Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 769: Critical exam

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Just as Raikage and Kiraby are ready to work together to deal with a calm Stark.

In the country of fire, in the forest of death, the examination of Zhong Ren is being carried out in an orderly manner.

Because it is not the seventh day at this time, most of the candidates who have arrived in the tower have a rest and prepare for the next third exam.

It is worth mentioning that after Sasuke found the figure of Guitong Maru, he couldn't help passing this information to the top of Koba immediately.

At this moment, in the middle of the tower, the person responsible for guarding Muye doubled.

However, because the other party did not violate the rules of the test, even if they knew that the Guitong Maru group had suspicious purposes and had slaughtered many candidates who took the test.

However, the side of the wooden leaves still couldn't directly intervene, and had to increase the intensity of observation in the dark, always being alert to the sudden riots of the Guitong Maru party!

Inside the high tower, there is a wide space on the first floor for candidates who arrive here to relax a bit.

Except candidates who have not yet arrived, all candidates are gathered here.

Everyone gathered together with the ninjas they knew, and they were safe from each other, and nothing special happened.

The ghost boy Maru and others who have disguised their appearances are also silent, a quiet look.

From the looks of it, no one can imagine that a person who looks so ordinary has the ability to kill many candidates!

At this moment, located on the second floor of the high tower, you can see the scene below through the gap of the railing.

I saw a serious-looking ninja standing here, staring sharply at the position of Guitong Maru below.

He has been standing here for a long time, and has also observed Guitong Maru for a long time.

Except for the doubtful guy who talked with his teammates not long ago, the rest of the time was sitting very quietly, everything looked like a normal candidate.

But according to the information provided by the little ghost of the Uchiha family, the ordinary-looking guy now has the strength not inferior to the general tolerance!

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man standing here could not help but stare, his face a little dignified.

"Patter!" "Patter!" "Patter!" ...

At this moment, a silver-haired figure wearing a white tiger mask slowly came over, and it was the shadow ninja pharmacist's pocket separate from Naruto and others.

Noting his arrival, the middle-aged man could not help but glanced at him, his voice calmed.

"Why are you here, White Tiger?"

Hearing his words, he turned his head to him in a soft voice.

"Captain Ibizi has been watching here for almost a morning. I wonder if there is any gain?"

Hearing what he said, Senai Yixi's face was very calm, she shook her head gently, and her voice was very calm.

"Unfortunately, nothing has been gained ..."

When I heard this, I was slightly disappointed.

However, Sennai Bixi flashed her eyes and continued.

"However, precisely because there is no gain, this is the biggest breakthrough point of intelligence!"

Speaking of which, he glanced at his pocket, said slowly and calmly.

"I'm not surprised that the other party has already discovered my existence ..."

He heard his words, choked a little, and then his voice slowly said.

"Master Ibizi has stayed here for so long, presumably if his observation is sharp enough, he has really noticed your presence."

In this regard, Ibisi shook her head slightly and said in a deep voice.

"It's not just me ..."

Speaking of this, his eyes flashed a faint, quiet voice slowly.

"I know the psychological activities of every prisoner I interrogate. Because of this, our interrogation department can constantly break the opponent's psychological line of defense until we get information."

"In my observation, at least three smiles appeared on his face ..."

He turned to look at the pocket, his eyes as if looking directly into the bottom of his heart, calmly.

"Even if it's subtle, it's hard to conceal one's mood with eyes ..."

"That guy ... is looking at us, the Koba ninjas staring at them, with mocking eyes ..."

"Bai Hu, do you think such a guy would perform such an action without any preparation, or even be so arrogant?"

Hearing this, Qingxiu's face couldn't help but heavier and heavier under his mask.

"Master Ibiza ... you mean ..."

"There must be other situations in the China-Ninja test !?"

Hearing this, Ibi Xi glanced down at the crowd who stayed with Guitong Maru, slowly.

"This is inevitable ..."

"But we can only wait now!"

"Wait until the guy hiding behind the scenes tells his fangs!"

In this regard, he could not help but look slightly heavy, and for a moment he wondered.

"I don't know if I should ask. I heard that Captain Red Bean encountered Dashe Wan before, has it been determined that the main messenger behind the scenes is Da Shewan!

Hearing his inquiries, Ibex also sighed slightly, then flashed angrily in his eyes and sank.

"Yes, if not unexpected, even these guys are under the control of Oshimaru!"

"Since that guy can still do such a cruel thing to the ninja in the same village, it is really despicable!"

Hearing this, Tuo was slightly silent, and then doubted softly.

"Does it really have nothing to do with blue dye ..."

Hearing his words, Ibibi frowned, wondering.

"Why do you ask, White Tiger? Did you get any news?"

In response to this, he could not help but glance at him deeply, and then slowly told the news of Naruto and Sasuke's encounter with the Yan Ren forces and Kyoka Hanamizuki.

After listening to the words, even the calm-hearted Ibiza couldn't help losing his calmness, and his face was very ugly.

"This ... how is this possible !?"

"What about it ~ ~ How could the forest of death be mixed with Iwaki's ninja forces !? Isn't it that they have enemies' illusions?"

Hearing his words, he was silent for a while, then said.

"I saw those destroyed environments .. It seems that it is definitely not lower than Zhong Ren's ability to do!"

In this regard, Ibizi could not help but tighten her face, she said in a deep voice.

"Bai Hu, have you reported this information !?"


"Rest assured, I have organized this information to be communicated to Lord Naruto, and now I will see what conclusions come from Lord Naruto."

Hearing his words, Ibizi was relieved, and then a little flash of coldness flashed in her eyes and murmured.

"This time the China-Ninja exam is really a bit dangerous ..."

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