Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 846: Phase 2

"Hey ... hey ..."

The blazing white light beam was radiated on the dark blue energy hood in front of the blue dye. It took only a moment to reduce the original thick energy layer!

At this time, the blue dye was suppressed by the golden coffin made up of countless dense golden chains, unable to escape, and could only resist the attack of Onoki stiffly!

After seeing the effect of the stripping of the original realm, everyone present was excited.

Although Zhao Meiming was very surprised by the powerful power displayed by Lan Ran, at this time she did not hesitate, and quickly sighed in her hands.

"Boiling. Skill of Mist!"

I saw her lips closed slightly, and a pale yellow mist instantly permeated the area where blue dye was located.

For a while, not only the layer of energy around Lan Ran was corroded, but also the surface of the golden coffin that suppressed him began to faintly black.

This also made the shadows on the side look tight, and dare not to underestimate the water shadow of this generation.

The other shadows also printed in their hands, releasing their ninjutsu and attacking Lanran.

Behind several people, Dai gasped heavily, his pale eyes were staring at the blue dye that was attacked by everyone with a husky voice.


In the face of Qiqi's attack, even though Lan Ran's body is covered with a thick layer of energy hood, at this time, there is still some power.

"Hmm ..."

As if the cold water was poured on the hot stones, with the harsh noise, I saw that the energy cover on the surface of the blue dyed body was finally completely penetrated by the action of the peeling of the original realm!

At this moment, Ohino's forehead was already covered with a fine layer of cold sweat. When the energy hood was passed, a flash of excitement flashed on his old face, and he was surprised.

"Success !!!! This guy can't resist this time!"

Hearing what he said, several of them were also excited, without any hesitation, all kinds of taboo ninjutsu blasted towards Lan Ran, who had lost his defense!

At the same time, Lan Ran's face was also dignified, deep and indifferent purple eyes staring at Ninjutsu who attacked himself, his face was extremely gloomy.

Ohno is obviously very confident in the original stripping technique, and at the moment of breaking the blue dye defense, he continued to urge Ninjutsu!


The next moment, there was almost no hesitation, and I saw the white beam of light straight through the blue dyed belly!

At the moment when this scene fell in the eyes of everyone, everyone was shocked, and then suddenly showed a strong joy!

The look on Dai and Watergate's face was extremely complicated, but he just looked at it.

At the bottom of the package, Tsunade and Zuri also waited. When they saw this scene, the pupils in their eyes shrank slightly, and the expressions on their faces were dimmed and then complicated.

Tsunade even covered her mouth with her hands and almost closed her eyes. She did not want to see such a scene at all.

"Hey ... hey ..."

Under the pale yellow fog, the clothing on the blue dyed body began to dissolve gradually, exposing the bright red wounds, and Zhao Meiming's eyes widened.

She couldn't believe that the man known as the taboo of forbearance really died at this time under the cooperation of her and other films.

Looking at the intricate expression on Lan Ran's face before him, Ohnogi's heart slowly relieved, secretly.

Unexpectedly ... one day really killed this guy ...

Just when everyone felt that the blue dye in front of them was almost certain to die.

In their ears, a familiar magnetic sound came slowly.

"It's really good ... this feeling of life and death ..."

When these words suddenly fell in the ears of several shadows, their pupils suddenly shrank, and their faces were pale pale.

Their actions are very consistent, they all turned around and looked in the direction of the sound. When they saw the weird scene in front of them, the expressions on their faces were extremely stiff.

I saw in their impression that the blue dye that was supposed to be struggling with a look of astonishment was so unfathomable. At this time, his head was gently twisted, and a corner of his mouth evoked a great arc, slowly looking they.

The deep purple eyes that were completely different from before were full of interesting smiles at this moment, with mocking smiles on the corners of their mouths, staring straight at them.

Seeing this, Onoki's face sank suddenly, looking at the completely hollow big hole in Lan Ran's abdomen, some of which were heavy and heavy channels.

"How could it be ... how could you be alive under such an injury !?"

At this time, Lan Ran looked really embarrassed, and she was completely calm and confident.

He was still constrained by countless golden expectations, his body was filled with injuries damaged by boiling boils, and there was a large black hole in the abdomen.

After hearing Ohnogi's words, Lan Ran smiled slowly, and his deep and strange purple eyes gently glanced at him, without any worries about the wounds on his body, smiling.

"Where did you come to the conclusion that I would be defeated in your hands?"

"Is it because of this seal on me? Or are these advantages you have now?"

Speaking of this time, Lan Ran's eyes were full of ironic smiles glanced at the injuries and the golden coffin that controlled him.

Seeing Lan Ran's performance, for some reason, everyone present felt a little bit cold, and always felt that some things had completely come out of their control.

I saw Lan Ran twitch his mouth, glanced at them, and chuckled.

"But ... thank you so much ..."

"If you didn't join forces, I really don't know where to find the key to the next stage if I want to enter the next stage ..."

Hearing his words, the shadows present were a little surprised, a little puzzled by his words.

Daihe Watergate seemed to think something, and his face suddenly became very ugly!

"Guru ... Guru ..."

I haven't waited for the other reasons to come back. What is the reason ~ ~ Suddenly, there was a strange noise from Lan Ran's body.

The blue jade embedded in Lan Ran's chest burst into bright light at this time, and the bluish blue light shone on everyone's eyes and on his body!

Immediately afterwards, all the white bone fluids suddenly succumbed from the virtual holes that existed below the blue-dyed chest.

Lan Ran didn't care at all about the strange reaction on his body, but with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked indifferently at everyone present.

In this way, with everyone's horrified gaze, the body was covered with blue wounds that were seriously injured and covered with countless white bones that were pouring out of the virtual hole.

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