Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 757: These lunatics

() At the same time that the water shadow headed by Zhao Meiming encountered a tooth attack.

With the leaves as the center spreading outward, at this time the shadows of the other three ninja villages that were coming to the leaves also paused at the same time.

To the east of Muye Village, a pedestrian canyon stopped here in a huge canyon.

The inner wall of the crimson canyon is like being eroded by the winds howling here, showing a variety of strange twisted postures, revealing the most mysterious side of nature.

Just then.

An old, full-bodied voice sounded among the troops and horses gathered below the canyon.

"What's wrong, loess !?"

"Why stopped the team suddenly !?"

Hearing this old voice, outside of the carriage and horse, a burly middle-aged man who looked extremely pitiful could not help showing a dignity on his face, and walked respectfully to a carriage and sank.

"Sir Father, someone blocked our way ..."

Hearing this, an angry rebuke sounded from the carriage.

"Does this kind of thing require my husband to teach you how to handle it, Loess !?"

"Ahem ... you .. Are you really going to get angry with the old man ... Really .. You can't even do this kind of thing, how can you make the old man count on you ..."

Hearing this, Huangtu's face could not help showing a helpless look, wry smiles again and again.

"Sir Father, please come down and see for yourself ..."

"This guy seems to be a member there we have seen ..."

Hearing this, the carriage was silent for a moment, and for a long while, a small old man got out of it.

He was wearing old-fashioned clothing in shades of yellow and green, with mottled white hair on his head slightly bunched up, and looked a bit red with garlic nose and a white beard on his jaw.

Compared with more than ten years ago, the scale of the two-day scale Ohno looks a lot older, and the two wives have no trace of black hair.

However, even though years have engraved a strong mark on his body, his spirit is still full of spirit, his eyes are as eagle-wrapped as ever, with deterrent sharpness.

When he stepped down from the carriage, he saw a scene in front of the team, and he couldn't help but snorted and snorted coldly.

Looking at the vaguely familiar figure in the distance, he couldn't help but say slowly.

"The old man had expected that the five generations of Naruto would engage in such a test, which would cause the seductive charms of the Ninja world to appear one after another, but I really didn't expect that ... the first shot this time turned out to be Xuye Palace ...

I saw that in the red canyon, a huge rock with a section that was extremely smooth with a width of nearly 100 meters fell on the bottom of the canyon, blocking the road of the entire shadow team.

And on top of that huge rock.

A tall figure stood there silently, like a stone statue, just watching the Yan Ren team quietly with those green eyes!

After Onoki said those words, he couldn't help but step forward, with his hands behind his back, and his whole body suddenly floated up.

After a while, he rose to a height of hundreds of meters, staring at Urquiola, who stood silently on the boulder.

After seeing Urchiola's look closely, Onoki couldn't help his expression, his voice tightened slowly.

"Sure enough ... you're the guy who followed Lan Ran!"

Hearing Ohno's words, Urchiola seemed to have a slight reaction, and those green eyes turned slightly, then glanced at him, his voice calmed.

"Urchiola Sifa is currently the tenth blade of the Xun Ye Palace."

"The purpose of my visit this time is very simple, as long as you can prevent you, as a shadow, from going to Muye ..."

Hearing this, Ohno couldn't help humming, staring sharply at Urchiola, and groaned.

"Do you think the old man will obey you !?"

"If it's the blue dye, the old man might really be a bit jealous, but if you guys want to stir the ninja world, it's far from it!"

In this regard, Urchiola raised his head slightly, without any anger on his face, just watching him calmly, his voice calmed.

"I just read my mission to you, and if you move beyond this mission, I will naturally stop it."

After speaking, I didn't do anything, just stood still.

Those green eyes seemed to be indifferent to staring at everyone, including earth shadows.

Hearing his words, Ohno was not angry with his words, but his face was very dignified, and his heart was secret.

Sure enough ... this guy has almost no difference from that year ...

At this moment, Ohnoki looked at Urchiola's green eyes and the white bones on the side of his face, and he couldn't help guessing.

Even after all these years ... but this guy has given us a strange feeling of strangeness ...

What kind of man is he! ?

And ... if you can ask Lan Ran the most real news from his mouth ...

Thinking of this, Ohnogi's eyes could not help flashing a fine light, and then looked up at Urchiola, she murmured.

"What is the purpose of your virtual night palace !?"

Speaking of which, his eyes flickered slightly, and his voice was a little heavy.

"It's clear that blue dye is dead, but you guys have not stopped, and have been moving in the dark of Ninja!"

"Don't you be afraid that you will be ashamed of the dead blue dye !?"

Hearing this, Urchiola could not help looking at him gently, his voice calmed.

"Shame !?"

I saw him bow his head slightly, and then his voice slowly, mixed with a touch of emotion.

"Yes, you are right. If it was me before, I think that what the guy at Bailergang really did is shame to Lord Lanran ..."

"But now that I think of the new era that is about to come, and the position that Xujiye Palace belongs to, I understand that everything in the original is in the eyes of the adult ...

Hearing this, Onoki couldn't help feeling a little confused.

The first is that according to Urciola, the question of the life and death of Lan Ran seems to be more blurred ...

The second is what the upcoming new era mentioned in his mouth means! ?

Thinking of this, he could not help but tensed his face, staring at Urchiola, trying to lie to him, and groaned.

"What new era !?"

"If I didn't guess wrong, Lan Ran has been controlling it all the time !?"

"Otherwise, how dare you guys fight against the whole ninja world !?"

In this regard, Urchiola just looked at him calmly, until Ohnoki felt very unwell ~ ~ he slowly said.

"As a participant in that taboo battle, you should know, Ohnogi ..."

"Adult Blue Dye used to have real purpose ..."

Speaking of this, he ignored his face and fell into thinking of Ohnogi, his voice slowly and quietly.

"Wait, the age of ninja is about to decline."

"When the sun shines on this land again, it will be another species ... beyond humans ..."

Hear Urquiola's words.

Ohno remembered the confident smile that often appeared on the man's face, and suddenly he felt a chill behind him.

Isn't ... Xue Yegong has been trying to continue the crazy idea of ​​that man! ?

Subvert the entire ninja world ... these lunatics! !!

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