Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 766: Absolutely

"Than ... you're welcome ..."

"But you have to be careful next ... be careful with this guy!"

I saw the sullen voice of the monster with several huge octopus tentacles.

Along with its words falling, in the surprise glances of Yun Ren, the huge octopus tentacles enclosing Thunder Shadow and Kiraby slowly disappeared in place.

In the distance, Stark saw the scene a little stupefied.

Even Lilinet in his hands was surprised.

"Stark! Is that what the blue dye said of the tail beast !?"

Hearing her words, Stark could not help but narrow his eyes slightly, his voice calmed.

"I'm afraid so. I didn't expect that the power of the tail beast could be controlled by the ninja. It's amazing ..."

Speaking of which, he could not help looking at Kiraby, calmly.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this guy must be the eight-tailed pillar of Yunren Village ..."

"Only the Tail Orc Pillar can exert such a force ... no wonder there is confidence to cooperate with Thunder Shadow ..."

In this regard, Li Li Nite could not help but proud.

"Is it like Lilinet and Stark ...?"

"But ... Lilynet is a hundred times stronger than that guy, Stark, don't you !?"

Hearing this, Stark couldn't help laughing, and said quickly.

"Lilynet, you are right ..."

In the distance, Leiying and Kirabi slowly calmed down from the previous attack, and a lot of Yun Ren appeared beside them.

"Are you all right, Master Lei Ying !?"

"And you, Master Kiraby, are you all right?"

Samui and Dalui asked, unable to help.

At this moment, Lei Ying and Kiraby had severe explosive burns on their bodies, and several Yunni medical ninjas quickly healed them.

Hearing their inquiries, Lei Ying nodded solemnly, as did Kiraby. The two looked at each other slowly, and Kiraby said in a rough voice.

"Brother, do you notice the ability of that guy?"

Hearing this, Lei Ying shook his head, his eyes flashed with a touch of fineness, and his voice was heavy.

"I haven't figured out the moves of the wolves except for the space-like capabilities shown previously ...."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but look slightly ugly, and said deeply.

"These guys in the Virtual Night Palace are more difficult than each other. In terms of enemy intelligence, we are almost blank!"

Hearing Lei Ying's low drink, Sam couldn't help but show a very self-blame expression, and quickly ashamed.

"I'm sorry, Lord Lei Ying ... all the subordinates are not doing well ..."

In this regard, Lei Ying shook his head and sank.

"I didn't blame you, Sammy!"

"I'm just stating this fact. As far as I know, the strength of Xu Ye Gong is probably better than Xiao's organization!"

"If I can arrive and see the remaining four shadows this time, the old man must inevitably seriously declare the danger of the virtual night palace, so that the five big Ninja villages work together to destroy this stubborn tumor in the Ninja world!

Hearing this, the rest were worried.

This is the first time Lord Leiying has shown such unconfidence!

Has the enemy been so strong ...

Just when Yun Ren was worried.

Above the tree trunk in the distance, Stark stood slowly, his eyes narrowed slightly, glanced at the thunder shadow and Kiraby gathered together, his voice calmed down.

"The rest should be enough, and I think it's time to end it."

Hearing this, Lilinette held in Stark's hands quickly excited.

"Are you finally going to do it? Come on, Stark, get rid of all these guys!"

Hearing this, Stark's face remained unchanged, and he slowly raised the two guns in his hand, aimed at the gathered Yun Ren people, his voice calmed down.

"Infinite Filling False Flash!"

With his voice falling, for a moment, the twin-gun muzzle in Stark's hand suddenly glowed a bluish blue light!

next moment!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" ...

Suddenly, there was a loud roar on the field!

I saw that the tongues of the twin guns in Stark's hands kept bursting out of fire tongues, and fired countless false flashes. Those flashes that gathered terror energy were like dense rainstorms, and they suddenly hit the distant Yunni people !!

Seeing this scene, Yun Ren in the distance was pale in an instant!

As for Lei Ying and Kirabi, they were equally ugly when they saw this scene. The two felt the terrible power contained in the false flashes that came from the laser and could not help but grit their teeth.

"This guy, is it a human skin tail beast !? Why has such a terrible power !!!"

Lei Ying's face was tense, and at this time he could no longer hide his strength, regardless of the injuries on his body, his fists clenched, and he cried in a deep voice.

"Thunderbolt armor!"

With his voice falling, for a split second, the Thunderton time, which was permeating around him, had more than tripled!

At this moment, Thunder Shadow is like a thunder **** who is surrounded by thunder and lightning, burly and sturdy!

"Better, take them away !!!"

Four generations of Lei Ying shouted in a loud voice.

Hearing his words, Kiraby could not help but hesitated, then looked ugly.

"But brother you !!!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Lei Ying's eyes paled slightly, then the thunder flashed on his body, and he instantly disappeared into place, rushing straight towards Stark!

Looking at Lei Ying's burly and decisive back, Qilabi clenched his fists, and his face was no longer playful, and he was so dignified!

"Brother, I can't abandon you anyway!"

Kirabi murmured, and then suddenly sank.

"Yao, I still have to ask you this time!"

With his voice falling, all of a sudden he saw countless violent chakras on his body, and a dull sound sounded in his ear.

"Better than ~ You have to think about it!"

"Even if I take a shot, our union will not necessarily be able to defeat this guy, not to mention, in this case ... your body will not be able to withstand my strength!"

Hearing his words, Kiraby's sunglasses face was solemn and heavy.

"Relax, Yao, I've made a decision!"

"This time, please lend me enough power!"

Hearing his words, Hachio was silent, his voice dull.

"I see ... I will protect your body as much as possible ..."

When Yao's dull voice came down, for a split second, Qilabi's body suddenly screamed an extremely scary Chakra!

The huge purple chakra tentacles are as if they can no longer be hidden, struggling to get out of his body and shaking behind his back! Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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