Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 360: Emergency moment

"Damn it, it really is Austria and Russia playing tricks." Xiao Jie said angrily, although he had made such a guess before, but since it was not confirmed, he didn't say anything. Now it is confirmed that Austria and Russia are indeed standing behind Turkey, which makes him very angry, because this is basically a provocation against France.

"Your Majesty, what should we do? Do we need to contact the ambassadors in Austria and Russia to protest to their governments?" Eck asked.

"Humph! Since they dare to do this, they are naturally not afraid of our protest. I'm sure they will never admit it. If they insist that they have never contacted the Turkish government, they sold the arms to Turkey. We There is no way to take them." Xiao Jie said coldly.

"Is that the way to go?" Eke asked anxiously.

"Of course not. Since they dare to provoke us like this, then they have to be prepared to pay the price. How are the frontline troops preparing?" Xiao Jie asked with a gloomy expression.

"The personnel are basically in place, and now we are hurrying to transport equipment and ammunition. However, Austria and Russia have also deployed a large number of troops in the border area. If a war breaks out, I am worried that we will not be able to make a breakthrough in a short time. In that case, the war will It is inevitable to enter a stalemate. Although I am sure that we will win in the end, the price we will pay will be much higher." Eck said with some concern.

Xiao Jie frowned. The aggressive military policies of Austria and Russia have suddenly increased the military strength of the two countries. Although this method is basically drinking poison to quench their thirst, at this stage, it is still a good one for them. Method. "Order the servant countries to start mobilization. They should be able to provide us with at least 300,000 troops. In this way, we will be under much less pressure."

"Okay, I will contact the governments of various countries urgently. By the way, should we make some adjustments to Turkey's policy? I don't think we should be limited to driving the Turkish army out of the Jewish state. We also You can try to launch an active attack on Turkey. If you can control this declining empire, it may bring us unexpected surprises. Although the Turkish Empire has fallen, they want to form an army of hundreds of thousands of people The army is still very easy, and Turkey, Austria, and Russia also have irreconcilable conflicts, if they contain the two countries in the south, then we will face less pressure." Eck suggested.

"Yes. But if this is the case, the troops we send will definitely not be enough. If we want to make an empire like Turkey submit to us, I'm afraid we will have to send a lot of troops." Xiao Jie agreed.

"Until now, except for the 4th Marine Division, which has suffered serious losses, its combat effectiveness has not yet recovered. In addition, the 6th Marine Division has been deployed to the Isle of Wight, and the other Marine Divisions can be put into battle. I think , with the full help of the Mediterranean Fleet, it should not be too difficult to defeat Turkey." Eck said his plan, a long time ago, he was thinking of attacking Austria and Russia from other directions, and Turkey Undoubtedly the best choice.

"Okay, just go ahead and arrange it. Let the staff draw up the battle plan before handing it over to me. In addition, I would like to give you a suggestion. The Jews will definitely suffer very serious losses during this Turkish attack. .Similarly, their revenge psychology is also very serious. We can fully grasp this point and expand the Jewish state as much as possible. In this way, when launching a war against Turkey, they can become our powerful Help." Xiao Jie suggested.

Eke frowned. He couldn't understand why Xiao Jie would make such a suggestion: "Your Majesty, there are only a few hundred thousand Jews so far. In this Turkish invasion, they will definitely suffer very serious losses. If After going through the war against Turkey, I think their young and middle-aged people are likely to be completely consumed in the war."

"Yes, but you have to know that I am doing this all for the benefit of France. Although the Jewish state is our ally, the nature of the Jews makes it impossible for them to be completely loyal to a certain person or a certain country. If the rise of Palestine A strong Jewish state is very detrimental to us, and even the Suez Canal may be threatened. Only a weak Jewish state, a Jewish state that needs our protection, is what we really need.” Xiao Jie explained.

Eck nodded. Although he felt that doing so was despicable and cold-blooded, he had to admit that from the perspective of France, this was the best result. Maybe that's the way politics is, Eck thought secretly.

Afterwards, the French ambassadors to Austria and Russia lodged strong protests to the two governments, but Austria and Russia denied it, claiming that they had never provided any military assistance to Turkey, let alone reached a secret agreement with Turkey. After the protests were fruitless, France obviously strengthened the concentration of troops in the border areas. Austria and Russia also felt strange, and similarly sent a large number of troops to the west. For a while, the situation in the European continent became very tense. What is lacking now is just a fuse.

While France is constantly mobilizing troops and combat supplies, the war situation in the Jewish state has reached a feverish stage. It is now August 17th, and the Turkish attack on Jerusalem has reached the third day. During these three days, the Turkish army launched more than a dozen attacks, large and small, but they all failed in the end. They boarded the city of Jerusalem several times, but they were all driven back in the end. The commander-in-chief felt very angry and shameless. In their original expectation, it would take at most 1 day to capture Jerusalem, but now 3 days have passed, but the battle is still going on, and the Turkish army has paid more than 30,000 casualties. What is even more hateful is their The siege weapon, the artillery unit was also completely lost during the three-day battle, which brought great obstacles to their follow-up battle.

The situation in the Jewish state is also very pessimistic. Although they have repelled the attacks of the Turkish army many times, the casualties they have paid are also very large. The Turkish army is smaller, but now there are only more than 10,000 people left. Outside Jerusalem, there are still more than a dozen Turkish troops watching, and the situation can be said to be very critical.

"Your Excellency, I have to tell you that the current situation is very unfavorable to us, and we have to prepare for the worst." Terence said helplessly.

"General, the reinforcements are on the way, and they will arrive in four days at most. You must hold on, otherwise we Jews will suffer catastrophe." Elroy panicked.

"Your Excellency, I will do my best, but you must also be prepared to break the city. It is best to gather the people to a safe place, and build a large number of barricades on the streets to prepare for street fighting. said Terrence.

"I will arrange these. I will let the children go to the French embassy. I don't think the Turks would dare to attack the French embassy even if they are presumptuous." Elroy said with a gloomy expression. Now they have done everything they can. As for what will happen to the Jewish people, he can't imagine at all. He can only pray to God that the French reinforcements can arrive as soon as possible.

On August 18, Turkey launched a fierce offensive again, as if to avenge its shame, Jared and Isaac invested a total of 50,000 troops to attack from the north and west of Jerusalem. The fierce battle unfolded in an instant, and the sound of guns and guns rang out. The Turks' attack was very under the strong attack of the Jewish army, a large number of Turks fell down like brothers and wheat under the heavy machine gun fire, but they still kept on fighting Attack on Jerusalem. Slowly, someone leaned into the city wall, and the ladder to attack the city was erected. The Turkish soldiers climbed up the ladder like ants, while the Jewish soldiers on the city fought back, and some of them threw They fired grenades to prevent the Turkish soldiers from approaching the city wall, and some overturned the ladders. However, in the process, many Jewish soldiers and Turks were hit by bullets or bows and arrows.

The fighting was brutal, with people dying every moment.

On August 19, the fighting continued. The Turkish army changed a group and continued to attack, while the Jewish army continued to stay at their posts exhausted. The offensive of the Turkish army is still very fierce, and the resistance of the Jewish army is equally fierce. The Turkish army can be replenished immediately after the loss, but it is difficult for the Jewish army to be replenished after the loss. As the situation ebbs and flows, the situation becomes more and more unfavorable to the Jewish state.

Finally, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a large number of Turkish troops boarded the west wall. Terrence organized a counterattack, but there were too many Turkish soldiers who attacked the wall, and the number continued to increase. The Jewish army The counterattack didn't work. As a last resort, Terrence had to order to abandon the city wall and turn to street fighting. The Turkish army officially entered Jerusalem and Salem.

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