Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 383: Send to death?

"Can we support Podolsk now?" Kutuzov suddenly raised his head and asked. In his opinion, if Podolsk can support a group of new troops and a large amount of supplies, maybe Podolsk can perform miracles.

Everyone was taken aback, they didn't expect Kutuzov to ask this question. "Marshal, Podolsk is already surrounded by the French army. It may be very difficult for us to support her." A lieutenant general named Yefim said.

"But if we dispatch a force from Moscow to launch a sudden attack on the French army besieging Podolsk, I think we may be able to break through the encirclement of the French army. At that time, as long as the entire army brings a large amount of supplies, then This will accomplish our goal of supporting Podolsk." Kutuzov said lightly. From his words, there was a hint of firmness, and it could be seen that he had already made up his mind.

No one said anything, everyone lowered their heads. In principle, Kutuzov's plan is completely feasible, but it is also quite dangerous. Even if the Russian army sent can break through the encirclement of the French army and enter Podolsk, it will be a dead end. Everyone knows that Podolsk is surrounded by the French army and may be breached at any time. After going there, there are only two results left. One is to die in the battle and become a hero, and the other is to Into the French prisoner-of-war camp. For these senior generals, neither of these two results is what they want to see. Therefore, none of them spoke, for fear that Kutuzov would ask them to lead the troops to Podolsk.

Kutuzov glanced at everyone, and he saw everyone's thoughts in his eyes. He is also very clear that this mission is definitely a narrow escape, but this plan must be implemented. "General Yefim, I have decided that you will complete this plan, and I will send you the most elite troops from Moscow's defense forces," Kutuzov said.

"What? Me?" Yefim was very surprised. He never thought that Kutuzov would ask him to complete this plan. Doesn't it mean that he was going to die? For a moment, he felt dizzy and dizzy, as if all the strength in his body had been drained. The other generals obviously had expressions of remaining alive after a catastrophe.

"General Yefim, you have to remember that you are a soldier of the empire, and now it's time for you to serve the empire with allegiance." Kutuzov said with a cold face. This plan must be implemented by someone. Unfortunately, Yefim was unlucky to be the abandoned child.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal." Yefim had to accept the order. He knew that if he dared to say no, he might not be able to leave the headquarters today.

"Very well, I wish you a triumphant return." Kutuzov nodded. Then he left the headquarters first.

As soon as Kutuzov left, others immediately surrounded him. I want to congratulate Yefim, expressing their "envy" and so on. Some people even brazenly told Yefim, let him go with peace of mind, his wife and the others will definitely take good care of him. Looking at the ugly faces of these people, Yefim only felt very disgusted.

Originally, the bounden duty of a soldier was to obey orders. According to common sense, Yefim has 10,000 people who are unwilling, but Kutuzov has already issued a clear order, so there is no room for him to violate it in the slightest. However, thinking of his beautiful wife, Yefim felt unwilling, very unwilling. Why do you want me to die? Yefim roared in his heart. He has just turned 40 years old this year. As a person with no background, being a lieutenant general at this age is already very good. His wife was Nastasia, a very beautiful woman ten years his junior. Yefim was sure that if he died at the front, then Nastasya would definitely fall into the hands of others and become someone else's plaything. This is something he doesn't want to see. Thinking of this, Yefim's heart was filled with hatred, some against his colleagues, some against Kutuzov, and some against the entire country. In order to get rid of this fate, Yefim secretly made up his mind that if there is a chance, everyone must pay the price. At this time, those so-called national interests and the like have long been out of the blue by him.

The time for the expedition came soon. On September 19, during these two days, Kutuzov secretly mobilized 50,000 troops and a large amount of military supplies, intending to give strong support to the defenders of Podolsk. At this time, the French army had been attacking Podolsk for more than 5 days, and most of the defenders in Podolsk had suffered casualties. If there was no support, they could last at most two days.

That morning, Yefim told his wife to find a place to hide before he came back, and then went directly to the military camp. At 9 o'clock in the morning, the south gate of Moscow suddenly opened, and 50,000 Russian troops quickly launched an attack on the French troops stationed outside Moscow. Since the main forces of the two Iberian legions are now devoted to the attack on Podolsk, they only deployed a symbolic force of an infantry division outside Moscow. After all, no one thought that the Russian army would dare to attack the French army at this time.

Under the sudden attack of the Russian army, the French army was caught off guard. The Russian army almost broke through the line of defense, and the French army who came to their senses immediately organized a defense, but the opportunity was lost, so they had to support the line of defense hard while asking for help from the headquarters. Fortunately, because the Russian army carried a large amount of military supplies, their attack speed was very slow. If the reinforcements came in time, they would definitely be able to encircle and wipe out this army that ventured out of the city.

"Damn it, an army of about 50,000 people from the Russian army set out from Moscow to attack our army. The frontline troops were caught off guard and couldn't stand it anymore." Otis, the commander of the Iberian 2nd Army, entered Said a little angrily. I don't know if he was so careless because of the sudden attack of the Russian army or because of the frontline troops.

"It's been five days since we attacked Podolsk, but we haven't been able to capture the city yet. If the Russian army breaks through the line of defense and picks up the surrounded Russian army, His Majesty will definitely punish us." Yibi General Mike, the head of the 1st Legion of Leah, said with lingering fear. So far, Xiao Jie has sent them 3 telegrams with very harsh words. In the telegrams, he unabashedly expressed his dissatisfaction. In the case of Podolsk, the two military chiefs will definitely not have good fruit to eat.

"I don't think their intention is to welcome the defenders of Podolsk to leave, because intelligence from the front says that this army is carrying a large amount of military supplies, and it seems that they are preparing to support Podolsk." Otis thought for a while and said.

"That's it. Then let the frontline troops open a hole and put this army in Podolsk." Mike suggested.

"What? Put them into Podolsk! Are you out of your mind?" Otis asked in surprise.

"Of course! According to the current situation, the Russian army is determined to enter Podolsk. If we block it, it will inevitably cause unnecessary casualties. Besides, the current troops are basically attacking Podolsk. During the attack of the Russian army, it was difficult for us to mobilize troops to encircle and wipe out the Russian army in a short period of time." Mike explained.

"But such words will undoubtedly increase the difficulty for us to attack Podolsk." Otis said.

"But it can also increase our results. During our many days of offensive, basically all the fortifications of Podolsk were destroyed. It is also a matter of time before we occupy Podolsk. Of course, there may indeed be times when you say That kind of situation, but I think we should take a gamble." Mike said firmly.

Otis was silent for a while, and finally agreed to Mike's proposal.

The French front-line troops who received the order opened a gap in the defense line. Yefim's army quickly entered Podolsk through this gap. However, on the way, they lost a lot of money under the French attack. more than 10,000 people were killed or injured.

Entering Podolsk, Yefim saw ruins all over his eyes. The once beautiful city has now become ruins. Here Yefim met Podolsk's commander, Admiral Anatoly.

"Seeing you, I don't know whether it's an honor or a pity." Anatoly said with a tired face, but without losing humor.

"To be I am not honored to meet you at all." Yefim said. Then the two hands were clasped together. The fate of the two of them in this war was similar, and they were both pawns discarded by Kutuzov. Because of this, the two of them couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy for each other.

"General, how many people are left in Podolsk? How many people can continue to fight?" Yefim asked directly.

"There are still 70,000 people in Podolsk, and no more than 50,000 are capable of fighting. We are short of a lot of medicines and ammunition." Anatoly said with a desolate face.

"I brought 50,000 people, and now I have 40,000 alive. I also have a little medicine and ammunition, but not much. Excuse me, General, do you think we can withstand the French attack?" Yefim asked.

Anatoly shook his head, and then said: "To be honest, you should not come here at all if possible. The fortifications of Podolsk have been completely destroyed. It is not certain that in the next or next French army In one attack, it will be occupied by the French."

"I have no choice either!" Yefim said helplessly, "However, we may not end up dead."

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