Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 255: Not a good nor a bad result

(Chapter to!)

After the Allied Forces of the Anti-French Alliance won the final victory in the Battle of Leipzig, they did not pursue Napoleon in time. It was not that Kutuzov and the others did not want to wipe out Napoleon's army in one go, but that after nearly three months of battle, the soldiers They are already very exhausted, and various non-combat attrition is also very serious. More importantly, the various war materials stored before the war have almost been consumed. To maintain the daily consumption and combat of the existing 400,000-odd army, we must You have to prepare a large amount of materials, and this will take time.

In order to support the war, the three countries of Russia, Austria, and Prussia were almost unable to survive, so these three countries all set their sights on their other ally, Britain across the strait. Considering that Napoleon must be completely defeated, and the other three countries have sent troops again, Britain still agreed to provide another batch of military supplies to support the continuation of the war. However, the United Kingdom also put forward a condition, that is, the Russian-Prussian-Austrian Allied Forces must immediately go to the Netherlands to rescue the British Expeditionary Force that is being oppressed by the three French legions in Amsterdam.

Now, the 100,000 expeditionary force of the Marquis of Wellington has less than 30,000 people left, surrounded by three French legions in Amsterdam, and surviving entirely on the support of the British Navy. If there is no army to support it, I am afraid that it will be completely driven out by the French army.

On April 20, more than 400,000 people from the Russian-Prussian-Austrian Allied Forces marched towards the Netherlands. In order to preserve their strength, Napoleon ordered the 1st, 4th, and 11th Legions in the Netherlands to retreat to Rotterdam in the south of the Netherlands to build a new line of defense. Although these three legions beat the British Expeditionary Force to lose their temper at all, their own casualties were also very large. The three legions added up to only more than 70,000 people. Now the strength of Napoleon's troops has dropped to the lowest point since the establishment of the French Empire. In addition to the 10th Army deployed in Normandy, the French army has a total of only more than 200,000. And how many opponents did he have? The four major countries add up to a total of 450,000, of which Austria has the most, with a full 200,000. At the same time, it is also because Austria suffered the least loss in the war.

On April 21, Napoleon returned to Paris from the south of the Netherlands and held an emergency cabinet meeting. During the meeting, Napoleon only issued one order, which was to recruit troops and prepare combat supplies. It is necessary to recruit enough soldiers and raise enough various materials in the shortest possible time. Now France has reached the most dangerous time. In all of Europe, apart from Italy and southern Holland and mainland France, no other place will obey Napoleon's orders.

That night, Napoleon summoned all members of the Bonaparte family and cabinet ministers in Paris, hoping that they could find a good way to help France tide over this difficulty. But now Napoleon's defeat has been revealed. Except for a few people present, everyone else made excuses for not coming. Especially Murat, who was still in Paris on the 20th. When he heard that Napoleon had returned to Paris, he fled back to Naples overnight. He even sent someone to contact the Anti-French Alliance, intending to continue his rule in Naples after France was destroyed, which almost made Napoleon vomit blood with anger.

"Everyone, I won't talk about the current situation. I think you all know very well. If we lose this time, everyone will become slaves. Therefore, I need you to provide me with the greatest help." Napoleon Lun looked at everyone and said. But his words elicited no response. Joseph looked like he had nothing to do with himself, and he was completely watching the excitement. Among these people, I am afraid that only he is the most relaxed. Anyway, even if France is really occupied by the Anti-French Alliance, he still has a place to go. With the strong power of Iberia, is he still afraid of the Anti-French Alliance that has already suffered heavy losses? The same is true of Napoleon's younger brothers. From their point of view, it is Napoleon who is ruthless in the anti-French alliance, not them. The big deal is to hand over the power in their hands at that time, and with their current financial resources, they can live well in the future.

"Your Majesty, in fact, it is not difficult to overcome this difficulty. As long as His Highness Andresi is willing to lend a helping hand, with the power of Iberia, is it not easy to defeat the current anti-French alliance?" Foreign Minister Company suggested. Although he knew that Napoleon would definitely not adopt his suggestion, this seemed to be the only way to save France.

After hearing what Campbell said, everyone present reacted differently. Joseph gave Kang Peini a hard look, and complained that he dragged Xiao Jie into the muddy water. The other ministers stared at Kampini with admiration. To tell the truth, they still support his suggestion, but this kind of support can only be kept in their hearts. Napoleon's younger brothers looked happy. For them, it didn't matter who became the emperor, as long as they could continue to enjoy the power, it would be great. Napoleon, on the other hand, had a gloomy face. He wanted to abdicate himself just because Xiao Jie's conditions were too high. He was a despicable and shameless traitor, wasting his kindness to him.

"What do you think? Do you agree with His Excellency Campbell's point of view?" Napoleon asked with a dark face.

Seeing how Napoleon wanted to eat people, no one dared to express his opinion anymore. Napoleon turned his head to look at Joseph and asked, "Joseph, my dear brother, what do you think I should do? Should I follow the suggestion of Your Excellency Compene?"

Glancing at Napoleon, Joseph replied: "It all depends on your Majesty's decision. Andresi's conditions are very clear. If you think you can accept it, you can agree to it. If you can't accept it, you can refuse it. So simple."

"Joseph, you are my brother and Andresi is my nephew. Why do you all want my throne so much? Why do you do this?" Napoleon roared like an angry lion.

"Your Majesty, I think you should understand that it's not just Andresi who wants your throne, everyone here probably has this idea, but they don't have the strength like Andresi." Joseph said lightly .

Napoleon glanced at his brothers and brothers. He knew that what Joseph said was true. Since the day he became emperor, all people have been eager to overthrow his rule. Thinking of this, Napoleon felt very sad. Is the throne so important to them? In fact, why is he not like that? Otherwise, he wouldn't have deposed Xiao Jie and appointed his own son François as the new Crown Prince. If it wasn't for that, maybe Xiao Jie wouldn't have betrayed him so early, and with Iberia's joining, the ending of this war would not be like this.

"Look, I won't lose, and your plot won't succeed." Napoleon said angrily, and then left the conference room. He has made up his mind that once he wins the war, the first thing he will deal with is his brothers. However, it seemed that he could only think about it this way, and victory was getting farther and farther away from him.

Xiao Jie, who is far away in Madrid, is also making final preparations. A large number of weapons and various combat supplies are being transported to northern Iberia. Once Napoleon is completely defeated, the anti-French coalition forces enter France, and the Iberian army It will enter France at the first time and seize the central and southern parts of France. Judging from the performance of France and the Anti-French Alliance in the war, Xiao Jie could be satisfied with this result or not. Because Napoleon was defeated, he was about to gain access to France. But the Anti-French Alliance still has hundreds of thousands of troops, and God knows whether they will send more troops. If Napoleon cannot greatly consume the strength of the Anti-French Alliance, the Iberian Army and the Anti-French Alliance will be defeated by then. There must be a fierce battle between them, which Xiao Jie does not want to happen now.

While Xiao Jie was thinking about future plans, the guards reported that the Prime Minister Forbeck, the Minister of the Interior Shafter, and the Chief of Staff of the Iberian Army, General Eck, had asked to see him. Although he was puzzled why they came to find him together, Xiao Jie still met them immediately.

"His Royal Highness, there is a big disturbance in the north." Forbeck said as soon as he saw Xiao Jie. Shaft and Eck were also full of worries. Their expressions made Pin Lujie very puzzled, could it be that the Anti-French Alliance had already defeated Napoleon and entered Paris? But I don't seem to have received any news about this.

"What's going on?" Xiao Jie asked Shaft quickly told Xiao Jie what happened. Only then did Xiao Jie know what had happened. It turned out that Napoleon's defeat in the war caused panic throughout France, and a large number of French people poured into Iberia, causing the population of northern Iberia to increase dramatically. The arrival of these French people seriously affected the local security. They have nothing to eat, wear and use, which inevitably increases the number of incidents of theft and robbery, and even caused a small-scale riot in Barcelona. Although it has been suppressed, it still makes them feel very headache, so That's why I came to Xiao Jie to find a solution.

Of course, Xiao Jie will not be soft on those who disturb the law and order. He immediately ordered Shaf to suppress them severely. If the internal affairs department can't handle it, he can ask the army for help. In addition, you can’t let these French people go. He will enter France in the future. These people are the foundation of his rule, so he still requires the government to provide appropriate relief, and send them back after the Iberian army enters France. .

"How many are these refugees?" Xiao Jie asked.

"According to the statistics of the previous two days, there are more than two million people, but there are still French people crossing the border constantly, so this number has been increasing." Shaft replied. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in to .QDAN., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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