Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 417: Landing on the British 3 Islands (Part 1)

"By the way, Your Excellency the President. I think we can actually choose an ally on the British Isles. In this case, with their support, it will be very convenient for our forces to enter Europe." Henry suggested. His proposal to Adams was to form a coalition of the United States and Canada, land on the British Isles, and establish a base belonging to the United States under the nose of France. That would not only be the bridgehead for the United States to invade Europe, but also the first line of defense for the United States against France. For the United States, if this plan is successful, it will be a victory no less than defeating the French navy. Therefore, Adams appreciated Henry's plan very much.

Adams pondered for a moment, and then said: "Then which force do you think we should choose?"

Henry thought for a while and said: "As far as I think, it is better for us to choose England. I have three reasons for this. First, the British royal family is the orthodox of the United Kingdom. Although there are endless wars on the British Isles, But the influence of the English royal family is definitely the greatest. Second, among the three countries in the British Isles, the English government is the most powerful. Third, the relationship between the English government and France is not harmonious. Although the heir to the throne of England and The Crown Prince of France is already engaged, but this is the result of France's persecution. I believe that George IV must be extremely unwilling. The Republic of Ireland and the Kingdom of Scotland are very close to France, or in other words, they are France's special Supported and hostile to England. Therefore, the two countries will obviously not be our cooperation partners, and England is our best choice."

After listening to Henry's analysis, Adams nodded, but at the same time he also realized a problem that Henry hadn't paid attention to. "General Henry, there is another problem that we have to face. If we cooperate with England, do you think His Majesty William and the Canadian government will agree? Don't forget that they left England in order to fight for the throne. When the two parties meet, it will be good if they don’t fight, let alone talk about cooperation.” Adams said.

Henry was silent, he really didn't realize the problem. "Your Excellency, this is my negligence. However, I still think England is our best choice. As for the conflict between Canada and England, I think a temporary compromise can be obtained under the mediation of our country. King William and King George Now that they have established their own countries, they can simply be split." Henry expressed his thoughts.

"Okay then. I will negotiate with the Canadian side. You go back and make pre-war preparations. Once our country and their two countries reach an agreement, we will immediately send troops to the British Isles." Adams said.

Henry nodded, and left the White House with an excited expression. He knew that if his plan worked, he would regain his status as an American hero like Davis.

Soon, Adams sent envoys to contact the Canadian government, hoping to have an urgent meeting with them. At the same time, they also secretly sent envoys to England to get in touch with the British government.

On June 24, the heads of state and government leaders of the United States and Canada met for the second time in Niagara Falls. The participants were basically the same as the previous meeting, except that Davis was replaced by Henry. It's no wonder that the plan discussed last time was dominated by the navy, but this time the army will play the leading role, so it is natural to change people.

In order to save time, there were not too many pleasantries at the meeting, and they went directly to the topic. As the protagonist of this time, Henry first introduced his plan in detail to everyone, and gave a brief description of what kind of prospects will be achieved if the plan is successful. After that, it was the two sides who questioned the plan. The United States has already passed it, and it depends on whether the Canadian side has any doubts.

Sure enough, after hearing Henry's plan, William IV first said: "I agree with General Henry's plan except for one point. That's why we want to cooperate with England. I don't think it is necessary at all. With With our strength, we can completely ignore other people and complete this plan alone, without cooperating with any force in the British Isles."

Henry smiled wryly, although he had expected such a result a long time ago. Explained: "The reason why we chose to cooperate with England is entirely to better complete the plan. It has no meaning in itself. England is the most powerful among the British Isles, and its relationship with France is not as good as the other two forces. This is exactly what we need. Similarly, if we cooperate with England, then we will be able to gain a foothold in the British Isles with minimal cost. Don't forget, France has the most powerful army in the world, If they discover our intentions and we cannot quickly gain a foothold in the British Isles, then our plan will be considered a complete failure. Because once the French army lands in the British Isles, no one will be able to stop them attack."

"Didn't our navy defeat the French navy? As long as the navy is sent to cut off the connection between France and the British Isles, no matter how powerful the French army is, then we don't have to be afraid." Liverpool said suddenly.

Henry didn't know much about the navy, so he couldn't answer. Fortunately, Zominsk is still there, so he replied: "Yes, although our navy defeated the French navy, the French navy was not completely annihilated. In addition, in order to defeat the French navy, we also paid considerable losses. , Therefore, it is impossible for the navy to spare its strength to enter the English Channel in a short period of time. Moreover, France has occupied the English Channel and has already managed it as their inland sea. If they want to enter there, they have to have a long memory."

Now, William IV and the others had nothing to say, but they still disagreed to cooperate with England.

Seeing this, Adams said: "Your Majesty, here, I assure you. We are only cooperating with England for the success of this plan. This will definitely not affect the relationship between our two countries, and , our country still supports you. After completely defeating France and solving this biggest threat, our country will definitely fully support your country to become the legitimacy of the British Empire." As a last resort, Adams had no choice but to make such a promise.

Sure enough, after getting the guarantee from Adams, William IV and the others changed their faces. With Adams' guarantee, they believed that they would be able to defeat England and become the orthodoxy of the British Empire.

Then, the two sides discussed the number of expeditionary forces to be sent. With the guarantee from Adams, the Canadian side seemed very active in this regard and offered to send two infantry divisions to join the expeditionary force. The United States also decided to send 12 infantry regiments, two cavalry regiments and two artillery regiments, totaling 40,000 troops. With the addition of Canadian troops, the total strength of the expeditionary forces of the United States and Canada reached 70,000.

After the meeting, the two sides immediately prepared for the war in secret, while waiting for England's response.

England, after receiving the news from the United States, was very excited. At present, the war between England and Ireland and Scotland has reached a stalemate. Hundreds of thousands of people from the three parties fought fiercely on the British Isles. At the beginning, due to French pressure, all three countries still followed the force limits set by France for them. But when France fought the Atlantic War with the United States and Canada, the three countries became less concerned about the restrictions imposed by France. First of all, England took the lead in tearing back the treaty and carried out a large-scale military expansion. After that, Ireland and Scotland also carried out large-scale military expansions one after another. But France ignored it. In fact, France hopes that they can play as hard as possible. Under such circumstances, the military strength of the three countries has risen Now, England has 330,000 troops, Ireland has 240,000 troops, and Scotland has 180,000 troops. Although the combined strength of the two countries is greater than that of England, their national strength is not as strong as that of England. Blind military expansion has made the economies of the two countries worse and worse, directly leading to a sharp decline in their war power.

In this case, the English army won successive victories on the battlefield. Has recaptured most of Wales, driving Irish troops to Slodonia and Anglesey in northern Wales. At the same time, it also drove the Scottish army out of England and invaded Scotland. It has already attacked the Galashiels area, less than 50 kilometers away from the Scottish capital Edinburgh.

However, when victory was in sight, France began to intervene. Although they did not send troops to fight against England directly, they managed to allow the two countries to resist the attack of the English army by selling weapons and various strategic materials to Ireland and Scotland at low prices, bringing the war to a stalemate. Although England is very clear about France's purpose, it is also very angry at France's way. But apart from expressing their protest, they did not dare to make any other expressions. After all, France is too powerful, and it will do them no good to anger France.

Now, the United States has extended an olive branch to them, which makes England very excited, because they seem to have seen a way out of France's control.

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