Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 322: Armistice on the Eastern Front - Louise's Request

(Chapter to)

On the morning of May 16th, the peace talks continued, but the atmosphere was a bit depressed, probably because of yesterday's influence. Up to now, Nikolai is still staring at Gregor and Otov viciously, but the two are very concerned about Nikolai. Ra's eyes just ignored it. Without extra words, Prince von Metternich said: "Although our country is very sincere in wanting to end this war, the price we have to pay in order to end the war is really too high. His Majesty Francis I will not Agree to the conditions proposed by your country, so I can only express regret."

"What does Makovsky mean?" Gregor turned to Russia.

"Unfortunately, His Majesty Alexander also thinks that 300 million francs is too much, and we are unable to pay the compensation." Makovsky said with some regret.

"So our peace talks have broken down?" Gregor asked with a smile on his face. He now understands that Austria and Russia have reached an agreement to advance and retreat together, otherwise Russia would definitely not take the risk of making such a decision. Although 300 million francs is a lot, it is not so much that Russia cannot bear it. The only reasonable explanation is that Austria and Russia reached a secret agreement to deal with France together. As for what price Austria paid to pull Russia into the same boat, it will take a good investigation to find out.

"You may think so," replied Prince von Metternich. Makovsky nodded too.

"Okay then. I officially announce that the peace talks have broken down and the war will start soon." Gregor said with an unchanged expression. Then, he stood up and prepared to leave with Otov.

At this time, Prince von Metternich's eyes flashed with panic. If the war resumes, it will not be of any benefit to Austria. Moreover, Francis I told him to reduce the compensation as much as possible and recover the lost land, but if the peace talks broke down, then he would definitely be swallowed by Francis I's anger.

"Cough, cough. Don't be in a hurry, you two? We can discuss it again." Prince von Metternich stood up and said with some embarrassment.

"Don't you disagree with our country's conditions?" Gregory and Ottove had bright smiles on their faces. Obviously, in this round of contest, they won again.

"1 billion is really too much, and the territory of our country occupied by your country is also very vast. I think we should still have room for negotiation." Prince von Metternich said with a smile on his face.

"Well, I won't go around in circles anymore. Yesterday we asked His Majesty Andresi for instructions. After our persuasion, His Majesty decided to reduce part of the compensation and return part of your territory." Gregor decided not to waste time anymore Well, judging by Prince von Metternich's appearance, he probably won't be able to squeeze out more oil and water.

"Thank you both very much. After the matter is completed, His Majesty the Emperor of our country will definitely thank you both." Prince von Metternich immediately beamed with joy when he heard that things had turned around.

"For Russia's war indemnity, His Majesty Andresi decided to reduce it by 100 million, which means that Russia needs to pay our country 200 million francs in war reparations. As for Austria, His Majesty decided to reduce it by 200 million, which means that your country must pay 800 million As for the occupied territory, His Majesty has decided to return the territory north of the Danube to your country." Gregor slowly told them the bottom line that Xiao Jie said yesterday.

Hearing this news, both Prince von Metternich and Makovsky looked happy. Prince von Metternich thought to himself that France has finally begun to make concessions. If it can reduce 200 million, it is possible to reduce it even more. If it can return part of the territory, it may return all of it. So he planned to cry poorly to Gregor and the others. If he could save Austria a sum of money or return part of the territory, then he would become a hero of Austria. However, when he was about to speak, Ottove interrupted him.

"This is already the bottom line of our country. Don't you know good from bad! Otherwise, the peace talks may really break down." Otov warned these greedy people with a threatening tone.

Seeing what Ottof said was so resolute, Prince von Metternich had no choice but to keep his mouth shut. "Thank you for your country's generosity, but I have to go back and ask His Majesty for instructions."

"That's fine, but I'd like to inform you all that we don't have much time to spend here due to the tight schedule, so His Majesty Andresi has decided that the peace talks will end on May 18, that is to say, if If none of us three parties have reached a satisfactory result before May 18, then this meeting will be broken down, and there will be no such opportunity in the future." Seeing that everyone was about to leave, Gerry Goo said quickly.

Everyone was staring at him, with some anger in their eyes, because they felt threatened again. If glances could kill, I'm afraid Gregor would have been torn to pieces long ago.

However, the person involved didn't pay attention to these murderous eyes at all, shrugged indifferently, and left with Otov.

"Your Majesty, today's peace talks have finally achieved some results. France promised to reduce the compensation of 200 million yuan and return the territory north of the Danube to us." Prince von Metternich reported to Francis I with a happy face.

"Okay, very good. France is finally willing to make concessions. This is a good thing. You have to work harder and try to reduce the compensation. It is best to return all the occupied territories." Francis I said happily.

"But Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's impossible to lower it any further. This is already the bottom line of the French side. Besides, they have set a time limit. If we don't make a decision before May 18, then they will regard this meeting as It's broken." Prince von Metternich said with a bitter face.

Francis I's face sank instantly. "Is there no other way? There is not much difference between 800 million francs and 10 francs. It will also collapse our finances. Although the territory north of the Danube can be recovered, the territory west of the Enns River and south of the Sava River A large amount of territory is still occupied by the French." Francis I said angrily.

"Your Majesty, maybe we can take some other measures?" After a while, Prince von Metternich whispered.

"What way?" Francis I's expression brightened, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw.

"We can ask His Royal Highness Louise to intercede with Andresi, maybe he will agree to His Highness's request."

"Why should Louise go?" Francis I said, frowning.

"Because, because, it is said that Andresi is a very lecherous person." Prince von Metternich finally stated his reasons.

"What? What do you mean?" Francis I growled.

"No, Your Majesty. What I mean is that Her Highness Louise is Andresi's aunt anyway. Maybe if she goes to intercede for us, she may achieve unexpected results." Prince von Metternich looked at the situation No, he quickly changed his words.

However, Francis I had fully understood what Prince von Metternich meant, and he was very angry because it was a complete insult to him. However, he was very helpless, because this seemed to be the only way. Taking a deep breath and calming down, Francis Yitian asked, "Do you think Andresi will agree to Louise's request?"

"I'm not sure about this either. If Her Royal Highness Louise agrees, at least we still have a glimmer of hope." Prince von Metternich said submissively.

Francis I sighed helplessly, and still adopted Prince von Metternich's opinion. Now he has no other choice but to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Your Majesty, Her Majesty Princess Louise of Austria is asking to see you." On the afternoon of May 16th, Xiao Jie was flipping through a book boredly. At this time, the guard reported to it is more accurate to call Louise the Queen Some, after all, she is Napoleon's wife, but since those people from the Bonaparte family made trouble at Xiao Jie's coronation ceremony, he abolished all their titles.

"Please come in." Although he was very puzzled, Xiao Jie tidied up his appearance and prepared to receive him.

"Andresi, long time no see." Louise walked into Xiao Jie's room and greeted him warmly. She is wearing a low-cut skirt today, revealing a large white breast, which looks very sexy. In fact, Louise is also very contradictory now. Her father, Francis I, found her and asked her to intercede with Xiao Jie for Austria. No matter how much she pays, Xiao Jie must try to reduce Austria’s compensation and return the occupied Austrian territory. Of course, if she succeeds, she will also get a lot of rewards. Francis I even promised to pass on the throne to her, making him one of the few empresses in Austrian history, and her son Frankois will also be sealed. for the prince. Therefore, this woman with a deep desire for power agreed to his father's request and came to ask Xiao Jie to forgive Austria. Even if Xiao Jie wants her to go to bed, he will not hesitate.

"Should I call you Her Royal Highness Princess Louise or Aunt Louise?" Xiao Jie said with a playful smile. However, I have to admit that Louise is indeed a beautiful woman. Xiao Jie, who has not touched a woman for more than a month, immediately reacted when he saw her **** outfit.

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