Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 755: Startled

() Even though Zhao Meiming, who is water shadow, saw this scene, she could not help but shrink her pupils.

The beautiful and seductive face showed a solemn look, staring at the burly dark shadow in the distant smoke and tornado torrents in the distance.

"Is it a ninja who specializes in body art !?"

"It turned out that the power of the flesh alone caused such a destruction ..."

When Zhao Meiming carefully analyzed and judged the strength of the teeth, the blue voice on the side was quiet and solemn.

"Master Shuiying, we are not clear about the strength of this guy, and it is not clear whether there are other enemies lying here!"

"Subordinates must ask you to retreat first, and subordinates and others here delay for a while!"

Hearing Qing's words, Zhao Meiming couldn't help glancing at him, his voice was completely different from the previous tenderness and charmingness, and he said very coldly.

"Qing, do you want me to be the first water shadow in the history of Wu Ren Village to leave his subordinates and run away alone?"

Hearing this, Qing's expression could not help slightly bitter, and quickly said.

"Don't dare!"

In this regard, Zhao Meiming gave him a cold glance, then looked at the distant teeth dense body like a monster in the distance, sinking.

"Come down, everyone else backs me down!"

"If Shuiying is going to avoid even such a guy, then my Shuiying will fail too!"

The words fell, and he rushed forward without hesitation!

Qing Yan looked at this scene, and even had no time to stop, Zhao Meiming's delicate body had fallen on the messy ruins, and kept approaching the furious teeth!

There are potholes everywhere on the ground.

Gullies, like spider webs, spread in all directions on the forest land, and the vegetation and trees that had stood standing were already broken to the ground at this time, and became one of the ruins.

In the messy ground destroyed by angry Tooth Secrets.

It was as if I felt the breath of Zhao Meiming approaching gradually, and the teeth covered by a layer of red and strange breath couldn't help turning his head suddenly!

On that dark-skinned face, the pupils were slightly clearer, and then quickly turned red, with a voice full of cruel fury.

"It's that woman!"

"Kill her! I want to kill her!"

"Let her sink into **** completely, and taste the guilt of Lord Sharan!"

With the sound of anger falling, suddenly, it seemed that the burly teeth were extremely powerful, and suddenly disappeared into place!

"唰!" "唰!" "唰!" ...

Constantly bouncing on the rubble in the ruins, Zhao Meiming, who was trying to get close to the teeth, suddenly changed his face, and said in horror.

"No, that guy's breath is gone !?"

However, the moment her voice suddenly fell.

Her whole body is like a falling ice cave, her pupils instantly shrink into a pinpoint, and her body is extremely stiff!


"Go and confess your guilt in purgatory! Hahaha!"

I saw a burly shadow that was several times taller than Meiming, so weird suddenly stood behind her!

In the pervasive smoke, the eyes of the size of a bull's eye were glowing with red fur, and the red bald bulging above the bright bald head.

The huge arm, almost as thick as Zhao Meiming's, lifted sharply, then punched tightly, and slammed into her!


For a moment, the whole earth seemed to tremble violently, and a wave of air quickly rolled around from the position of falling punches, blowing away the diffused smoke.

Feeling the fluid overflowing in the fist, his teeth grinned with excitement, and his voice was rough and excited.


"Finally slaughtered you, and the guy who dares to insult Xiyagong, let me go to **** to reflect on my guilt honestly!"

And just when Ya Mi punched Zhao Meiming on the ground, the blue in the distance followed with No Cut and Water Shadow Guard, followed closely.

This scene naturally fell into their eyes, everyone was pale, and they didn't dare to believe.

Water .. Lord Water Shadow ... was solved by this monster in one punch ...! ?

Jerk .. jerk! !!

Qing could hardly maintain the calm and calmness of the past, and his face became extremely angry!

As an elder who almost watched the adult Lord Shuiying successfully transform the entire Wu Ren Village step by step, he could not accept that young and promising Shuiying died so badly in his eyes!


I saw Qing's figure flashing forward instantly, and the steps kept close to the teeth at this moment!

The one behind him is always silent, and even with the shadow of the water, there is no trace of good complexion.

Even if I don't cut it again, I don't know why I want to take an angry shot ...

Maybe ... just because such a movie that really changed Wu Ren Village died so much that he couldn't help feeling sad ...

"Patter!" "Patter!" "Patter!" ...

With the sound of rushing, the two approached the teeth closely and extremely fast!

At this time, the teeth dense face was a bit weird, but before he had time to think, after hearing the sound of rushing towards him quickly, the corner of his mouth could not help but cast a cruel smile again, disdain.

"Are there any bed bugs coming !?"

"Really ... the so-called water shadow is just such a vulnerable guy ..."

"That being the case ... the reputation of the Xie Ye Palace will be preached by my teether !!"

Speaking of this, he couldn't help turning his head to glance at Qing who had reached him before and never cut again, grinning at the corner of his mouth, coldly.

"From today on, Uncle Mito will let you know this bunch of bugs, the name of Xue Ye Palace will not allow anyone to be defiled!"

When he said these words, the young man who reached him and did not chop again had no time to ignore it. In his eyes, only the angry man wanted to kill the monster in front of him!

"Water Margin. Qinglong Palm!"

Qing Jin's neck was red, and her face shouted indignantly!

Along with his words falling down, a dragon made of water entangled in the palm of his hand instantly, and then turned into a huge water wave, re-shot to the tooth dense!

And if you do n’t cut it again, your body will rotate quickly in mid-air, and the beheading knife held in the palm of your hand will be waving at high speed!

The two were close to the tooth at the same time, and the attacks in their hands arrived at the same time!

However, in the face of the attack of the two, the burly teeth were as if they had not noticed, standing straight, but with a scornful smile on the corner of their mouths and a low-scorned disdain.

"This kind of thing that can't break my steel skin ... is it your confidence !?"

With his words falling, the attack of the two also reached him at the same time!

"Bang!" "Bang!"

The huge green dragon's palm was directly printed on the teeth's dense chest ~ ~, and the beheading sword that never cut again was chopped on the teeth's dense neck instantly!

"Oh!" "Oh!"

In the next moment, Qinglong's palm turned to be as if it were dripping with water vapor, and the beheaded sword was severely cut into two parts when it was heavily chopped on the neck of the tooth!


For a moment, the fog ninjas who saw this scene around took a breath of cold air, and Qing and never chopped were the pupils suddenly shrinking, full of horror!

Tooth's eyes contained a disdainful smile, and looked at the scene mockingly.

In the forest not far away, a woman in blue was suddenly pale, suddenly panting slightly, her voice rushing.

"It's dangerous, if it's not a meltdown ... I'm afraid I almost died in the guy's hands!"

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