Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 521 Phantom: It’s worth dying for me!

In those countless battlefields, all attacks are just to cover up one team.

A team captures the bearer of the Reality Stone.

They were composed of three SS-level peak warriors, and they attacked Haildam unexpectedly. He didn't even have a chance to resist and call for help, and his eyes were gouged out.

And now, these eyes are being played with by Thanos - just like playing with a pile of glass beads.

Zhang Lan's face was as dark as water.

Not only because Loki's arrogant guy didn't pay attention to protecting the Infinity Stones, but also because he didn't realize how Thanos got Heldam's eyes.

Obviously when the two of them were fighting, there was no living body approaching at all, and there was no spatial fluctuation at all.

Unknown power is terrifying!

"Then, let me take a look at what the real Lord of Laws is!"

Thanos looked excited and squeezed a bunch of orange eyes in his hand - only Thanos who fully masters the law of power can break the barrier that protects the law of the soul.

A stream of orange liquid flowed out, and they were in a fluid state just like the reality gems they once were, but they were previously sealed in Heldam's eyeballs.

Driven by Thanos, this orange fluid slowly flows towards the Infinity Gauntlet in Thanos' hand, and then flows into the yellow hole of the Infinity Gauntlet.

This is to be integrated with the Infinity Gauntlet, and Thanos will use it to master the soul laws of the Marvel Universe!

Naturally, Zhang Lan wouldn't just watch Thanos increase his strength. Otherwise, the situation with Thanos was just barely at a stalemate. What would happen then?

Thanos, who fully masters the two great laws, will undoubtedly be able to defeat Zhang Lan, who only masters 99% of the three great laws.

By then, one can imagine what awaits Zhang Lan.

Therefore, Zhang Lan moved.

He stretched out his right hand towards the void and shook it hard, shattering the space around Thanos. Then the time law in his left hand directly solidified the flow of time around Thanos, allowing his time to stay at this moment.

And Zhang Lan also teleported in front of Thanos, trying to reach out and grab the soul gem that had not yet been integrated into the Infinity Gauntlet.

However, Zhang Lan clearly saw it, and there was a faint mocking arc in the corner of Thanos's mouth.

It's obvious that the other party is double-imprisoned by time and space, so why is he still so complacent?

Zhang Lan doesn't understand and doesn't need it.

All he had to do was reach out and grab the soul gem - and his grasp was empty!

Zhang Lan's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

"Damn it, time and space are both frozen. How can it be impossible to be trapped? It can't be a fantasy, right? Will my eyes be psychedelic by fantasy?"


"Wait a minute! The power of the Soul Gem and Soul Law!"

Zhang Lan realized it in an instant, but unfortunately it was too late.

Behind him, there was a force that was so powerful that Zhang Lan was squeezed and couldn't move. As for using space to escape, I'm sorry. Zhang Lan himself shattered the surrounding space before, and now he can't move at all. Use the power of space!


With a shocking loud noise, Thanos' figure appeared behind Zhang Lan in vain, maintaining a posture of punching out. As for Zhang Lan, who was standing before, he cut through the space like a comet, passing through the so-called soul gem that was being absorbed. Thanos' figure, the black gold holy cloak began to break apart from the waist, and finally turned into fine fragments floating on the path Zhang Lan flew by, and sometimes there would be drops of blood-red liquid mixed with some internal organ fragments left behind.

This punch directly broke through all Zhang Lan's defenses and seriously injured him!

It can’t be said that it’s not powerful!

But it turns out that the scene Zhang Lan saw before that Thanos wanted to absorb the soul gem was just an illusion shown to him by Thanos.

As for why Zhang Lan, who has the Eternal Kaleidoscope and the Nine Magatama Reincarnation Eye, is still under illusion.

This is no longer an illusion. I'm afraid that Thanos has already integrated the soul gem, mastered the soul law, and then initiated Zhang Lan's induction from the soul level, making Zhang Lan's soul see this scene, thus deceiving him. out of sight of his body.

After that, Thanos wandered up behind Zhang Lan, gathered his strength and punched him.

With the Soul Law as a cover, Zhang Lan naturally cannot sense Thanos's charged aura.

I have to say that completely mastering a law is indeed extremely powerful!

No, Zhang Lan couldn't even resist Thanos's serious close punch. He abandoned his helmet and armor and even the black gold holy clothes were shattered into nothingness.

After a successful blow, Thanos did not take advantage of the victory and pursue it. Instead, he turned around and marched towards the battlefield where the two armies were fighting.

His target is Zhang Lan's main command location.

In other words, Thanos's target is Phantom, who is the main commander this time, and he still has the Mind Stone he once lent to Loki in his palm.

Thanos's action was immediately discovered by the Phantom over there. He immediately mobilized the troops on the battlefield to try to resist and delay Thanos, hoping that Zhang Lan could return in time.

Thanos was simply not something they could match, and Phantom never thought about confronting Thanos.

Unfortunately, no matter what kind of attacks are used against Thanos - because all attacks penetrate Thanos' body.

It is the law of the soul.

For unknown reasons, Thanos did not directly annihilate everyone's souls, but repeated his old trick to let all living beings see his illusory voice, but his true body was already quietly approaching the phantom.

It's a pity that Thanos suddenly lost his sense of the Mind Stone while traveling - the breath of the Mind Stone ran to the extremely distant edge of space in an instant.

That was the direction of Zhang Lan who had been blown away before.

"Not dead yet?"

Thanos was quite surprised that after Zhang Lan received his full punch, not only did he not die, he was able to use the power of space to rescue the phantom.

"That's interesting!"

Thanos was not angry or annoyed, he just regarded it as a small game to relieve his fatigue during his journey.

After all, now he doesn't have to worry about Zhang Lan's threat at all.

Instead of pursuing him, Thanos simply stayed where he was. With one punch, he was able to create a huge hole in the camp of the nine kingdoms, opening up a gap in the opponent's defense for his own army.

Look at this, if Zhang Lan comes back later, this battle will be too.


In the distance, on an unknown Death Star that is comparable to the sun, it just maintains the appearance of a hemisphere, and there are two sound shadows in the Death Star.

It was Zhang Lan and Phantom.

Thanos' previous punch was really heavy. Even if Zhang Lan used the three laws to slow down his body, the result was that his body could not withstand the tearing force of the two forces and collapsed.

After smashing nearly half of the Death Star, which was the size of the sun, Zhang Lan was able to slow down.

If he hadn't summoned Susanoo as a cushion under him, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been as simple as just being shattered into pieces.

Fortunately, although his body was still severely damaged, it was not fatal - or in other words, his body was indeed dead, but he himself was not.

The characteristic of immortality has once again exerted its powerful strength!

After stopping his body, the first thing Zhang Lan did was not to heal his wounds or anything else, but to forcefully open a space door and pull the phantom to his side by relying on the consequences of injuries.

In terms of Thanos's mobility, his range of action is not very fast. It can even be said that he cannot freely shuttle through space. Zhang Lan was blown so far away that the other party would definitely not chase him - it's not that he would not chase him. , but cannot catch up.

Otherwise, Zhang Lan, who possesses the three laws, would be much more tempting than a mind gem.

Looking back at Phantom, the first moment he was pulled over by Zhang Lan, he wanted to turn back and crawl back through the space gate. Unfortunately, Zhang Lan could no longer maintain the space gate due to the injury, and the space gate collapsed.

"Damn it, Lan, you have to let me go back. Without the commander-in-chief, our army will be massacred! They can't stop Thanos!" Phantom looked crazy.

"Ahem. Phantom, you know, you can't go back now, otherwise, ahem, Thanos will get the Mind Stone, and then we will have no chance at all!" Zhang Lan was quite weak.

"What tactics do you have?" Phantom said urgently.

"Yes, yes, but... ahem, he absorbed Haierdam's soul gem, and my physical sight is blocked. I need... ahem, cough."

As for this, Zhang Lan didn't say any more.

He couldn't speak.

However, Phantom understood - what Zhang Lan needed was the Soul Stone.

If the naked eye cannot see, then what about the mind's eye?

It can definitely be seen.

However, there is a problem now, that is, the Mind Stone is the core that gives the Phantom soul and life. If the system given to Zhang Lan absorbs it, then the Phantom will probably cease to exist!

Who would have thought that in the face of the threat of death, Phantom just hesitated for a second and then asked: "How should I give it to you? I tried, but I can't remove the Mind Stone, and no object on the earth can hurt it. it."

Seeing this, Zhang Lan gritted his teeth - he didn't want to reveal his own method, because that meant he would kill the phantom with his own hands.


Phantom suddenly punched Zhang Lan hard in the face. Although it only shook his head slightly, it actually punched Zhang Lan.

"Damn it, Lan, we don't have time. Wanda and the others are on the battlefield. If it weren't for you or me, they wouldn't be able to survive. It's worth sacrificing me!"

Phantom's words were not artificial at all, they came completely from the heart.

Hearing this, Zhang Lan gritted his teeth even tighter, but still didn't speak - but the system couldn't stand it anymore, and sent a soul message to the phantom -

"Press the hand of your Mind Gem on Zhang Lan's forehead, and I will absorb 99% of the power of the Mind Law. The 1% power of the Mind Law left to you can only support your normal activities for half a month, and you cannot fight. , otherwise you will die quickly, got it."

Before the system could finish conveying what he said, he was cut off by an angry Zhang Lan. His rioting soul roared: "Damn it, system, are you afraid of death? Do you want my friend to sacrifice? Are you? betray me!"

"What else? Wait until Thanos destroys your other friends, and then comes to destroy you and then devour me?" The system refuted the fact.

"Then that doesn't allow me to kill my friend with my own hands!" Zhang Lan's face was painful, and he was struggling: "Isn't my fighting just to protect my friends?"

"You are not strong enough to defeat Thanos, unless" the system seems to be saying something.

"Shut up!" Zhang Lan yelled, interrupting the system's next words. When he was about to continue scolding the system, he only felt a warmth on his forehead - it was a phantom. He put the palm of his mind gem on it. Zhang blue forehead.

Zhang Lan: "Phantom, you."

Phantom: "Either everyone dies, or I die and everyone lives. If you let me choose, I will die. It's worth it!"

For a moment, Zhang Lan didn't know how to answer Phantom's words.

"Lan, please open the space door later and let me go back. As my main commander, I don't need to fight by myself!" Phantom said very easily.

The system absorbs the Mind Stone very quickly. In just a few seconds, it absorbs the sapphire-blue Mind Stone into a layer of light blue that is as light as a few degrees. If you don't pay attention, you may even think that there is a transparent gem stuffed in Phantom's hand.

On the other hand, the phantom still looks the same. Apart from the fact that his energy and spirit have lost the aura of a strong man, he looks like an ordinary person, and the fire of life in his body is dying.


Phantom pinched his neck, looking like he was suffocating.

Having lost all his strength, he can no longer survive in space. He needs oxygen!

Zhang Lan gritted his teeth and tried his best to use the power of space to open a way back for the phantom. However, the phantom did not cross the space door, but pointed at his wrist towards Zhang Lan.

This is asking Zhang Lan how much time is needed.

Zhang Lan estimated the time it would take for his body to recover and to comprehend the Mind Stone until he could use it. Even if he used the law of time to compress it to the extreme, it would still take——

"Three minutes, I need at least three minutes!"

After receiving Zhang Lan's information, the phantom, whose neck was already red, gave Zhang Lan a determined look, and then got into the space door without looking back.

After leaving, I don’t know if there will be a chance to see each other again. This may very well be a farewell!

Zhang Lan gritted his teeth and silently used the laws of time to try to freeze the flow of time around him, and then devoted himself to understanding the laws of mind that he had just systematically absorbed.

He doesn't need to understand too much, he just needs to understand how to use the Law of Mind to shield the influence of the Law of Soul - to annihilate his soul, just a Law of Soul cannot do what Zhang Lan, who possesses the four major laws, can do!


When Phantom returned to the command center, after spending three seconds to understand the current battlefield situation, his face turned extremely dark.

Gritting his teeth, Phantom squeezed out a sentence from his mouth: "All units on Earth, all take red pepper pills!"

Fury: "NO, Phantom, do you know what this means?"

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