However, at this time of crisis, there is still one thing that needs to be done, and that is to hold a mourning meeting for the Konoha ninjas who died in the ninja war.

Many ninjas, led by the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, all wore pure black clothes to express their solemn condolences.

Che stood next to Red and Red, and on the other side were the Uchiha clan members.

Fugaku closed his eyes in mourning. An Uchiha man on the side lowered his voice and said to Fugaku: "Although the war finally stopped, too many people have been sacrificed. I heard that the third generation will take the blame and resign, and some people also proposed to promote the captain to the fourth. On behalf of you, please..."

"Don't mention this matter." Fugaku interrupted the Uchiha tribesman's words with a brief sentence.

Seeing this, Che glanced at Fugaku and thought to himself: "Clan Chief Fugaku is really good at hiding his clumsiness. With the power of Kaleidoscope, he may not be able to compete with Minato."

"Of course, Minato will definitely win, so hiding one's clumsiness is still useful."

Che seemed to have understood some truth and couldn't help but nodded.

"Does the Sharingan lost from Kakashi need to be investigated?" The Uchiha tribesman suddenly asked again.

"No need, those are the eyes Obito gave him. Besides, his experience is already tragic enough. Don't let anything happen again."


"The peace we finally got, even though it is short-lived, we still have to work hard to maintain. This is the responsibility of Uchiha."

Fugaku looked up at the fire-patterned commemorative monument in front of him.

At the same time, the big-eyed cute boy Uchiha Itachi next to Fugaku was also looking at the commemorative monument and wondering what he was thinking.

While everyone was mourning for the victims, a cold figure stood among the many tombstones, attracting Itachi's attention.

After the silence ended, Fugaku led the team on a patrol mission and had no time to take Itachi back. Itachi happened to come to the group of tombstones out of curiosity.

The cold figure he saw was a man dressed in black, with a handsome and evil face, black hair covering his eyes, and pale skin.

"There is no point in lamenting the dead."

"If death has meaning, it exists only insofar as it can be used."

The man spoke in a hoarse, magnetic voice.

Hearing the man's words, the extraordinarily precocious Itachi asked seriously: "What is the meaning of life?"

Itachi's hair hangs naturally down to the bottom of his cheeks. There is still some baby fat on his face, which makes his face a bit round, but his good appearance can be seen, and his temperament is even more different from that of ordinary children.

Orochimaru thought of a person, Che Uchiha.

But Orochimaru still answered Itachi's question.


"If there is, then it exists only during the eternity of life."

Hearing this answer, Itachi looked at the tombstones surrounding him with some confusion. These tombstones seemed to indicate that there was no eternity in life.

After Orochimaru finished speaking, the corner of his mouth curved.

At this moment, a voice came, "Lord Orochimaru, don't use your theory to fool our young Uchiha family."

Che came over, chuckled and stroked Itachi's round face, looked at Orochimaru and said, "And even if you say it's pointless to mourn the dead, aren't you also wearing pure black clothes?"

"Is not this contradictory?"

Orochimaru did not fall into the trap of self-evidence, but completely ignored the questions raised by Che.

"Che-Jun, long time no see. Are you interested in accompanying me to the research institute?"

Che did not answer directly, but lowered his head and said to Itachi: "Go and do your own thing."

"Well, goodbye, brother Che." Itachi bowed seriously and said goodbye.

Seeing Itachi leave, Che raised his head and replied: "Let's go, I really want to see the results of Orochimaru-sama's research during this period of time."

The two left side by side. On the way, Orochimaru talked about Che's achievements on the battlefield, while Che praised Orochimaru's painstaking research. It can be said that the two of them had a good understanding.

The two came to the research institute. As Orochimaru's senior assistant, Che could see at a glance the results Orochimaru wanted to show.

"Was the software transformation successful?"

I saw an experimental subject with all parts of its body stretched to the extreme, hanging on the wall, dying, but still alive.

Anyone else would have been torn into pieces by five horses.

"This is a death row prisoner who has been transformed by me using a new software transformation technique. The effect is far better than the previous method."

When Orochimaru talks about his experiments, he will appear in a completely different state than usual.

But before the two of them could talk further, Che suddenly felt that he had received a call.

"Reverse psychic?"

Che's psychic beasts so far have only been Sanwei and the group of crows. In other words, it is the crows that are summoning Che.

Che then followed the summoning power of the spiritism and left a message, "Let's talk later."

Che then disappeared into Orochimaru's research institute.

Orochimaru continued, minding his own business: "Even if this method cannot make life eternal, it can at least make life less fragile."

On the other side of Konoha, on a broken cliff, a young man was falling freely from the air.

"Life...has no meaning."

Che was surrounded by crows and crows when he suddenly noticed that it was Itachi who was freely falling above him.

"Isn't Orochimaru going to commit suicide after just a few words? Is Fugaku's son so fragile?"

Che wanted to fly up to rescue him, but after thinking and observing for a moment, he did not act immediately.

Che wanted to see what this kid wanted to do.

I saw Itachi's body flipping in the air, and the shamimi flew up and screamed at the throat. Itachi seemed to wake up suddenly, took out a kunai and inserted it into the cliff.

But because the speed of falling was too fast, this buffering did not work.

Itachi then took out another kunai and kept inserting the kunai into the cliff with both hands to cushion it.

Finally, he landed smoothly and landed right in front of Che.

"Brother Che, no one wants to die, right?" Itachi still had a thoughtful expression on his face, "So what is the meaning of life?"

Che understood what Itachi did just now. He was approaching death to explore the meaning of life.

But it seems Itachi only came to the conclusion that he didn't want to die.

Che then said his answer, "I think the meaning of life lies in being able to explore the meaning on your own."

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