Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 334: full login

(I don’t know when there will be aftershocks, write a chapter and upload it, and then escape to a safe place)

"General, the 9th Infantry Division surrendered to the French, and now the French army is attacking the city." A staff officer rushed into Bill's office in a hurry and reported to him.

"What? Damn it. I must send them all to the gallows." Bill growled angrily. He didn't expect Donald to dare to do this at all, and in this way, all his plans were disrupted. "Order the 11th Infantry Division to set up defenses on the outskirts of the city immediately, and must block the army. At the same time, an order was sent to the 10th Infantry Division stationed in Southampton, telling them to approach Portsmouth immediately, and the defense of Southampton was handed over to the 8th Infantry Division." Bill ordered. As a last resort, he could only put all his troops into battle.

It is now 2 p.m., and the 2nd Regiment, the vanguard of the French 3rd Marine Division, has arrived in the suburbs of Portsmouth and is engaged in a fierce battle with the British 10th Infantry Division stationed here. However, when the troops were at an absolute disadvantage, the 2nd regiment had to stop the attack and retreat to wait for reinforcements.

At the same time, the 5th Regiment marching towards the port area also encountered their enemy. It was a regiment of the British 6th Infantry Division responsible for defending here. When the 5th Regiment of the French 3rd Marine Division arrived, a fierce battle broke out between the two regiments for control of the port. Generally speaking, the combat effectiveness of the French army is much stronger than that of the British army. Under their attack, the British army retreated steadily. By two o'clock in the afternoon, two-thirds of the entire port had been controlled by the French army. up. Under such circumstances, the 4th Marine Division, which was originally moored at sea waiting to land, also immediately moved to the direction of the port. Obviously, it took much less time to land at the port than to land directly from the beach.

With the entry of the 4th Marine Division into the battlefield, the battle became even more favorable to the French. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the 3rd Marine Division concentrated 3 regiments and attacked from the south of Portsmouth, while the 5th Regiment of the 3rd Marine Division and the two regiments of the 4th Marine Division, which had already landed, attacked from the west. face attack. Under the attack of the French army on both sides, Bill had to put the 6th Infantry Division, which had lost a regiment, into the battlefield to resist the attack of the French army. At this time, the British army's defense line in the suburbs had been completely broken through, and the fighting had spread to the urban area, with fierce street fighting between the British and French armies.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the French 4th Marine Division had all landed, and the 7th Marine Division had also arrived at the port. The situation became more and more unfavorable to the British army. Under the fierce attack of the French 3rd and 4th Marine Divisions, the 6th and 11th Infantry Divisions in Bier's hands had no counterattack power.

At 4:30 p.m., the British 10th Infantry Division arrived in Portsmouth without giving them any rest time. Bill directly ordered them all to go into battle. With the addition of this new force, the British army gradually consolidated the line of defense, and the strength of both sides Basically reached a balance. But at this time, a third of Portsmouth had fallen into the hands of the French army.

The balance didn't last long before it was disrupted, because the French 7th Marine Division joined the battle and the French army resumed its fierce offensive. The living space of the British army is constantly being squeezed, and the position is constantly shrinking. By evening, only northern Portsmouth remained under British control. The goal of the French army was to drive the British army out of Portsmouth and occupy it completely.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the strategic goal of the French army was finally achieved. Bill and his troops were all driven out of Portsmouth. Bill, who had lost his position, had to lead more than 20,000 remnants to retreat to Havant and wait for reinforcements. After a day of fierce fighting, the French army did not have the strength to continue chasing the British army. They had to build a line of defense in Portsmouth, waiting for the counterattack of the British army. A large amount of military supplies were also transported from the Isle of Wight, and the 5th Marine Division also began to ship, but their target was no longer Portsmouth, but Southampton. They will land in the bay 5 kilometers south of Southampton, and then launch a night attack on Southampton.

According to the information obtained, there is only one 5th Infantry Division in Southampton now. If the 5th Marine Division launches a surprise attack, it can capture there at a very small cost. Offensive or defensive, can be in a favorable position. It can even threaten the British army in Poole, encircling the British army of 5 divisions there.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, the 5th Marine Division arrived at the destination, perhaps because everyone's eyes were attracted by the battle in Portsmouth, and no one noticed the arrival of the 5th Marine Division. At 12 o'clock in the evening, more than 15,000 people from the 5th Marine Division landed, and then immediately headed for Southampton.

At 1 o'clock in the morning, the battle to attack Southampton started. The 5th Marine Division invested 4 regiments and launched a surprise attack from the south and west of Southampton. The British 5th Infantry Division was caught off guard and lost half an hour after the battle started The first-line positions had to retreat into the city to defend. At 2:30 in the morning, with the support of artillery, the 5th Marine Division attacked again. Under the fierce attack of the 5th Marine Division, the British 5th Infantry Division retreated across the board. In the subsequent street fighting, they failed to organize such a defense. The fighting lasted only until 5:00 am when Southampton was captured by the 5th Marine Division. More than 6,000 people from the remnant of the British 5th Infantry Division retreated to Eastleigh.

On the morning of June 22, five British divisions arrived at Havant after a long journey. Bill's confidence was greatly boosted, and he immediately began to organize a counterattack. At 9 o'clock in the morning, the counterattack began. In order to recapture Portsmouth, Bill invested 40,000 troops at one time, including the remnants of the 8th Infantry Division and the 28th and 30th Infantry Divisions. Now the defenders of Portsmouth are three French marine divisions, including the 3rd, 4th and 7th marine divisions, with a total of more than 38,000 people.

As the latest 7th Marine Division to enter the battle, it was responsible for defending the first-line positions. The British army launched an offensive after a short artillery preparation. It wasn't that Bill didn't want to provide full artillery support for his troops, it was that he didn't dare to do so, otherwise he would lose all his artillery. When the British artillery bombardment just started, their positions were discovered by airships in the sky. After that, the French artillery and warships moored at sea suppressed the British artillery positions. However, in 15 minutes of shelling, the British army lost more than 20 cannons.

The Scottish bagpipes played passionately, and the British soldiers bravely launched a fierce attack on the French positions. Since there was only one night, the French 7th Marine Division could only build a simple position, which may be a bit weak in comparison, but the 7th Marine Division is confident that it can withstand the British attack.

According to the combat regulations, the British soldiers formed a sparse skirmish line to attack the position of the French 7th Marine Division, but there was a large gap between their skirmish lines. The connection between the first skirmish line and the next two skirmish lines is not good at all. This is probably the gap between veterans who have experienced the war and those rookies who have just entered the barracks.

The fighting spirit of the British army was high, but the display was indeed very cruel. Although they held infinite anger and were eager to drive these invaders away, they could only leave with regret in the end. When they were only 1 km away from the position of the 7th Marine Division, the French artillery bombardment began. 75mm field guns and 80mm heavy mortars fired one after another. The British offensive line suddenly panicked. Those veterans were okay, although the shelling made them panic instinctively, they immediately calmed down and continued to attack the French army. And those recruits were completely helpless. As soon as the French artillery fired, they immediately panicked. Especially when someone was hit by shrapnel, blood and broken limbs scattered all over the ground, the recruits who had never seen such a scene like **** immediately collapsed, they cried and retreated to the back~www I can't wait to grow two legs, I don't know where to throw the pride and passion before, and some even throw away the weapons.

As soon as they retreated, the British 8th Infantry Division lost its backup and had to start retreating, otherwise they would become the main target of the French army, and their losses would be even heavier. Despite this, when the final count was made, their attack still lost more than 2,000 people.

Bill looked at these ragged and disheveled troops with a livid face. He felt extremely angry and desperate. He began to doubt whether Britain could win the war. In order to be able to recapture Portsmouth, and later Southampton, Bill strictly ordered the 8th Infantry Division and the 28th and 30th Infantry Divisions to attack the French positions. Some people from his guard battalion formed a military law team to shoot and kill those soldiers who retreated without authorization. Under Bill's high-pressure policy, the British troops of those three divisions had to attack the French 7th Marine Division. Although they knew that this was no different from sending them to death, at least dying in the middle of the attack was much better than dying in the hands of their own people.

When the French and British troops were fighting for Portsmouth, the French army in Calais also officially started the landing operation on Dover. With the support of the Channel Fleet, the 1st Marine Division successfully landed and defeated the British army. , and began to expand the results with the support of the 4th, 5th, and 6th Infantry Divisions of the 89th Army.

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