Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 759: Ninja Power

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Above the desolate Gobi lies a huge canyon eroded by the wind.

At this moment, a huge rock hundreds of meters floating upstairs, the scene was magnificent and shocking.

Below, the two sides facing each other are a large number of rock ninjas led by the earth shadow, and a single person but extremely calm Urkiola.

The dwarf Ohnogi floats in the sky, his eyes staring at Urquiola where he is!

For his cold gaze, Urciola turned a deaf ear.

I saw Onoki's palms closed slightly, and a dazzling beautiful white diamond lingered between his palms, exuding a terrible breath.

At the bottom, he led a crowd of Yan Ren to the yellow earth under the Ohnoki eyes, and slammed the palm on the ground.

"Earth. Rock Demon!"


I saw a giant rock transformed into a tens of meters suddenly appeared on the field, on the back of the rock demon, the loess also stared at their enemies with cold eyes.

Urchiola, at this moment, seemed to have no sense of the current situation, but pulled his hand that was originally in his pocket.

I saw him casually placing his hands in the void.

The next moment, the weird, void seemed to burst, and a touch of green and spear-like spears gathered in his hands!

Urciola, holding the spear of Thunder in his hands, lifted his head slightly, his eyes indifferent, and he looked indifferently at the rocks in the distance.

There is something brewing between the two, and it's going to hit the next moment!


And just then.

Far in the far east, the two figures waiting here are finally waiting for the guy they are looking for ...

Located in a thick forest, there is a layer of overcast clouds in the sky.

With the thunder, the light rain finally fell on the ground.

"Pattern bitter ..."

In the slightly moist drizzle, a petite figure was like a bunny of Sahuan, bouncing in the forest with a cheerful smile on his face.

She didn't even care if her clothes were wet by the rain!

I just stared at the big watery eyes, and gazed at the rain falling on the body and the flowers with great joy, then turned his head, and said happily to the tall man with hair scattered slightly not far from him.

"Stark, Stark, look! This is the rain in the human world, it's so comfortable!"

Hearing this, Stark's seemingly lazy face could not help revealing a smile, glanced at Lilynet, who was as happy as an elf, and his voice was calm.

"I see, Lilynet, indeed, as you said, the weather is very happy ..."

As soon as he had said this, his gaze was slightly stunned.

Through the diffused rain curtain, I saw his eyes glinting slightly in the distance, then slowly said.

"However, we can all enjoy this comfortable weather in the future ..."

"For now ... let's complete the task of Lord Blue Dye ..."

Hearing Stark's words, despite Lilinette's reluctance, she put her hands up and followed Stark's side, her eyes glaring slightly, her face slightly bulging.

It's like glaring at those who interrupt themselves to enjoy the rain.

However, at this moment, her expression was a little frown, then looked up at Stark, frowned slightly, the index finger was at the corner of the lips, a little puzzled.

"But ... Stark ..."

"Do we really just stop these guys this time !?"

Speaking of this, her little face was a little puzzled, wondering.

"Isn't Lord Lan Ran ordered us to kill these guys !? If this guy was killed, wouldn't the ninja world fall into chaos?"

Hearing this, Stark's eyes flickered slightly, and then he glanced at Lilynet softly.

"I don't know why Lord Blue Dye just gave us such an order ..."

"But ... the order did exactly what Lilynet said, and there was no demand to kill these guys ..."

Speaking of this, I saw a brilliant flash under his eyes, with a serious expression, slowly.

"For such an order ... I have a guess ... and not sure if it is correct ..."

In this regard, Li Li Nite could not help but stared at him, wondering.

"Did Stark guess something?"

Stark glanced at her slowly.

"Perhaps ... maybe Lord Blue Dye thinks we don't have the ability to kill him ..."

Hearing this, Lilinette couldn't help but stunned, then surprised.

"how could be!?"

"We have already seen the strength of those ninjas, haven't we? Even Lilinet can easily deal with those guys!"

Hearing this, Stark could not help glancing at her, and then it was meaningful.

"Lilynet, don't forget the ninja kid we saw before ..."

"In many cases, strength is not the key to determining who wins and who loses. Ninjas with good minds may work out a complete fight plan for us. This is their scary thing.

"And what we are about to face is the world-class powerhouse with the richest combat experience ..."

"Maybe Lord Blue Dye just wants us to understand this and maybe ..."

Hearing Stark's words, Lilinet couldn't help but nodded her head slightly, her expression slightly serious.

Just then, Stark's face was slightly changed, his eyes glanced into the rain curtain in the distance, and his voice calmed down.

"It seems that the other party is aware of our existence ..."

"Sure enough ... is there a perceptual type of ninja beside the shadow-level ninja ..."

"It's like a comprehensive team. What we are about to face will be the highest combat power in the world, Lilynet, don't care!"

The voice fell down ~ ~ and saw that Stark and Lili Nite were both slightly tense, and suddenly flashed onto the tree trunk above.


Suddenly, in the forest, a thick black thunder suddenly shot out, hitting where they were originally!

In an instant, the ground cracked a tens of meters in length, and countless small thunder and lightning were concentrated in the rain on the ground, making a harsh noise.

At this time, a regretful voice sounded slowly in the forest.

"It was a pity to be found ..."

"If there is no fatal blow, I am afraid that it will delay Master Lei Ying's time ..."

As the words fell, a disdainful female voice sounded aloud, aloud.

"I blame you, Dalui, so we must spend this part of our schedule ..."

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