Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 200: bad situation

(There will be another chapter later!)

Under Abel's teasing, Xiao Jie looked a little embarrassed, but he was not angry. On the contrary, he liked the atmosphere a little bit, and the breakfast was over soon. Afterwards, Kofit and Ottof followed the people specially sent by Forbeck to investigate various places in Iberia. Of course, with the help of Xiao Jie, they would not treat them badly, and the places they chose were the best. Well, there are various preferential policies. The rest of the investment group were not so lucky. Although there were many preferential policies, they were a bit inferior compared to Autov and the others. The Andresi Group is Xiao Jie's own, and Autov has only Angel as his heir, and in the end it is still Xiao Jie's, so Xiao Jie's trying to help them now is tantamount to helping himself.

After the two left, only Abel was left alone. Xiao Jie has nothing to do now, so he chatted with Abel. "By the way, why have you come to Iberia?" Xiao Jie asked very puzzled.

"How could I not come? What if you bully my sister?" Abel said with a joking smile.

Xiao Jie smiled and said: "Why would I be angry with her? It's too late for me to love her." But he said in his heart: Of course he has to "bully", and he bullied enough last night.

Abel also knew Xiao Jie's character. Although he was a bit fickle, he was really sincere to her sister, so he didn't get too entangled in this issue, and said, "General Sikes called me here. He said that Ibi Leah has just been pacified, maybe it can be of use to me."

Xiao Jie shook his head: "That's right. Although Iberia has just been pacified, it has basically stabilized now. Besides, the whole Iberia is currently under construction, and the society is still very stable."

"Well, even though I've only been here for a day, I've noticed it. People here are very busy, unlike Paris, where every day is chaotic, prices are soaring, factories are going bankrupt, and a large number of people are also unemployed..."

Xiao Jie frowned. He remembered that the situation was not so bad when he left France: "How could this be? The situation was not so serious a few months ago?"

"Isn't that the emperor's reason? Maybe you don't know. Last month, the Ministry of War issued a new conscription order to recruit another 100,000 troops. At the same time, the tax was also increased by 10%. Frequent turmoil." Abel said with a sigh, revealing his helplessness with the situation. Although he is just a gangster leader now, the society is in such a mess, and hooligans are not easy to mess around with. In order to prevent riots, police and gendarmes were everywhere, which greatly affected Abel's underground industry.

Xiao Jie was a little depressed at this moment, why didn't he know all these news, did all those people in the intelligence department have a holiday? In fact, I don’t blame them. Most of Xiao Jie’s current intelligence sources are obtained from the 88th Army’s own intelligence agency. Coupled with their small number of people and heavy workload, they neglected to collect intelligence on France. No, this situation must be changed, and it is very unfavorable for Xiao Jie to be unable to obtain accurate information in time. "Abel, if you have nothing to do, go back to France right away." Xiao Jie said suddenly.

"Huh? You just drove me away after I came here?" Abel was a little depressed.

"No, I have very important things for you to do. Besides, you are not in France, so you can rest assured that your power will not be affected?" Xiao Jie quickly explained.

Abel didn't know why Xiao Jie suddenly mentioned this, and asked, "Aren't you worried about Andrew?"

Xiao Jie shook his head. Andrew had once sworn allegiance to him, so he was quite at ease: "That's not true, but I don't want a situation where one family dominates France."

Balance, simply put, is to support the weak and strike the strong. Almost all monarchs believe in this, and many national policies have taken this aspect into consideration, such as the continental policy that the United Kingdom has always implemented.

"Okay then, I'll leave tomorrow. Is there anything you want me to do?" Abel was not an ignorant person, so he readily agreed.

"You tell Sikes that I am seriously lacking intelligence in France and other European countries, and ask him to establish a channel to share the information obtained by the Ministry of National Security with me. After the intelligence agency of the 88th Army has finished its work for a while, I will An intelligence agency will be established to be responsible for this aspect, and he will be needed to give strong support at that time," Xiao Jie said.

Abel nodded. He knew that Sikes belonged to Xiao Jie. After Xiao Jie did not serve as the director of the National Security Bureau, Sikes took over the National Security Bureau. He is also the biggest one buried by Xiao Jie in France. Nail, these requests made by Xiao Jie now should be fine. "Is there anything else I can do?" Abel asked.

Xiao Jie thought for a while and said, "Tell Sikes to let him pay attention to all kinds of talents in France, whether it is economic, military, or educational, as long as they are really capable, they will be sent to Iberia. What Lia lacks most is all kinds of talents, and now that the domestic situation in France is so bad, I believe those people will also be happy to have a stable working environment."

Abel nodded, indicating that he remembered it.

"Let him help me tell the president of the French Academy of Sciences, Monge, that I warmly welcome them to Madrid, and that I will build a brand new Academy of Sciences for them, and provide funds and other support for all their research. Of course, if If they don’t want to, they will stop all support for the French Academy of Sciences, and get in touch with individual scientists, especially the scientists I entrust them to conduct scientific research, and try to get them to Madrid.” Xiao Jie continued.

Although Abel didn't know why Xiao Jie attached so much importance to those people, since Xiao Jie requested it, he also remembered it. Because Xiao Jie had to explain too much, he was afraid that he would forget, so he found a piece of paper and wrote down all the things Xiao Jie explained in detail.

"The research institute of Andresi Armory should also be transferred to Madrid as soon as possible, and there may be some obstacles. Let Six find a way to provide them with convenience." Xiao Jie thought for a while and said.

"Well, okay, I wrote it all down, is there anything else?" Abel raised his head and asked.

Xiao Jie smiled, he found that there are still a lot of things to do, think about what else is missing. By the way, it suddenly occurred to him that the construction of the Valencia shipyard had already started, and then his own warship would also start to be built, but it was not enough to have a ship alone, and someone had to drive it? Now the French navy is severely suppressed, and many naval officers and soldiers have chosen to change jobs. At the same time, due to the blockade of the British Navy, many ocean shipping companies have gone bankrupt, and many sailors have lost their jobs. If Xiao Jie wants to take advantage of this to recruit his own naval officers and soldiers, then It couldn't be easier. So he asked Abel to write this down, and when he returned to France, he began to help him recruit those experienced sailors.

Finally remembering all the things Xiao Jie requested, Abel asked: "It should be over this time."

Xiao Jie smiled and said, "It's over, thank you for your hard work."

"Okay then, I'll say goodbye to my sister." Abel put away the paper and stood up.

Xiao Jie nodded, apologized to Abel, and promised to let him have a good time in Iberia when he came next time.

After Abel went out, Xiao Jie pondered. He realized that there was something missing in his plan to build Iberia. His head hurt from thinking about it, and he remembered that his army still lacks a large number of grassroots officers. It is not enough to blindly promote those veterans to replace them, and it is also difficult to rely on domestic military academies to supplement them. Now the relationship with the country is good, and it is still possible to recruit some officers, but what if the relationship deteriorates? So Xiao Jie decided to establish his own military academies, including the Army Academy and the Naval Academy. The students are temporarily selected from ordinary soldiers or low-level officers who have performed well in each army, and the instructors are temporarily guested by the commanders of each army. Then recruit domestically. It seems that Marshal Berthier, the former chief of the French general staff, is at home. It should be a good choice to invite him to be the principal of the army school. As for the naval academy, we have to wait, after all, the navy is still Discuss this matter with Forbeck, and Forbeck shouted that he couldn't take it anymore. Now their work is very heavy, and they have to work overtime every day, and they are still too busy, but now Xiao Jie is putting things on them again. But these things had to be started immediately, so Xiao Jie had no choice but to let the military do it.

More than half a month later, it was already the beginning of May, and a twenty-page analysis of the situation in France and Europe was delivered to Xiao Jie. After Abel returned to Paris, he conveyed Xiao Jie's request to Sikes. After spending a lot of manpower and material resources, he established a "channel" for fast information transmission. Every three days, Sikes would send the French Information from all over the country and Europe was transmitted to Xiao Jie through this "channel", allowing Xiao Jie to grasp the latest information in time so that he can make a correct judgment on the situation. In the case that the telegraph has not yet been invented, such efficiency is considered very good. At the same time, Xiao Jie secretly made up his mind that after the people from the Academy of Sciences arrived, he must concentrate on getting the telegraph out.

After spending an afternoon, Xiao Jie finally finished reading the analysis of the situation in France and Europe, and his overall feeling was: "The current situation is really **** terrible."

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to .FU., more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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