Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 430: was sold

Chapter 430 is sold

According to the order of France, the three Eastern European countries will send a total of 300,000 troops to join the European coalition forces, which is almost half of the total strength of the three Eastern European countries. Among them, the Russian Federation will send 8 infantry divisions with 120,000 troops. The Russian Democratic Republic will send 6 infantry divisions with 90,000 troops. The Kingdom of Russia will send 6 infantry divisions with 90,000 troops. In addition, Poland will also send 6 infantry divisions, 90,000 people, together with the French 3rd Army stationed in St. Petersburg and the armies of the three Eastern European countries to form the Eastern Front Group. The number of European coalition troops attacking Sweden from the east reached 500,000. This number is not much different from the total strength of the Kalmar Alliance. Of course, according to Xiao Jie's intention, in order to avoid the rebellion of the three Eastern European countries, the 300,000 people from the Eastern European three countries will be at the forefront during the attack. Once they are found to be abnormal, the French 3rd Army will deal a devastating blow to these traitors with the assistance of the Polish army. Although the French 3rd Army plus the Polish army only had more than 200,000 people, it was 100,000 fewer than the armies of the three Eastern European countries. But the three Eastern European countries have only formed a short-term alliance, and there are irreconcilable contradictions among them. Therefore, there will be very big loopholes in their cooperation. Moreover, the combat effectiveness of the French 3rd Army is much stronger than that of the armies of these countries. Therefore, even if the three Eastern European countries rebel, the French army is confident that their 300,000 troops will be wiped out. In addition, once the three Eastern European countries really rebel, the other three French legions stationed in Eastern Europe, namely the French 2nd Army, French 4th Army, and Iberian 3rd Army, will attack these three countries. The three Eastern European countries, which have been drawn half of their troops, obviously will not be the opponents of the three full-staffed legions of France.

In addition to the Eastern Front Group, France also mobilized troops from Central European countries, a total of 500,000 people, plus the French 89th Army, a total of more than 600,000 people formed the Western Front Group. Similarly, the 89th Army will also stay behind all armies, and their focus will no longer be on attacking the Kalmar Union army, but on monitoring the armies of Central European countries. Originally, according to Xiao Jie and the French General Staff, this war originally had two purposes. One is naturally to defeat Sweden and the Kalmar Alliance headed by it, seize Sweden's high-quality iron ore and pacify Northern Europe. Another purpose is to take this opportunity to consume the strength of the European countries. After these years of development, all the dependent countries have achieved great development. From the perspective of military strength alone, these countries already have a huge military force with a total force of about 1.8 million. If these countries unite, it will be a very big threat to France. Facing threats, Xiao Jie is always used to strangling him in the cradle. In the next war, the French General Staff estimates that at least one-third of the troops of each dependent country can be consumed. In this way, the total military strength of the dependent countries will drop to a state almost equal to that of France. However, the combat effectiveness of the French army is obviously much higher than them. In addition, there are countries that are not staunch followers of France, such as Poland and other countries. Under these conditions, France has an absolute advantage. As long as the French Army does not suffer unbearable losses, Europe will remain subject to France.

"Your Majesty, the order has been issued to all countries. No one objected to our order, whether it was sincere or not, but the countries have already begun to assemble their troops and marched to the designated place. However, due to the large number of troops assembled this time, coupled with the It may take two to three months for the preparation of logistics materials to be assembled." Eke reported to Xiao Jiehui.

"It's good if no one objected. It's just that if they don't seize the opportunity this time, they may not have such an opportunity in the future. As for the time issue, there is no need to worry too much. It is winter in the Nordic region, and the enemy is in a world of ice and snow. This is not our strong point, and it will also put a lot of pressure on logistics. Therefore, I think that as long as the war can start in mid-March next year, it will be fine." Xiao Jie said. After this war, the losses of all European countries will be very serious, and naturally they will lose the opportunity to challenge France. In terms of time, Xiao Jie is not in a hurry. After all, Sweden and the entire Kalmar Union only have more than 600,000 troops. And now France has assembled more than 1.1 million troops, almost twice that of the opponent. So Xiao Jie is not worried that he will not be able to win this war. There is another reason, that is, the Atlantic Fleet will not be able to form an army until at least April next year, and there is still a long time before the decisive battle with the United States and Canada. So there is no need for France to hurry.

Christmas in 1829 was spent in intense preparations. Also starting from this next year, France will launch a comprehensive counterattack. Northern Europe first, and the British Isles next. The last will be to send troops to the American continent to completely wipe out the enemies of France. At that time, France will once again be king of the world. But now, every Frenchman, including Xiao Jie, is silently preparing, waiting for that moment to come.

When the bell rang in 1830, French preparations for war began to accelerate. The various troops began to gather at the designated locations, and various military logistics materials were also delivered to the front line by various means of transportation. There are two main staging places for the French army, one is St. Petersburg, the staging place of the Eastern Front Cluster. From here they will attack Sweden from the east. Another assembly point is Hamburg, the assembly point of the Western Front Cluster. The Western Front Group will go north from here to attack Denmark, a member of the Kalmar Union. Then, with the help of the navy, a landing will be carried out in Norway or Sweden.

At the end of January 1830, the French Foreign Office drew up a new plan. The content of the plan is very simple. They are trying to instigate against the two members of the Kalmar Alliance except Sweden. The benefits of doing this are very obvious. If the plan is successful, Sweden will lose the biggest boost. The French would easily land in Sweden. In that case, the end of the war will not be far away.

For these reasons, Xiao Jie approved the plan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And asked other departments to give the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the most powerful assistance. It can be said that it is asking for money and giving money and asking people to give. Everything is for the success of the plan.

Next, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs secretly sent special envoys to Denmark and Norway, hoping to successfully persuade the two countries to break away from the Kalmar Alliance and fall to France, and at worst they must remain neutral during the war. Of course, there is also the deterrence of force at the same time. If the two countries do not know where they are going, once the war starts, the two countries will definitely face a devastating blow from laws and regulations.

However, what is unexpected is that the special envoys sent by France to the two countries have received completely opposite treatment. In Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, the French special envoy was received in secret by the King of Denmark and the Prime Minister. As soon as they met, the Danish king and prime minister complained to the French envoy that their hostility to France was out of sheer resignation. They were constrained by the Kalmar Alliance, and had no choice but to follow in the footsteps of Sweden and fight against France. Hope to be able to ask the emperor of France for forgiveness.

The Danish king and the prime minister are not stupid. The reason why they followed in the footsteps of Sweden before was entirely because the United States mediated in the middle. Now that the United States has been driven out of the eastern Atlantic waters, anyone with a discerning eye can see that France has begun to fight back. Still follow Sweden, isn't that courting death? Besides, Denmark is not comparable to the other two countries, separated by a strait, and somewhat barrierd. Denmark is different. Its main land is on the Jutland Peninsula. Now that France has begun to gather troops in Hamburg, Denmark will definitely bear the brunt of the French attack. Judging from the information they received, France will gather more than 600,000 troops from the entire Central and Western European region. Denmark has only 200,000 people, and the equipment is not as good as others. Once the war breaks out, how can Denmark withstand the attack of the French army. In addition, they also learned that the French army would gather 500,000 troops in St. Petersburg to attack Sweden from the east. It is certain that Sweden, including the entire Kalmar Alliance, cannot withstand the attack of such a large force from If it confronts France, the end of the entire Kalmar Alliance is in sight. Under such circumstances, the Danish king and prime minister certainly would not sacrifice their own country and people for the Kalmar Union. Therefore, it is inevitable to break away from the Kalmar Union and fall to France.

After some secret negotiations, the Danish prime minister and the French envoy reached an agreement on behalf of their respective countries. From now on, Denmark will officially break away from the Kalmar Union and will remain neutral during the war. At the same time, it will deny Swedish or Norwegian troops from entering Danish territory, and allow the French army and its allies to land in Sweden or Norway from Denmark. France, on the other hand, assured Denmark that it would not take Denmark as the target of this war. It guaranteed that after the war, Denmark would become an independent country and would not be controlled by other countries. During the process of landing in Sweden or Norway from Denmark, The French army and its allies must not harm the interests of Denmark. Of course, since the war has not yet started, France does not want to attract Sweden's attention in advance. Therefore, Denmark was required to make this agreement public only after the war had begun. And Denmark is looking forward to it.

Originally, France wanted Denmark to join the European coalition. After all, Denmark also has 200,000 troops. With their participation, the strength of the European coalition will naturally be improved again. Similarly, the betrayal of one's own allies can also severely hit Sweden. However, this proposal was rejected by Denmark. In any case, it is already a shameful act for them to betray Sweden, so they say nothing and agree to send troops to assist France in attacking Sweden. Seeing that Denmark is so persistent, France has no choice but to give up.

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