Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 672: war

With the fall of Stark's words, he slowly raised his head while walking towards Lei Ying while gently moving his hands and feet.

Under that loose hair.

The face with a lazy expression had a complex look on it. Calm and indifferent eyes looked at Lei Ying, who had a serious expression in the distance.

"Hope you, as the world's top combat force, don't let me down ..."

Hearing what he said, the presence of Zhong Yun couldn't help but change his face, all looking at Lei Ying very nervously.

In this regard, Lei Ying's dark face at this time was a dignified face, and those sharp eyes stared at Stark with a thick voice.

"It seems that your purpose here is me ..."

"The old husband is very curious. What exactly made you find an old husband !?"

Speaking of this time, Lei Ying's eyes flashed a chill, and she said in a deep voice.

"You know, the old man has always had nothing to do with Xuye Palace ..."

Upon hearing Lei Ying's question, Stark's eyes narrowed slightly, but instead of answering his question, he glanced up at him, his voice indifferent.

"I think I'll wait for you when you beat me ..."

After hearing this, Lei Ying's eyes sank abruptly, a cold hum, and his fists clenched instantly!


For a moment, the ground at the foot of Lei Ying shattered, and suddenly a turbulent blue current surged on his burly body!

"Zila Zila ..."

Surrounded by the thunder armour wrapped around his body, Lei Ying's face was a little angry, and his sharp eyes stared at Stark in the distance, and he sank.

"That being the case, the old man will ask you to answer this question yourself!"

With his voice falling, I saw his legs slightly bent, and his feet slammed on the ground!


With a loud noise, between the ground rubble, Lei Ying's body also turned into a bluish electric current straight lasing towards Stark!

Facing the four generations of Thunder Shadow like the Giant of Thunder at this time, Stark just raised his eyes slightly and murmured in his mouth.

"Do you control the power of the Thunder ..."

As he said, he saw that one hand was gently raised, and slowly lifted the black eye mask that had been covering the left eye.

With his actions slowly completed, the atmosphere on the court suddenly changed the next moment!


The air between the fields was shaking violently, as if it was under tremendous pressure and it was difficult to maintain the calmness of the past!

The Yunni people standing in the distance also changed their expressions, and their faces were very ugly. They couldn't believe staring at Stark, who had no movement in the center, and was shocked inside.

How .. how is it possible! ?

This ... Is this incredible breath really exuding from this guy! ?

In the space here, everyone felt a terrible deterrent pressing on them, almost impossible to breathe!

It's as if this emaciated guy has a tyrannical dragon hidden in his body. The strange feeling shocks all Yun Ren!

The first one is naturally close to Stark's four generations of Thunder Shadow wearing Thunder armor!


The four generations of Lei Ying, who had originally been racing at lightning speed to Stark, who wanted to quickly resolve the battle, instantly returned to the original place, giving up the previous attack!

His face was so dignified that there was a lot of vigilance in those eyes, staring at Stark, and he asked in a deep voice.

"Who the **** are you !?"

The moment I saw Stark!

The momentum that suddenly poured from him, even with the strength of Lei Ying, couldn't help but feel a sudden tremor in his heart, and then filled him with deep fears!

After giving up the previous attack, the four generations of Leiying kept a distance from Stark, staring at him seriously.

After hearing Lei Ying's words, Stark couldn't help raising his eyes, glanced at Lei Ying, and answered flatly.

"The original tenth blade, Koyatai Stark!"

As he spoke, Stark rubbed his wrists gently and looked at Lei Ying, his voice calmed.

"Report your name, the ruler of Yun Ren Village."

Hearing this, Lei Ying's eyes were slightly dignified, but he stared at him sternly.

"Four generations of Lei Ying, Yeyue Ai!"

"Is Stark ...?"

"Since you are a member of Xuye Palace, then ... the old man must leave your life anyway!"

The voice fell, and Lei Ying couldn't help but look tense, his fists clenched tightly!


The next moment, the Thunder that had been wrapped around him suddenly expanded a bit again!

Stimulated by thunder and lightning, his originally combed back hair was cracked together, and the entire human muscle was bulging, and it looked full of explosive power!

At this time, Lei Ying saw a stare glance at the starless Stark, his face was cold, his body suddenly disappeared from the spot!


In an instant, it was as if a thunder **** had come to life. The galloping thunder and lightning raged the entire field instantly, as if plowed by thunder and lightning, a mess!

In the face of the extremely fast four generations of Leiying, Stark just raised his eyebrows slightly, and the figure flashed into the sky instantly!


When the body was flying high, Stark's body fell down, his face was expressionless, but a palm was slightly extended!


For a moment, a bluish energy ball suddenly gathered in his palm!


Without the slightest hesitation, before the thunder in thunder arrived, the flash of flash full of energy was released!

However, the four generations of Lei Ying who stared straight into the air from the ground to Stark in the midst of this energy-filled flash did not escape, but chose a strong breakthrough!


A fierce fire exploded in mid-air instantly, and the flame instantly illuminated the entire field, turning everyone's pale face red!

It all happened between electric light flint!

Everyone outside the field has almost no time to respond ~ ~ has been completed!

Seeing the violent explosion of flames, everyone shrank their pupils, and worried at the same time.

"Master Thunder Shadow !!"

However, while they were worrying, a deep gulping sound was heard in the mid-air in the distance!

"Thunder, thunder abuse level !!"

I saw a burly figure bursting out of the smoky smoke, and then continued to strike Stark at the same speed!

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but be a little happy, but Li Li Nite in the distance stared, his exquisite little face involuntarily exposed a touch of worry.

Stark flickered as he saw the thunderous shadow burst from the flash, but his face was not worried. Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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