Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 221: King of Rome (Part 2)

(Chapter 2 is here! Go to bed and have class tomorrow!)

"Your Majesty, if Her Majesty the Empress gives birth to a prince, I object to Andresi continuing to serve as Crown Prince. After all, Your Majesty's own son is your legal heir." Seeing that Napoleon was a little shaken, Murat hurriedly Said. Although he is Xiao Jie's uncle, the relationship between them has reached a point of incompatibility. Now that he has the opportunity to move Xiao Jie down, he certainly doesn't want to let it go.

Napoleon glanced at Murat and didn't say anything. He was very clear about the grievances between Murat and Xiao Jie, but because he could get Murat's full support in this way, he was still happy to see it. But Murat's support alone is not enough, he needs more support, especially the support of the military. When there are differences in the government, the opinion of the military is very important. Although Napoleon firmly believes that he has absolute prestige in the army, Xiao Jie has also established a lot of prestige in the army through many wars, so he needs the absolute support of the powerful faction in the military.

"General Clark, what's your opinion?" Napoleon asked.

As the chief of staff promoted by Napoleon, Clark naturally did not dare to go against Xiao Jie's intentions. He also expressed his support for Napoleon's decision. As long as the queen gave birth to a prince, he would support him as the new crown prince.

"Marshal Davout, what about you?" Napoleon continued to ask. He knew that Davout and Xiao Jie had a very good personal relationship, and that the Guards Corps was very strong, and Davout also had a great influence in the army, so it was very important to get his support, even if he couldn't get him. support, and at least keep him neutral.

"Your Majesty, frankly speaking, even if the queen gives birth to a prince, I do not agree to change the crown prince at this time." Davout said. Hearing what he said, Napoleon's face became a little ugly. But Davout didn't seem to see it, and continued: "In my opinion, His Highness Andresi's knowledge and talent are the best candidates for the crown prince. Maybe in the future, His Royal Highness will be more important than His Highness Andresi. Excellent, but it will take more than a decade, and establishing him now as crown prince is something I object to."

Napoleon's face turned gloomy. Even though Davout was his favorite general, he was still very angry at Davout's clear objection: "What if I have to do this?" Napoleon stared at Davout and said .

"Then I can only remain neutral." Davout compromised. In any case, Napoleon is his object of allegiance, no matter how much he supports Xiao Jie, he can't oppose Napoleon just because of this, right?

Seeing that Davout compromised, Napoleon's complexion improved a bit. He knew that staying neutral was Davout's bottom line. "Marshal Bessières, what's your opinion?" Napoleon continued to ask.

As the commander of the Imperial Guard and one of Napoleon's closest and most trusted generals, Bessières of course supported Napoleon's decision, even though he admired Xiao Jie very much.

Finally getting the result he wanted, Napoleon breathed a sigh of relief. "Campini, if we change the crown prince by then, what impact do you think this will have on the relationship between our country and some other countries?" Napoleon asked.

Campini thought for a while and said: "In my opinion, the replacement of the crown prince is our country's internal affairs. Even if other countries have any opinions, these are not important. The key is how to deal with our relationship with Iberia. I am afraid that a If it is not good, it will lead to a war between the two sides.”

"War is war. Are we still afraid that he won't succeed?" Before Napoleon said anything, Murat shouted.

Glancing at Murat, Napoleon asked: "Is there any way to avoid it? After all, if we have a war with Iberia, we will lose our own strength. Wouldn't it be cheaper for our enemies. "

"Your Majesty, if we can trick Her Highness Andresi into Paris with the excuse that the Queen is about to give birth, then it will be much more convenient for us to change the Crown Prince, but His Highness Andresi is also a smart person, he will definitely find an excuse to shirk ’” Compagnie suggested.

Napoleon thought for a moment and said, "Try it, if he won't come, forget it." He is not sure whether Mary? Louise can bear him a son, and if it is a daughter, then There is no need to make the relationship with Xiao Jie deadlocked.

On December 20, Mary? Louise's due date arrived. One after another, the carriages stopped in front of the main entrance of the Tuileries Palace. Many members of the royal family, noble ministers, high-ranking generals and wives wore formal dresses to participate in a special party held by Napoleon for Queen Mary? Louise. However, tonight's party is different, because all the dignitaries rushed here to welcome the birth of Napoleon's child. Court physicians such as Dubois, Kovisart, Bourd, Bourdeau, and Oveti arrived here at 7:00 p.m., which happened to be the time when the queen's first labor pains began.

The conversation grew louder and more excited, the ladies gesticulated, and the gentlemen made bets that the 19-year-old queen was likely to bear Napoleon a son, as Napoleon had been expecting for months. Several hours passed, and at midnight, Napoleon ordered people to prepare wine, barbecue, chocolate, and fruit for the guests to eat. A few more hours passed, and the atmosphere of the party became tense, and the conversation gradually died down.

At 6 o'clock the next morning, Napoleon announced to those still present: "The Queen's health is excellent." Then he continued to wait for happiness to come. Nervous and exhausted, Napoleon returned to his room to bathe and eat breakfast, but was interrupted once at seven o'clock by the pale and anxious Doctor Dubois. "Great, she's not dead!" This was Napoleon's first reaction. Her amniotic fluid has broken, it will be a difficult labor. Obviously, Dubois was the most disturbed—for everyone knew perfectly well how anxious Napoleon was now, that his sole purpose in divorcing Josephine was to have an heir—and now that Dubois was about to suffer When he couldn't bear the pressure, Napoleon tried to comfort him: "Relax, just treat her as an ordinary woman and forget that she is a queen!" "But, Your Majesty, now I have to use the pliers." "Ah , God!" Napoleon said in terror, "is that dangerous?" "Your Majesty, you may be given a choice—mother or child?" "Go ahead, Dubois! Don't panic , save mother, I support you." Afterwards, Dubois quickly went downstairs. If it's a matter of life and death, the queen must be rescued and she can have another child. Constance quickly dried Napoleon, who was wearing only a bathrobe; Napoleon followed Dubois through anxious onlookers into her bedroom.

"He walked to her bed, pretended to be very happy, kissed her tenderly, and kept comforting and encouraging her with a low voice." Meneva recalled. Dubois insisted on keeping Corvisart, Napoleon's personal physician, by his side. When Dubois and others tried to pull the child out of the mother's womb, Queen Louise cried out in pain.

When it was all over, Napoleon "glanced at the newborn (albeit a son) on the blanket and wondered if the lifeless thing was dead, and turned to his wife, no longer paying attention to the voiceless little What did something say." Madame de Montesquieu carefully washed the baby, dripping a few drops of eau-de-vie (brand wine) into his small mouth, and carefully wrapped the flushed, quiet little creature in a warm towel. A full seven minutes passed before the child uttered his first cry, a sign of his life. It was only at this moment that everyone noticed that it was a boy. Napoleon leaned slightly to look at the little life, and suddenly stretched out his arms to embrace him, and once again walked into the hall full of imperial dignitaries; he held up the baby boy and announced proudly: "Long live the King of Rome!"

The news reached the fort where the outcome was announced to Paris: a 21-gun salute would be fired if the baby was a girl, and 101 if it was a boy. There was a thunderous cheer from the imperial guards, tens of thousands gathered in the courtyard, and in the gardens of the Tuileries, everyone was counting:  … 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ...The whole of Paris burst into warm cheers and applause, and the carriages flocked to the Tuileries Palace like a tide.

After witnessing the birth as official witnesses, Prince Eugene and the Grand Duke of Würzburg returned to the Great Hall, where Prime Minister Cambáceres named the child Napoleon Francois Joseph ?; Charles ~ ~ Francois is the name of Mary?; Louise's father, King Francis I of Austria; Name of Napoleon's father. After fifteen years of painful and hopeless waiting, Napoleon's rightful heir was finally born.

The long-awaited son of Napoleon will receive an orthodox court education. Madame de Montesquieu will be in charge of all this, assisted by several courtesans. The child is never alone, there are always guards around. At the same time, imperial messengers will announce the birth of the heir to the imperial throne and the news that Queen Mary Louise herself is safe and sound, making the world rejoice. The messenger also brought the news to Josephine at the castle of Navarre—“He has my chest, my lips, my eyes,” Napoleon told her, “and I have no doubts that he will accomplish his mission.” The messenger They went to Berlin, Vienna, and St. Petersburg to bring the news to every garrison officer, mayor, etc. of the Napoleonic Empire. The bells of the cathedrals of Paris were tolling. Madame de Montesquieu carried the baby and entered the room reserved for small children under the protection of military officials. Napoleon received everyone in a trance, and rewarded everyone at the same time: first, he gave his beloved wife pearls worth 500,000 francs, and rewarded Dubois and others with hundreds of thousands of francs for their hard work; Donated 250,000 francs to the poor in Paris.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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