Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 440: take advantage of the fire

Chapter four hundred and fortieth taking advantage of the fire

Time flies, and it is already the end of April in a blink of an eye. These days, Xiao Jie is also very happy. In terms of government affairs, Forbeck and the others handled it very well, so he didn't have to worry about it at all. In the military, all fronts are also continuing to develop in a good direction. Under the fierce attack of hundreds of thousands of French troops, the armies of the three Eastern European countries have begun to be defeated. I believe that it will not be long before the war in Eastern Europe can be ended.

Monday, April 29. Today is a routine military meeting once a week, and this is also the only meeting that Xiao Jie basically attends every week. The main content of the meeting was to report to Xiao Jie what victories the French army had achieved in the previous week, and what major actions the French military would launch this week.

When Xiao Jie arrived, the conference room of the Tuileries Palace was already full. Although it was a purely military meeting, Prime Minister Forbeck and others still attended the meeting. After all, the military has always been linked to politics. After Xiao Jie took his seat, the meeting started directly under the chairmanship of Eke, without any delay.

"Everyone be quiet. Now, the meeting officially begins. First of all, I will give you a brief report on last week's battle situation." Eck said. Then he gestured to a staff officer sitting in the lower position, and the staff officer immediately spread out the report in his hand and stood up.

"Your Majesty, Marshals and Generals. In general, in the past week, our army has achieved very good results. First, on April 25, Field Marshal Kut's Iberian 3rd defeated the army of the Kingdom of Russia and wiped out more than 40,000 enemies. At present, the 3rd Iberian Army has approached along the Ural River to a place less than 50 kilometers away from Orenburg, the capital of the Kingdom of Russia. The 3rd Legion and the Polish army captured Helsinki, the capital of Finland, on April 25, and wiped out more than 100,000 Swedish troops from the three East European countries. At present, the remnants of the Swedish East European three countries are fleeing in all directions, and the largest one is the Swedish general Ai Lun led an army of about 50,000 people. The army has been stationed in Turku near the Gulf of Bothnia. Since the Åland Islands have been occupied by our army, it is estimated that this remnant enemy will choose to go along the coast of Bothnia. Go north to the Gulf of Bothnia and return to Sweden around the Gulf of Bothnia. Finally, the Iberian 2nd Army of Field Marshal Otis captured Smolensk, an important town in western Russia, and the western gate to Moscow has opened to our army. St. The French 4th Army of Marshal Sil and the Army of the Russian Federation fought a battle in the Serpukhov area. In the end, Marshal Saint-Cyr wiped out more than 30,000 enemies and won the battle. But he also lost tens of thousands People, and temporarily unable to attack Moscow, which is heavily defended by the enemy, had to retreat to the Ryazan area again. Marshal Bessières French 2nd Army was blocked by the Russian Democratic Republic Army in the Cherepovets area, temporarily unable to advance .In addition, the recovery station in the Azores has reached the final stage. Nearly 20,000 U.S. and Canadian troops have been compressed to a few small islands, struggling. The above is a brief summary of the battle situation last week." The staff officer respectfully Said.

"Very good. It seems that the legions did achieve very good results last week, and they should be commended. However, since the battle is progressing now, the rewards will be recorded there first, and will be honored after the war is over. At the same time, I also hope that everyone Can make persistent efforts to strive for an early end to the war." Xiao Jie said.

"Okay, now let me tell you about the main tasks of the military for the next week. First of all, through the efforts of the navy, the Kattegat and Skagerrak have been fully controlled by us. Now it is time for the stationed It's time for the troops of the Western Allied Forces in northern Denmark to land in Sweden. Otherwise, the daily consumption of hundreds of thousands of people will drag us down. The navy has already started recruiting transport ships, and it is estimated that this weekend or next week The landing plan can be implemented at the beginning of the week. As for the specific landing plan, we will discuss it later. Secondly, Marshal Lanz’s French 3rd Army has already achieved a decisive victory in the Battle of Finland, so it should be possible to consider continuing to chase and wipe out the remnants of the enemy An army has been assigned to counterattack St. Petersburg, and strive to establish a land connection with us as soon as possible. The other legions will continue to attack according to the original plan." Eck said.

"That's right, it's time to give Sweden the final blow. However, according to the information we have received, Sweden and Norway still have hundreds of thousands of troops combined, and our Eastern Allied Forces have basically collapsed. Based on the words of the West Road Allied Forces alone, I am afraid that they may not be able to defeat them smoothly." Xiao Jie said with some worry. The rebellion of the three countries in Eastern Europe greatly disrupted the plans of the French army.

"This is indeed a problem. After discussion, we finally decided to let the 89th Army participate in the attack on Sweden. In this way, with the assistance of hundreds of thousands of other troops, the 89th Army should be able to defeat the Swedish and Norwegian troops. "Dougal said.

Xiao Jie nodded his head. Apart from the 89th Army, there really are no other troops. In this case, only the 88th Legion is left in the entire French Empire, which is still empty.

"As for the army to counterattack St. Petersburg, Marshal Lanz proposed to let his deputy Polish general Gabriel command nearly 100,000 Finnish troops to execute it." Eck said.

"Is it possible to let the Polish army counterattack St. Petersburg?" Xiao Jie frowned and said. He still has reservations about the combat effectiveness of the Polish army.

Everyone naturally understood Xiao Jie's meaning. Dugel said: "Your Majesty, in fact, you don't have to worry at all. The Polish army performed quite well in this battle. In addition, isn't there the French 2nd Army of Marshal Besières? I believe that in these two Under the attack of the army, the Russian Democratic Republic will definitely not be our opponent."

Seeing that Xiao Jie was still a little hesitant, Eke also suggested: "How about this, isn't Marshal Lanz still has three divisions of marines? There shouldn't be any difficulty in drawing a division from them to assist the Polish army. Right. Anyway, the battle at Marshal Lanz’s place has reached its best stage, and it shouldn’t be a big problem for the French 3rd Army to deal with tens of thousands of remnants.”

"Alright then." Xiao Jie finally agreed. After all, at this moment, this should be a way to get the best of both worlds. "By the way, tell Marshal Lance to try his best to intercept the remnants of Sweden and the three Eastern European countries fleeing north. Although they are no longer a threat to us, if they exist in Finland, they will definitely hold back Part of our army. Only by completely eliminating them can the French 3rd Army be able to safely land in Sweden from the Åland Islands and threaten the Swedish capital Stockholm," Xiao Jie said.

"Okay, I will pass your order to Marshal Lance." Eck said respectfully.

"Finally, let's talk about our greatest enemies at present, the United States and Canada on the other side of the ocean. I hope everyone understands that whether it is the rebellion in the three Eastern European countries or Sweden, it is nothing more than a small problem for us. Our real threat It came from the United States and Canada. It has been confirmed that the rebellion of the three Eastern European countries and Sweden are our enemies. Behind this, there is the shadow of the United States. This is not difficult to see from the large number of American weapons in the Swedish army. In addition, in the North On the Atlantic route, there are still a large number of American cargo ships, which transported a load of munitions and other military supplies to Sweden. It seems that the United States and Canada want to see us fight Sweden and the Kalmar Alliance to the death, and then they can sit on the fisherman It shows the sinister intentions. Therefore, we must end the war in Europe as soon as possible and integrate all the human, financial and material resources in Europe. By that time, the United States and Canada will no longer be our opponents It is." Xiao Jie said with a gloomy face. For France, the United States and Canada are indeed the biggest threats. Without them, France would have already occupied the entire world.

"But The despicable Americans and Canadians will not let us unify the whole of Europe so easily. They know very well that they will never be the opponents of a powerful Europe, so they will definitely Use some despicable means to hinder us. However, everyone must believe that evil cannot defeat justice in the end! Victory will definitely belong to France!" Xiao Jie shouted enthusiastically.

Immediately, the others were also moved by Te's enthusiasm. "Victory will belong to France!" The roar has been spread far and far.

"Your Majesty, the latest news we have received. At present, the armies and navies of the United States and Canada are gathering on a large scale. According to this series of abnormalities, they must be preparing for a big operation." Eck was a little worried Said. Now France's military strength is basically exhausted. If the United States and Canada take the lead at this time, it will definitely be a big problem for France.

"Oh? Could it be that they are really unbearable to be lonely, and are ready to move again? Or is it that we are now in the quagmire of war, so we are ready to take advantage of the fire?" Xiao Jie frowned and said.

"I'm afraid that's the case. After a period of development, the military strength of the United States and Canada may have risen to a terrifying height again. So they are ready to attack us." Dougal also agreed.

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