Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 772: The fate of ants

"Why, Lan Ran's predecessors are dead, you guys in Xun Ye Gong still have to fight against Ninja !?"

"Is this good for you !?"

At this moment, the water gate stared at the silver slightly, and asked with a deep voice.

Hearing his questioning, the corner of Yin's mouth could not help evoke a slight smile, his eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the tight water gate, and gently spreading his hands, smiling lightly.

"Although I don't care much ..."

"But as Captain Blue Dye once said, since the five Ninja villages simply cannot quell the war and ugliness of this world, why not change the court and rewrite the rules about this world?"

Hearing this, Watergate's face sank and looked very ugly.

Silver continued to talk bluntly.

"For the virtual night palace, the existence of the ninja is unnecessary, and the mind of the ninja does not need to be passed on."

"It's because of the ninja's weakness that it creates chaos and struggles, doesn't it ...?"

Speaking of this, I saw a tiny flicker in Yin Yan's eyes, looked at the water gate with a smile and whispered softly.

"But ... if all of this is under the rule of Xuye Palace, all the problems will be gone!"

"The absolute dominance of Xue Ye Gong will perfectly guarantee that everything will be realized one by one as you dream of ..."

"Moreover, most humans no longer need to be willing to be fiddled with weak people because they don't have the talent to become ninjas ..."

"Xue Ye Palace will give them real power ... no less than the power of a ninja ..."

Hearing this, Watergate's face was very dignified, but he stared at silver and sank.

"Even if it is true as you said, is this life really what everyone wants !?"

"Look at everyone as a livestock, completely ruled by the Xuyong Palace ... This life under the control of others, I don't think this is what everyone recognizes and needs!"

Hearing the words of Silver Gate, Yin's mouth slightly lifted, but his eyes glanced at him with a smile and chuckled.

"Is this different from living in the Five Big Ninja Villages?"

In this regard, Watergate could not help but stagnate, but his eyes remained firm!

Just listen to Yin slowly continue to chuckled.

"It's also a life restricted by people. The difference is that in Xue Ye Gong, it doesn't look like a major ninja village, and it's jealous of powerful people ..."

Speaking of this, the corner of Yin's mouth could not help but slightly raised, chuckling.

"On the contrary, Xu Ye Palace welcomes every powerful member ... I think ... even if you want to join Watergate, it is not necessary ..."

"You know, every human being is a precious strategic resource. It would be a shame if it was consumed internally by the war between ninjas ..."

When hearing these words, Watergate's face changed slightly, and blue eyes flashed brilliantly!

No ... this guy is definitely not that simple!

Xue Ye Palace wants the public to be a strategic resource .... what does it mean! ?

Thinking of this, he could not help raising his head, his eyes staring at the silver with a smile on his face.

"No matter how nice you say, but your real purpose is to break down the ninja forces ..."

"With this alone, there is absolutely no way for the two of us to really talk together!"

Hearing his words, Yin's face could not help but show a helpless expression, gently spread his hands and smiled softly.

"That's a pity ... you know ... I'm kind of persuading you this time ..."

"It's a pity .... you didn't take my kind intentions ...

While talking, I saw him slowly lift the sharp gun in his hand flat, with a smile like a fox on his face, smiling softly.

"When the real wave hits, you probably know the kindness I have released today ..."

"But since you refused ... then ..."

Speaking of this, I saw his narrowed eyes slowly open a gap, Han Man flashed slightly and whispered softly.

"Just prepare for battle ..."

With the voice of silver just dropped!


A silver cold mang suddenly cut through the space and pierced the body of the water gate straight!

Seeing this, Watergate's pupils shrank suddenly, and the heart was shocked!

That guy's knife! ?

It was almost as soon as he reacted in his mind that the sharp gun that had extended suddenly reached his body.


Without warning, Watergate's body disappeared!

Seeing that the magic gun failed to hit, Yin was not disappointed. There was still a weird smile on his face, his eyes glanced around gently, and he laughed lightly.

"Is this the so-called space ninjutsu ... it is very interesting ..."

Around the watergate's original station, a group of vigilant ninjas and Naruto guards reacted at this moment, and couldn't help but groan.

"Hurry up and cover up Lord Naruto!"

For a while, after the water gate disappeared, a group of people couldn't help but seal it, and then shot at the silver in the distance!

Not far away, after the trunk that Watergate had used to dodge.

Suddenly, a stalk inserted into the trunk suddenly flashed out of the water gate.

In front of his chest ~ ~ Ninja costume was pierced with a tiny little mouth.

If it was a little too late to release the Thundergod technique at Watergate just now, I am afraid that his body has been penetrated by the magic gun at this moment!

Can that knife stretch in a very short time! ?

Looking at the gap in the chest, Watergate couldn't help thinking about it!

He suddenly heard the words of the ninjas in the forest behind him, he could not help shrinking his pupils, and hurriedly turned to shout.

"Don't do anything. Hurry up and stay away from that guy!"

However, Watergate was a bit late.

At this time, I saw a variety of forbidden techniques and fire ninjas on the field, attacking the body of silver in the past!

The entire field was illuminated by the red flames and the strange forbidden technique doped in it.

Faced with so many ninjutsu attacks, Silver did not take a step back.

At this moment, the smile on his face was slightly cold, and his narrowed eyes opened a slight gap, looking at the dark ninjas and Naruto guards in the distance. The corners of his mouth exaggerated and murmured softly.

"Captain Blue Dye's order didn't mention your eyesight ... so ... the fate of the ants need not be said ..."

Speaking of this, I saw he gently raised the magic gun in his hand, aimed at the position of the ninja in the shadows, and chuckled.

"Skill. Lancet Dance!"

With his words fall!

"嗖!" "嗖!" "嗖!" ...

Suddenly, in front of Yin's body, a blank curtain was formed!

Under the extremely retractable blade, a strong air flow formed in front of him, and most of the attacked jujutsu vanished in this dense attack.

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