Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 247: Conquering Gibraltar (Part 2)

(Chapter 1 is here! I went to bed, and I have class tomorrow)

To Xiao Jie's strong order, Du Geer did not answer, but was thinking about another powerful weapon that Xiao Jie said, could it be another powerful artillery? Dougal was looking forward to it. He knew that Xiao Jie would not deliberately make things difficult for him. Since he asked to conquer Gibraltar within 4 days, he must still have a backup.

As if knowing what Du Geer was thinking, Xiao Jie said with a smile: "Didn't I tell you before that the air force would also participate in this battle? Just now the headquarters called and said that the air force is ready, and the air force participating in this battle The airship has arrived in Cordoba, where it will continue to fly south after refueling, it is estimated that it will reach Algeciras this evening, and it will be ready for battle tomorrow."

Dugor is no stranger to the new military branch of the Air Force. This is the military branch with the highest registration rate among the Iberian military branches. Since now, the outside world has not known its existence. Du Geer has also seen their training, and the direct blow from the sky is unavoidable. With their participation, there is no suspense in this battle. "His Royal Highness, are you going to expose your family fortune this time?" Du Geer was very regretful, he knew that Xiao Jie always liked to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

"En." Xiao Jie nodded: "Sometimes, it's not good to keep a low profile blindly. Besides, the situation in the European continent is so tense now. The more strength we expose, the more we will make others fearful. The arrangements have been of great help.”

Dugor nodded. He knew Xiao Jie's plan very clearly. Once Napoleon was defeated in the war, the Iberian army would march northward to seize French territory. And occupied, at some point, it will inevitably have a fierce collision with the anti-French alliance. Now that it has exposed its huge strength, it can also play a deterrent role in the future.

In the evening, Xiao Jie ordered the army to level up a large open space in the north of Algeciras for the parking of the coming airship. This is the first appearance of the Air Force, so they have made a lot of preparations. Air Force Commander Major General Baldesius also arrived in Algeciras in the afternoon, and he also attached great importance to this battle.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, while everyone was waiting eagerly, some small black spots slowly appeared in the northern sky. "Here we come, we come." The crowd began to bustle. Through the binoculars in his hand, Xiao Jie saw a total of 40 airships, large and small, slowly flying towards this side. Maybe it was to play a certain deterrent effect. I don't know who painted the airship with sharks or some other ferocious fish or devils. It's not pretty, but it's really scary. On the way they traveled all the way, they really scared many civilians. Many people thought that the devil from **** had come out. After detailed explanations by the officials, they realized that it was not a devil, but a new Iberian military branch—the Air Force. .

At 5:40, the airships all landed in the open space. This time, the Air Force sent a total of 10 large airships, 20 medium-sized airships, and 10 small airships. Their strength accounted for almost 40% of the total air force. It is not difficult to see that they also want to do a big job. Since this is the bombing of the fortress, large airships and medium airships will play the leading role, while small airships will be used for reconnaissance or security. By tomorrow, they will fly over Gibraltar carrying a 500-kg super-large bomb and a 250-kg large bomb to carry out air strikes. The load capacity of the large airship has reached 30 tons. After removing the power plant and some other facilities and the pilot of the airship, it can also carry 15 tons of bombs. Baldesius' plan was to have them all carry 500-kilogram super-large bombs, mainly bombing the most fortified areas of the Zhibraltar fortress. The medium-sized airship has a load capacity of 15 tons and can carry 7 tons of bombs. It is planned that they will carry 250 kilograms of bombs to bomb important areas in the fortress, such as warehouses, ammunition depots, barracks, and enemy headquarters. The small airship has a load capacity of only 5 tons and can carry two tons of bombs. Their main targets are exposed British soldiers.

In the middle of the night, the fortress of Gibraltar was still full of flames. Some were caused by the shelling of the Iberian army, and some were bonfires lit by British soldiers. They needed to use the time when the shelling of the Iberian army stopped at night to repair the damaged fortifications and Putting out fires etc.

"Has the loss been calculated?" Brucht asked. He looked at the burning house outside the window, and asked with a pale face. This afternoon, unfortunately, a shell landed 100 meters to the left of his command post. After the explosion, a large pit with a diameter of 100 meters appeared, and the command post was also affected, but fortunately Only one wall was damaged. Brucht couldn't help shouting God bless, if the shell was just a little bit off, it might have hit his headquarters directly, and in that case, the war might have ended early.

"During the one-day bombardment of the Iberian Army, we suffered a great loss. More than 500 soldiers and officers were killed or wounded, and more than 4,000 civilians were killed or injured. In addition, a warehouse where food was piled up was hit, and an ammunition depot was hit. Now." Daniel gritted his teeth.

"Then how long can our food and ammunition last?" Brucht asked worriedly. If there is no food and ammunition, there is no need to fight this battle.

"General, you don't have to worry about this. Our food and ammunition are stacked separately, and they can last for a long time." Daniel replied hastily.

"In your opinion, if the Iberian Army maintains such bombardment, how long can we support it?" This is what Brucht is most concerned about.

"The situation is not very optimistic. Our fortifications were severely damaged during today's shelling. If the Iberian army continues such shelling for a few days, our fortifications will be completely destroyed." Daniel looked a little gloomy.

Bruce didn't say anything more. Instead, he walked to the window and stared at the dark night sky in a daze.

On the morning of January 25, after a night's rest, the Air Force pilots finally walked into the airship again in high spirits. It has to be said that these people are very courageous. Because the air force is not comparable to other military branches, their battlefield is in the sky, and once the airship has an accident, their hope of escape will be very slim. Although the parachute has been invented in advance under Xiao Jie's intentional arrangement, due to It is filled with hydrogen, and once it is hit or some other reason occurs, the entire airship will turn into a huge fireball in an instant, and it is basically impossible for the pilots in the gondola to escape. During the training process, some technologies are not perfect, so accidents are inevitable. Up to now, the Iberian Air Force has had more than 10 accidents, and dozens of pilots were injured or killed.

At 9:30 in the morning, the airship loaded with bombs took off, and they flew towards Gibraltar at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour. In half an hour at most, they could reach the sky over Gibraltar and carry out the first bombing operation in the world .

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the soldiers of the Gibraltar Fortress experienced an unforgettable scene of their eternity. When they were hiding in the artillery hole, waiting for the violent shelling of the Iberian Army, but the expected shelling did not appear, but the horizon A cluster of small black dots appeared.

What it is? bird? Really big enough! When the airship was still very far away, many soldiers guessed like this. But slowly, getting closer and closer, the true face of the airship was also seen by the British soldiers. When people deal with the unknown, there will always be fear. Perhaps the sharks and devils painted on the airship played a role, and there was an immediate panic among the British soldiers. Many faithful Catholics repented even more, as if they were begging God for forgiveness. The ferocious appearance of the airship will not make them think that it is a messenger sent by God, but only the devil crawling out of hell.

Thus, rumors arose. Many people came to believe that the Iberians had sold their souls to the devil in exchange for his help. Fight the devil? Just kidding, can people be opponents of the devil? The timid are already looking for a place to hide. Some of the braver ones raised their and shot at the huge airships in the sky, but those airships were flying at a height of about a thousand meters, so they couldn't hurt them with rifles.

Blucht and Daniel in the rear also spotted the airship in the sky. "What is that?" Daniel asked in surprise.

"I don't know, but I'm sure those are definitely not devils, but new weapons from Iberia. It seems that we are in trouble." Brucht said with a pale face.

At this time, the airship had already arrived over Gibraltar, and they began to descend in the panic of the British, ready to drop bombs. At 10:20, the bombing began. Huge shells fell from the large airships and medium-sized airships, and the entire fortress suddenly became a sea of ​​flames. On the other hand, the small airships dropped bombs in densely populated places, or directly strafed with the heavy machine guns fixed on the airship, and a large area fell down as soon as the shuttle went down. It felt really cool.

Seeing that the fortifications of the fortress collapsed under the blows of the enemy, Blucht and Daniel turned pale. They had only one thought in their minds, and that was: It's over! Gibraltar couldn't keep it up.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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