Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 462: 0 casualties landed

Chapter 462 Zero Casualty Landing

Hearing what Alves said, the expressions of Gustav IV and Alfredo changed instantly. Gustav IV didn't notice this loophole at all, and Alfred deliberately ignored this loophole in order to show his talent in front of Gustav IV, but he was unexpectedly given by Alves. pointed out.

"Your Excellency Alfred, if the French 3rd Army Corps lands from the east, how should we stop it?" Alves asked urgently. Alves felt very comfortable being able to deflate Alfred in front of Gustav IV.

"Hmph! I've already figured out a solution to this problem. As long as we deploy 100,000 troops in Kapelsejer, the French army will never want to successfully land in Scandinavia." Alfred insisted. Said.

"But, do you have 100,000 troops now?" Alves challenged.

"Not now, but there will be in half a month."

"Oh, then can you guarantee that the French army will not land within this half month?" Alves continued to ask.

"This." Of course Alfred couldn't guarantee it. He dare not say that the army will not land within this time period. On the contrary, the possibility of the French army landing within this time period is still very high. "Hmph! If it wasn't for your navy's failure to live up to expectations, the entire army was wiped out by the French, and the entire coastline of our country was exposed to the cannons of the French navy. Otherwise, we would not have encountered such a situation." Yar Fleet changed the subject.

"You." Alves was struck speechless for a moment. The annihilation of the Swedish navy made him a poor commander, which made him very embarrassed, and it became the last sentence he would not listen to. In fact, he is also quite wronged. Compared with the French navy, the Swedish navy is too weak, and the two are not at the same level at all. Alves has survived for so long, which is pretty good.

"Okay, you two stop arguing." Gustav IV said angrily. "Now the kingdom is in a very critical moment. As important ministers of the kingdom, you two are making noise here. What does it look like?"

Seeing that Gustav was angry, Alfred and Alves could only retreat to the side resentfully, but they still refused to accept each other.

"Alfred, how do you think about solving this problem?" Gustav IV asked.

"I think we can send some troops to garrison in Capel Shell first, and after the new troops are recruited, we can send more troops to strengthen the defense." Alfred said.

Gustav IV nodded helplessly. Now Sweden has no extra troops at all, so it can only be like this. Now, the only thing they can do is to pray to God, hoping that the French army will not launch a landing or other large-scale offensive in the next half month.

But maybe God didn't hear their prayers. The officers and soldiers of the French 3rd Army had long been impatient. Less than two days after the 20,000 troops sent from Stockholm resisted Kapelscher, the French army launched a landing.

On July 5th, the weather was very clear, with only a little breeze on the sea. This is a very suitable day for landing operations.

In Mariehamn in the Åland Islands, nearly a hundred transport ships and more than 20 warships have been preparing for a long time. As the first batch of landing troops, the 15,000 officers and soldiers of the 3rd Division of the Marine Corps have already boarded the ship, and they will be responsible for starting the landing operation. After establishing a beachhead, await support from the French 3rd Army.

"Let's go." On the Baltic Fleet's flagship "Dreadnought", Marshal Lance gave the order to attack. The "Dreadnought" battleship is one of the two "Dreadnought" class battleships that survived the Atlantic naval battle. Although it has been nearly 10 years old, it is already considered a group of old warships in the French Navy. . Although it is not as large as the new warships of the French Navy, and its firepower is not as powerful, but in the Baltic Sea, it is definitely the kind of irresistible giant. In the vast Baltic Sea, no country's warships can compare with it.

Under the orders of Marshal Lanz, all warships and transport ships sailed out of the port. At sea, the warships protected all the transport ships in the middle. Although there is no fleet in the Baltic Sea that can threaten them, they are still very careful. Because those transport ships are loaded with all the officers and soldiers of the 3rd Marine Corps Division and their equipment and supplies, so you can't be careless at all.

Mariehamn is less than 60 kilometers away from Kapelsejer, during which time it is necessary to cross the South Kvarken Strait. Although the warships of the Baltic Fleet are all old-fashioned warships that have been eliminated, as well as those very slow transport ships. However, 3 hours is enough time for them to reach Capel Shell.

Departure at 8 o'clock in the morning, at 10 o'clock in the morning, the fleet was less than 15 kilometers away from Capelshell.

After discussions between Marshal Lance and Admiral Boyce, Commander of the Baltic Fleet, it was decided to divide the fleet into two. Admiral Boyce personally led 10 warships including the Dreadnought to Kaparshir for bombardment. , To clear the way for the landing of the Marine Corps, while the remaining 10 warships continued to protect the safety of the transport fleet. Moreover, the officers and soldiers of the 3rd Division of the Marine Corps began to eat lunch, and then after the shelling was over, they had to launch an attack. At that time, they will have no time to eat.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, the artillery fleet arrived less than 5 kilometers from the coast of Capelshell. The arrival of the French fleet frightened the Swedish army, which had just arrived in Kapelsejer. There were only 20,000 of them in all, drawn from the 100,000 troops guarding Stockholm. The new army is still in training. Although the enthusiasm of the Swedes to defend their country was very high at this time, more than 100,000 people were recruited in just two days. But it will take a long time for them to change from ordinary farmers, workers or businessmen to soldiers.

Most of the 20,000 troops sent to Capel Shell were second-line troops in the past and lacked heavy weapons. The entire army only has 12 cannons with a diameter of less than 100 mm, and no heavy machine guns. Just a rifle in each hand.

Under such circumstances, it is basically impossible to compete with the powerful naval guns of the French Navy.

So, when the French naval fleet appeared. The Swedish army immediately ignored the urging of the officers, and ran out of the position dragging their rifles, hating their parents for not giving them two less legs. Some even threw away their rifles. Seeing this situation, many officers had no choice but to flee with the fleeing soldiers. After all, they were also very afraid of dying.

The commander of the Swedish army, Major General Eric, was very angry. The military police were sent to shoot dozens of fleeing soldiers before stopping the fleeing momentum. But when the troops were gathered, it was discovered that the original 20,000 troops, now there are only 17,000 people left, and there are more than 2,000 people. Before the battle started, they had already become deserters.

At this time, the shelling of the French navy began. A large number of shells leaned on the Swedish army's position. Since most of the Swedish soldiers had already fled, the French bombardment did not cause them too many casualties. However, seeing that the artillery of the French navy was so powerful, those Swedish soldiers refused to enter the position again after being killed. In order to reduce losses, Eric had to order the Swedish army to reorganize the defense line away from the beach.

However, although he arranged this way, it did reduce his own casualties. But it also reduced the difficulty of landing the French marines. With no beaches garrisoned by troops, the French Marines were able to establish a broad beachhead with virtually no casualties.

At 12 noon, after a hasty lunch, the French marines began to land. Since there was no blocking by the Swedish army, they basically landed successfully without paying any casualties. The only loss was that a landing craft ran aground near the coast, but all the marines on it were rescued by other landing, the 3rd Division of the French Marine Corps realized the An unprecedented zero-casualty landing.

After landing, they quickly built a solid beachhead. In order to stop the action of the French army, the Swedish army sent about 5,000 people to launch an offensive. But when the guns of the French naval fleet fired, they quickly ran away, and the speed was several times faster than when they were attacking.

Seeing this situation, Eric had no choice but to report the situation here to Stockholm and request reinforcements, while strengthening the construction of positions and preparing to confront the French army.

Upon receiving the news of the landing of the French army, the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, immediately fell into chaos. A large number of civilians began to flee, and they fled to the countryside with a lot of gold and silver wealth in an attempt to avoid the disaster. Even the Swedish Royal Palace followed in chaos. Gustav IV began to transfer his wealth secretly, and quietly sent away all his children, hoping to preserve a trace of blood for the Swedish royal family. And he himself is determined to live and die with Stockholm.

He is a very ambitious man and knows that Sweden's chances of winning this time around are very slim. However, he still refused to face reality. Another point is that he doesn't want to escape, but he knows very well that he is already the main target of France, and there is no possibility of escape. If you insist on that, it will hurt more people.

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